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The R'tarded thread: The Shitfucking Edidtion 💩🖕

  1. mmQ Lisa Turtle
    Originally posted by Technologist Good morning all. First day back to work. 12 hrs ahead of me ugh.

    Have fun!

    Duck. I have to be work in 2 hours and I am trying to think of excuses not to.

    I'm gonna retype that para1grapgh the way I feel now with no edits

    Fuck. I have 5i be 5o work in 2 hours and I am teujnt 5o 5uitn or ed7seee jo5n5o
  2. mmQ Lisa Turtle
    Originally posted by Rear Naked Joke Was the style of the time to tie an onion to your belt?

    Oronion's Belt. No. It was just a conference
  3. Think I might order an oz of mush today to fix my brain up a bit. It got fucked up pretty bad lately.
  4. Jackrabbitpsych African Astronaut
    I'm off today
  5. Originally posted by mmQ I dreamed i was at an onion conference last night and that is all I can remember. I kept waking up and plantessing every 30 minutes

    I kept lucid dreaming and I'd feel fully aware of the fact that I was inside the dream and some stressful/intense event would occur and I would briefly panic but then calm myself down by reminding myself I was actually in my bed and safe, and not in that situation. Each time I did this though I'd jolt awake for a minute or so then fall back asleep and return to the same dream at the same timepoint of what was happening as if someone just hit Pause in the dream when I actively woke up until I could return to it. I was aware it was happening the whole time but couldn't control it obviously.

    Then I dreamed of that damn girl I was talking about and I was with her and her kid at some like picnic type thing and she was sitting next to me in a swing type thing leaning into me putting her head on my shoulder and said "you make me feel safe". Woke up and felt creeped the fuck out instinctively and I messaged the girl on FB to make sure she was ok and she said her boyfriend had just broke up with her like 10 minutes prior and she was running from his apartment. She's okay though. Today is her first day off heroin also.
  6. The job I quit says I didn't actually quit even though I walked in there in a suit and shook my boss' hand and said "I quit" and still have me listed as an employee, just under "medical leave". I wonder if I can just wait for them to fire me and see it they have to pay me unemployment over it lol.
  7. Holy shit medical leave is the greatest, I've gotten out of two jobs with it and got free government money

    The medical reason was drug addiction and i spent the money on drugs!
  8. mmQ Lisa Turtle
    Originally posted by Solstice The job I quit says I didn't actually quit even though I walked in there in a suit and shook my boss' hand and said "I quit" and still have me listed as an employee, just under "medical leave". I wonder if I can just wait for them to fire me and see it they have to pay me unemployment over it lol.

    What was your position?
  9. Missionary
  10. 8stringflinG African Astronaut
    Originally posted by Solstice Think I might order an oz of mush today to fix my brain up a bit. It got fucked up pretty bad lately.

    I told you nigga
  11. Octavian motherfucker
    I fucking HATE that Greta Thurnberg. Annoying little twat moaning about Climate change whilst conveying this Nobel laureate worthy act on stage.

    Fuck off!
  12. I'll give her 97% of my dick
  13. Originally posted by 8stringflinG I told you nigga

    Hey at least I recognize it/admit it sooner than most others. I'm realizing I probably should be on a mood stabilizer despite my desire to avoid pharmaceuticals because I'm obviously bipolar as fuck and there's no way for me to fix/manage that by my own means. Problem is if I go on Lithium or something I won't be able to self regulate depression symptoms with psychedelics anymore and microdosing was so effective for me that I'm a bit torn on which direction to go. Can't exactly explain it like that to the doctor though of course.
  14. I just registered to vote for the first time in my life and am thinking of going to an AA meeting in two hours. What the hell is happening to me?
  15. 8stringflinG African Astronaut
    Originally posted by Solstice Hey at least I recognize it/admit it sooner than most others. I'm realizing I probably should be on a mood stabilizer despite my desire to avoid pharmaceuticals because I'm obviously bipolar as fuck and there's no way for me to fix/manage that by my own means. Problem is if I go on Lithium or something I won't be able to self regulate depression symptoms with psychedelics anymore and microdosing was so effective for me that I'm a bit torn on which direction to go. Can't exactly explain it like that to the doctor though of course.

    Some people even microdose with lithium I hear.
  16. Originally posted by 8stringflinG Some people even microdose with lithium I hear.

    I'll have to read into that. Was kind of thinking it probably wouldn't affect serotonin enough in microdoses to complicate the mood stabilizer. If anything I might just have to lower my microdose amounts because they tend to be a bit higher than most others report.
  17. mmQ Lisa Turtle
    Originally posted by Solstice I just registered to vote for the first time in my life and am thinking of going to an AA meeting in two hours. What the hell is happening to me?

    Reminds me of when I took prozac like 6 years ago now and I just started waking up early and making my bed and doing kind acts for strangers early in the day. I asked myself the same thing .
  18. 8stringflinG African Astronaut
    Originally posted by mmQ Reminds me of when I took prozac like 6 years ago now and I just started waking up early and making my bed and doing kind acts for strangers early in the day. I asked myself the same thing .

    You still make your bed?
  19. mmQ Lisa Turtle
    Originally posted by 8stringflinG You still make your bed?

  20. mmQ Lisa Turtle
    My bed makes ME
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