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The Retarded Thread: Get Rekt, Faggot!

  1. mmQ Lisa Turtle
    Originally posted by Kolokol-1 That particular type of woman tends to look better with clothes on anyway

    I understand. Is that because fully exposed synthetic bodies are less attractive? I mean, I understand the allure of the skimpy, revealing clothing, but why is it better on THIS TYPE OF WOMAN as opposed to the other types with "good" bodies?
  2. mmQ Lisa Turtle
    Also, I'm going to ask again. It's just a chance for someone to give me a fun little analogy explaining what GABA is and how it affects us?

    I'd like to know why , again, my psychiatrist doesn't ask me about it or mention it. How IMPORTANT IS IT?

    FUCK. The term gets brought up around here so much I figured someone would chomp at the bit to explain it to me and flex their ego a little bit. What's wrong with you guys? Lol
  3. LegalizeSpiritualDiscovery Space Nigga [my yellow-marked arboreous hypnotist]
    Fucking delays transferring ETH from coinbase. Hopefully TRX waits to blow up until I get some. Guess I'll take this time to research what else to get.
    The following users say it would be alright if the author of this post didn't die in a fire!
  4. Lanny Bird of Courage
    draw a venn diagram with a circle for being drunk and a circle for being barred out and that magic overlapping spot in the middle is GABA
  5. LegalizeSpiritualDiscovery Space Nigga [my yellow-marked arboreous hypnotist]
    Nvm it went through.
  6. Originally posted by LegalizeSpiritualDiscovery Fucking delays transferring ETH from coinbase. Hopefully TRX waits to blow up until I get some. Guess I'll take this time to research what else to get.

    I waited 8 hours for an ETH transfer today. In that time TRX was like .09 and then it shot up to .3. I got excited and bought at .29 :( Whatever, it'll probably go up so it isn't a big deal. I'm still WAY up on it since I bought in at .03. Was so stoked when I saw my 25 turned into 250.
  7. Originally posted by Lanny draw a venn diagram with a circle for being drunk and a circle for being barred out and that magic overlapping spot in the middle is GABA

    you're an academic!

    gaba-a is benzos
    gaba-b is phenibut/baclofer
    gaba allesoteric modulator(increases function of the GABA molecule) is alcohol
  8. mmQ Lisa Turtle
    Originally posted by Lanny draw a venn diagram with a circle for being drunk and a circle for being barred out and that magic overlapping spot in the middle is GABA

    What? JESUS FUCK!! So I don't want GABA? GABA = Drunk and blacked out stupid? I am really trying to avoid having to simply Google it.
  9. GABA is the main inhibitory neurotransmitter in the human body, glutamate is the main excitatory transmitter

    more GABA = less brain activity/depressant
    more Glutamate = more brain activity
    The following users say it would be alright if the author of this post didn't die in a fire!
  10. mmQ Lisa Turtle
    Originally posted by Fromus Krokus GABA is the main inhibitory neurotransmitter in the human body, glutamate is the main excitatory transmitter

    more GABA = less brain activity/depressant
    more Glutamate = more brain activity

    Thank you, sploo. At least a reasonable response. Can someone confirm its accuracy?

    So the goal is to get rid of GABA if you want to be smart and creative? What's GABAPENTIN do? Why do people take it?
  11. why does anyone need to confirm the accuracy im a fucking neurosci textbook

    gabapentin is a prodrug of the GABA molecule, but doesn't work as a GABAergic in the brain, instead its a calcium channel blocker highly specific to the a a2 subunit, and drugs that affect that subunit are called gabapentinoids. calcium is also an element used in neuron transmission and is also excitatory, so blocking this has an inhibitory effect, but is different from GABA and has different effects, even though they're similar in some ways since they're both depressants (reduce neurotransmission), the same way opiates are vaguely similar to alcohol because they're both depressants
    The following users say it would be alright if the author of this post didn't die in a fire!
  12. more brain activity doesn't = smarter, smart people actually have less activated networks typically because their brains are more efficient

    people with OCD and anxiety have extremely overactive brain networks, leading to neuron death from excitoxicity (excitation -> toxicity), and the reduction of activity from a depressant like alcohol will linearly reduce anxiety
  13. Originally posted by mmQ Also, I'm going to ask again. It's just a chance for someone to give me a fun little analogy explaining what GABA is and how it affects us?

    I'd like to know why , again, my psychiatrist doesn't ask me about it or mention it. How IMPORTANT IS IT?

    FUCK. The term gets brought up around here so much I figured someone would chomp at the bit to explain it to me and flex their ego a little bit. What's wrong with you guys? Lol

    GABA is a type of neurotransmitter in the brain. Neurotransmitters can be thought of as the vehicle which drives chemicals from point A to point B. They facilitate the ability to help humans process everything that makes us run. Adrenaline, oxytocin, testosterone, alcohol... they are all dependent on neurotransmitters.

    Your GABA receptors process a few different drugs. Alcohol, benzos, phenibut. But they don't all run through the same GABA receptors. Alcohol, for instance, runs through GABA-a. Phenibut runs through GABA-b. Despite this, a few of them have cross-tolerance.

    Most GABA agonists that people do recreationally metabolize via the CYP450 enzymes, which basically act as a defense against the drug and aid your liver in getting rid of it, basically treating it as the intruder it is. Some people have a gene which makes them produce too many CYP450 enzymes, and thus it takes more for them to say, get drunk. Others have too little, and they get drunk very easily. There are different genes at play here, so you might have like, someone who produces waaay too much and thus gets seemingly no effect from opiates. That one is actually somewhat common.

    Why is this important? Because so many GABA drugs metabolize via CYP450, they drain the available enzymes, leaving people with too little and thus making them get extremely fucked up. This is why downing 400 bars before your drinking session is a bad idea. It potentiates the alcohol and makes it easier to overdose on alcohol through respiratory depression or whatever (see: Not breathing.) When you combine a GABA drug like alcohol with something else that causes NOT BREATHING, like morphine, they both become far more potent than they would be if you take a drug alone. This is why mixing depressants is dangerous. People are idiots and just take their normal dose and die.

    GABA has been linked to things like the production of melatonin and insulin. Now, your GABA levels aren't really linked to enzyme levels, but banging on your receptors like GABA agonist binges tends to do leaves them all beat up and unable to process whatever chemicals it needs to as well. This usually heals over time unless you are taking neurotoxic damage by consuming certain drugs or by consuming too much of a certain drug. Neurotoxicity basically means the receptor is damaged forever and will never work the same as it used to.
    The following users say it would be alright if the author of this post didn't die in a fire!
  14. Originally posted by Fromus Krokus more brain activity doesn't = smarter, smart people actually have less activated networks typically because their brains are more efficient

    as exemplified by

    Originally posted by 哈哈你看不懂中文 GABA is a type of neurotransmitter in the brain. Neurotransmitters can be thought of as the vehicle which drives chemicals from point A to point B. They facilitate the ability to help humans process everything that makes us run. Adrenaline, oxytocin, testosterone, alcohol… they are all dependent on neurotransmitters.

    Your GABA receptors process a few different drugs. Alcohol, benzos, phenibut. But they don't all run through the same GABA receptors. Alcohol, for instance, runs through GABA-a. Phenibut runs through GABA-b. Despite this, a few of them have cross-tolerance.

    Most GABA agonists that people do recreationally metabolize via the CYP450 enzymes, which basically act as a defense against the drug and aid your liver in getting rid of it, basically treating it as the intruder it is. Some people have a gene which makes them produce too many CYP450 enzymes, and thus it takes more for them to say, get drunk. Others have too little, and they get drunk very easily. There are different genes at play here, so you might have like, someone who produces waaay too much and thus gets seemingly no effect from opiates. That one is actually somewhat common.

    Why is this important? Because so many GABA drugs metabolize via CYP450, they drain the available enzymes, leaving people with too little and thus making them get extremely fucked up. This is why downing 400 bars before your drinking session is a bad idea. It potentiates the alcohol and makes it easier to overdose on alcohol through respiratory depression or whatever (see: Not breathing.) When you combine a GABA drug like alcohol with something else that causes NOT BREATHING, like morphine, they both become far more potent than they would be if you take a drug alone. This is why mixing depressants is dangerous. People are idiots and just take their normal dose and die.

    GABA has been linked to things like the production of melatonin and insulin. Now, your GABA levels aren't really linked to enzyme levels, but banging on your receptors like GABA agonist binges tends to do leaves them all beat up and unable to process whatever chemicals it needs to as well. This usually heals over time unless you are taking neurotoxic damage by consuming certain drugs or by consuming too much of a certain drug. Neurotoxicity basically means the receptor is damaged forever and will never work the same as it used to.

    i was just laying down the facts then §m£ÂgØL has to get on his fedora horse
  15. Originally posted by Fromus Krokus more brain activity doesn't = smarter, smart people actually have less activated networks typically because their brains are more efficient

    people with OCD and anxiety have extremely overactive brain networks, leading to neuron death from excitoxicity (excitation -> toxicity), and the reduction of activity from a depressant like alcohol will linearly reduce anxiety

    Alcoholism excuses for psychonauts #112
  16. mmQ Lisa Turtle
  17. Originally posted by Fromus Krokus as exemplified by

    i was just laying down the facts then §m£ÂgØL has to get on his fedora horse

    That you feel threatened by me is hilarious. Just trying to harm reduction
  18. CYP450 literally metabolizes like everything ever

    your liver enzymes getting depleted doesn't potentiate it you fucking idiot, if anything, the fact that your body can't metabolize the chemical since the enzymes are occupied means it will have either a reduced or longer effect, not stronger. the reason its stronger when mixing GABA drugs is because when the GABA drugs dont work on the same subunit, they have a multiplicative rather than additive effect because the GABA cell is like WTF

    wear your fedora some more the fact that you're bad at everything is hilarious
  19. mmQ Lisa Turtle
    So if I took gabapentin, knowing my liking of alcohol or what you know of, can you make a decent guess as to how it might affect me or is that literally impossible to know until I take it?
  20. i drank a cup of coffee so now i cant have a beer... muh CYP450 ='(

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