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Today begins the 30th rendition of Shark Week...

  1. #81
    S6x African Astronaut
    Originally posted by Cootehill Sweet, just ordered 100mg last night.

    Can't wait to inject that shit.

    Dude careful. one teaspoon is a leathal dose. some stupid people don't use the tiny measuring scoop and it says that they think a healthy lump of this powder is what they need to add to an 8oz drink. they end up at ER

    buy the pills in gel capsuls. they're 200mg and open and dip them into a smoothy. or even half of one. it's bitter as hell (it states) and that one of the reviewers stated probably to keep kids from eating it. it has a strong bitter taste.

    it would be cool if they sold empty gel capsuls so you can half dose properly and then pour the other half in to an empty one for tomorrow to double the shelf time.

    but that would probably place you on a DEA watchlist.. lol for empty capsul purchases.
  2. #82
    Originally posted by WellHung My favorite shark is the shortfin mako. It's a pelagic shark. Hbu?

    Might favorite is slightly battered and deep fried.
  3. #83
    WellHung Black Hole
    Originally posted by Jiggaboo_Johnson Might favorite is slightly battered and deep fried.

    Much better than shark fin soup. The gooks love it but I think it's overrated.
  4. #84
    A bunch of us went "shark" fishing a few years ago in the Gulf...we paid $100 each about 15 of us and the boat captain took us 12 miles out...and then just followed shrimp boats as all the little 3ft sharks hung behind them looking for scraps.

    We all caught one of these 'pretend' sharks and felt a bit ripped off. They provided the rods and the line tension on my reel was set at like if you got anything on it flew off the reel all dramatic like. I was adjusting my tension and the guy ran over "what are you doing...don't do that"...I said "umm dude you have like 30lb line on here and the tension is at 10lbs...why"...

    I guess they are used to idiots going on the boat and not knowing a fucking thing about fishing.

    Anyway when we got back to shore there was a dude there filleting for $5 so had him fillet my "pretend" shark and stuck it in my freezer, about 6 months later I found it and deep fried it and it was surprisingly good.
  5. #85
    WellHung Black Hole
    Originally posted by Jiggaboo_Johnson A bunch of us went "shark" fishing a few years ago in the Gulf…we paid $100 each about 15 of us and the boat captain took us 12 miles out…and then just followed shrimp boats as all the little 3ft sharks hung behind them looking for scraps.

    We all caught one of these 'pretend' sharks and felt a bit ripped off. They provided the rods and the line tension on my reel was set at like 10lbs…so if you got anything on it flew off the reel all dramatic like. I was adjusting my tension and the guy ran over "what are you doing…don't do that"…I said "umm dude you have like 30lb line on here and the tension is at 10lbs…why"…

    I guess they are used to idiots going on the boat and not knowing a fucking thing about fishing.

    Anyway when we got back to shore there was a dude there filleting for $5 so had him fillet my "pretend" shark and stuck it in my freezer, about 6 months later I found it and deep fried it and it was surprisingly good.

    Hell yeah. Id rather eat stuff from the sea than eat stuff from land, any day of the week...
  6. #86
    WellHung Black Hole
    the little ones taste better and have less mercury than the big ones, daddio...
  7. #87
    Originally posted by WellHung the little ones taste better and have less mercury than the big ones, daddio…

    Just like women.
  8. #88
    ~L J~ African Astronaut [this acceleratory nonflavored troubadour]
  9. #89
    Originally posted by ~L J~

    I doubt that's true...women after all bleed and sharks like that.

    If you had 50 women in the water and 50 men I think it would be pretty even unless it was time of the month and they were all synchronized then it would be mostly women for lunch
  10. #90
    infinityshock Black Hole
    Originally posted by ~L J~

    sharks be raciss and sheet
  11. #91
    ~L J~ African Astronaut [this acceleratory nonflavored troubadour]
    Jig, I doubt it true, also. I just thought it was humorous. Lol

    Yea they are, Fin.
  12. #92
    WellHung Black Hole
    Cuz surfers are mostly men.
  13. #93
    Originally posted by WellHung Cuz surfers are mostly men.

    I guess most sailors are too, so it's really just a "per capita" number rather than a gender preference...which raises the point statistically if you are a tranny you are probably very safe swimming in the ocean when it comes to shark attacks.
  14. #94
    benny vader YELLOW GHOST
    Originally posted by Jiggaboo_Johnson A bunch of us went "shark" fishing a few years ago in the Gulf…we paid $100 each about 15 of us and the boat captain took us 12 miles out…and then just followed shrimp boats as all the little 3ft sharks hung behind them looking for scraps.

    We all caught one of these 'pretend' sharks and felt a bit ripped off. They provided the rods and the line tension on my reel was set at like 10lbs…so if you got anything on it flew off the reel all dramatic like. I was adjusting my tension and the guy ran over "what are you doing…don't do that"…I said "umm dude you have like 30lb line on here and the tension is at 10lbs…why"…

    I guess they are used to idiots going on the boat and not knowing a fucking thing about fishing.

    Anyway when we got back to shore there was a dude there filleting for $5 so had him fillet my "pretend" shark and stuck it in my freezer, about 6 months later I found it and deep fried it and it was surprisingly good.

    fishing the helpless fishes is the most deplorable pass time a human can engage in.

    its worse than mollesting childrens.
  15. #95
    benny vader YELLOW GHOST
    Originally posted by infinityshock sharks be raciss and sheet

    especially the white ones.
  16. #96
    infinityshock Black Hole
    sharks dont intentionally consume...or attempt to consume...humans unless they are desperate.

    humans have evolved to be 'undesirable' prey items due to a nutrient-to-energy required to get the consumable parts ratio that favors not being eaten.
  17. #97
    infinityshock Black Hole
    Originally posted by benny vader fishing the helpless fishes is the most deplorable pass time a human can engage in.

    its worse than mollesting childrens.

    stfu idiot.

    fish are a food source and its a means of acquiring sustenance.

    its no worse than eating a cow or potato
  18. #98
    Originally posted by benny vader fishing the helpless fishes is the most deplorable pass time a human can engage in.

    its worse than mollesting childrens.

    And less satisfying.
  19. #99
    Archer513 African Astronaut
    Ppl should stay out of the ocean

    It’s fuckin polluted and creepy
  20. "Ocean spray" drink (the juice people), "ocean water" drink (sonic drive in)...probably a bad choice of names in light of the current pollution levels.

    It's like that gummy diet pill in the 70s called AYDS...yep it makes you lose weight..

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