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The Retardest Thread: Fashionably Late Edition.

  1. NARCassist gollums fat coach
    Originally posted by infinityshock

    jill would you say this guy was in the right or the wrong?

  2. NARCassist gollums fat coach
    i forgot to post the video, lol.

  3. Originally posted by Something Squirrel RAID

    i loved spraying frogs in the eyes and than lighting them up...ate the legs later with some bbq sauce. can't waste those babies
  4. aldra JIDF Controlled Opposition
    Originally posted by DietPiano I want to use an MAOI the next I try dmt because I suck at getting that awful musty basement smelling vapor down my lungs for very long. Syrian rue sounds like a good availability/desired effects compromise, but I only see a few crappy looking ebay ads.

    pretty sure I've heard you can get it from health food stores in the US; see if you can find a big online distributor
  5. Originally posted by aldra wut

    in terms of drug law and interdiction, I think Australia's substantially worse off

    The wording of the UK's Psychoactive Substances Act of 2016 was very, very poorly worded. It effectively created a whitelist for legal substances, making everything which isn't on the list illegal. The problem lies in their wording, where they describe a psychoactive drug as anything that is "stimulating or depressing the person’s central nervous system." This obviously includes basically fucking everything, giving them a wide berth to ban and prosecute whatever substances they feel like.

    Essentially anything ingested which elicits any type of response is now technically banned. Perfume, flowers, the smell of good food, etc. This is all technically illegal due to their horrendous definition of a 'psychoactive substance." Obviously these aren't actually prosecuted against, but the law poses a big problem when you look at things like supplements because even innocuous substances like fish oil are technically illegal under this act. It's pretty fucked up. Even with their wording, they should've done it on a blacklist based system like every other country. I see a lot of people online who are confused when trying to buy nootropics because they aren't sure whether or not they'll get prosecuted if customs finds them.
  6. Malice Naturally Camouflaged
    Originally posted by aldra my girlfriend did that; what a joke that option is

    Which one? Delays for major depressive episodes? It's not a joke if you have serious bipolar swings. I'm just immoral, though, but it helps you get ahead effectively.

    Originally posted by DietPiano In the workforce, employers will be more than happy to ignore deadlines to give you extra time to finish your work, and will let you come in a few hours late everyday or take a couple months off! (If you show that you're disabled)

    What a crock. Explain to me how gaming the system at every turn along the way serves as an accurate predictor for whether or not one can make it post-academia

    It's not a predictor, it's about maximizing GPA and time for other aspects that will increase your chance of transferring to the best university you can, then you still have GPA maximization. The return on investment over a lifetime is well worth it.
  7. Malice Naturally Camouflaged
    I hate the return of the feeling that you always need to be doing something productive. It reminds me of East Asians and jedis.

    It feels like a form of slavery.
  8. What the actual fuck are ladybugs.
  9. Originally posted by Something Squirrel What the actual fuck are ladybugs.

    They're like regular bugs but they'll suck you off for 5 bhat
    The following users say it would be alright if the author of this post didn't die in a fire!
  10. Originally posted by Malice I'm just immoral, though

    actually you're just someone with a brain disorder who never has any hope of getting better no matter what precautions you take, and any momentary happiness you feel will lead to massively more suicidal urges and depression. you will die in a ditch unhappy with no one giving a fuck about you. do it for yourself already so i stop have to read the posts of someone with the brain structure of a cockroach
    The following users say it would be alright if the author of this post didn't die in a fire!
  11. infinityshock Black Hole
    Originally posted by NARCassist jill would you say this guy was in the right or the wrong?

    Originally posted by infinityshock niggers…with radio too loud…federal probation distro coke…

    - cant play the radio as loud as you want regardless of residential area or highway

    - cop should have ended the discussion and left it at 'im citing your for reason xxxx for violating yyyy and youre not being found guilty or innocent at this time. that is up to the discretion of the judge and if you have any disagreement take it up with him'

    - the cop was going to give him a warning but no, the nigger has to get all uppity. now he gets to sit there and wait while the popo is back in his car texting his friends…checking his facebook…

    in all seriousness, if it were me i would have just emptied the magazine into that upitty nigger

    and fuck you for getting this handsome and well tanned individual video on my screen, you i­lliterate reatard
  12. Malice Naturally Camouflaged
    Originally posted by Da Leg Itches actually you're just someone with a brain disorder who never has any hope of getting better no matter what precautions you take, and any momentary happiness you feel will lead to massively more suicidal urges and depression. you will die in a ditch unhappy with no one giving a fuck about you. do it for yourself already so i stop have to read the posts of someone with the brain structure of a cockroach

    That's perfectly possible, but there's a higher chance this is true for you.
  13. Soyboy African Astronaut [relevantly rival my dehydroretinol]
    Originally posted by Malice That's perfectly possible, but there's a higher chance this is true for you.

  14. You niggers need Jesus.
    The following users say it would be alright if the author of this post didn't die in a fire!
  15. Originally posted by Malice It's not a predictor, it's about maximizing GPA and time for other aspects that will increase your chance of transferring to the best university you can, then you still have GPA maximization. The return on investment over a lifetime is well worth it.

    That was a decent answer
  16. Originally posted by Solstice You niggers need Jesus.

  17. Sophie Pedophile Tech Support
    Originally posted by Malice That's perfectly possible, but there's a higher chance this is true for you.

    Thought you were planning to kill yourself? Not that i want you dead, but did you reconsider?
  18. Malice Naturally Camouflaged
    I was planning on killing myself in a month or two. Actually, I had stated that I was uncertain and wanted to make a decision within that timeframe.

    I could still change my my mind due to various aspects of life I immensely dislike, even if I feel happy.
  19. Originally posted by Malice I was planning on killing myself in a month or two. Actually, I had stated that I was uncertain and wanted to make a decision within that timeframe.

    I could still change my my mind due to various aspects of life I immensely dislike, even if I feel happy.

    You seemed pretty fucking intent. It had gotten to the extent that you'd actually ordered the drugs to kill yourself, and iirc, you said that having those drugs brought you solace because you knew you could end it at any time.

    So what's the situation? Do you have the drugs now? If so, what were your thoughts when it all arrived? Are you still considering suicide?
  20. Sophie Pedophile Tech Support
    Yeah, i remember you ordering like 500$ in drugs to off yourself with.

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