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The Retardest Thread: Fashionably Late Edition.

  1. aldra JIDF Controlled Opposition
    Originally posted by NARCassist did plato have autism then?

    he means him and autism are just friends
  2. Originally posted by Malice I have transcended the physical realm and become the Platonic ideal of autism.

    a modicum of self awareness achieved!
  3. NARCassist gollums fat coach
    Originally posted by lempoid loompus ive been working on this untimed test on and off for the past few days its pretty fun for a challenge < the pdphile

    i have answers for about 20 of them pretty sure i have at least 15 right, havent submitted yet

    well that pretty much proves what i've said all along that you go through these tests getting all the answers before taking them to ensure you get a high score. doesn't count dude.

  4. i figure them out by staring at them for a few minutes and trying to find patterns
  5. NARCassist gollums fat coach
    Originally posted by lempoid loompus if the tests statistical analysis was based on a sample of people who have never been IQ tested before, my scores would be inflated. meaning my scores on a test like RAPM or WAIS would be meaningless

    if it was based on a sample of people who take IQ tests all of the time who were assessed before any of that, then my scores are accurate, something like 150-160, best score at 166. meaning im scoring better than people who have taken dozens of IQ tests as well as have been professionally assessed by psychologists long before that and scoring 145+.

    you're just seeing what you want to see young sploogook


  6. mmQ Lisa Turtle
    Hi I have transcended retard km retard just realized resteded me!
  7. Originally posted by RestStop What are your thoughts on 5-htp as a supplement?

    Works for very mild depression, that's about it

    Don't use it with gabaergics, causes instant blackout
  8. NARCassist gollums fat coach
    Originally posted by mmQ Can a person be successful working hospitality jobs their whole life? Can they "have a life" while doing so? If a man lives to 75 having worked exclusively in medium-wage jobs their whole life are they a fucking lower?

    Don't get sensitive on me I'm genuinely curious as to your thoughts on that.

    success is subjective. i don't know why people have such a hard time understanding this. maybe its something to do with having that 'american dream' shoveled into your minds from a young age.

    i mean if all i wanted for my life was to be a wandering hobbo sleeping in shop doorways and under bridges and i became that, then my life was hugely successful. nowataremean?

  9. The problem with American kids is their parents and schools teach them that they can be anything they want to be, and the world is their oyster,then when they get into the real world and it's absolute shit, they don't know what to do and freak the fuck out

    especially if they now have 40k in student debt and are working next to the dropouts at the burger shack

    One of four things happens:

    1. Suicide

    2. Drugs


    4. Work a job, have a family, take their antidepressants, gather various meaningless status symbols to impress coworkers, and try to convince themselves and those around them that they're happy

  10. mmQ Lisa Turtle
    Originally posted by NARCassist success is subjective. i don't know why people have such a hard time understanding this. maybe its something to do with having that 'american dream' shoveled into your minds from a young age.

    i mean if all i wanted for my life was to be a wandering hobbo sleeping in shop doorways and under bridges and i became that, then my life was hugely successful. nowataremean?


    Excly m8. Not to say one shouldn't strive for "more," but at the end of the day, if you're making a living, keeping a roof over your head, foods and waters, and enjoying life, it really is all good. Some might take 500 vacations and live in LUXURY during their stay here on earth, and some don't get all that, but get along just fine anyway. At the end of the day, I'd rather be me than say.. Donald Trump. Easy
  11. NARCassist gollums fat coach
    Originally posted by lempoid loompus it means if you and everyone with similar intelligence to you got euthanized and the geniuses were able to reproduce uninhibited the world would be a 10000x better place

  12. Originally posted by lempoid loompus it means if you and everyone with similar intelligence to you got euthanized and the geniuses were able to reproduce uninhibited the world would be a 10000x better place

    You think I'm bad, you should meet my family

    If nature had been allowed to take its course like it should, there's absolutely no chance in hell that I would've ever been born
  13. NARCassist gollums fat coach
    Originally posted by lempoid loompus opiates are shit drugs and the only people who enjoy them are already addicted to them. just like nicotine

    you wouldn't know tho pal. you're not old enough to have the life experience to draw on to make that comparison. you certainly haven't used enough opiates and considering on top of that your drugs of choice makes that statement laughable.

  14. NARCassist gollums fat coach
    Originally posted by Juicebox Heroin doesn't give me any euphoria, and it lasts like 15 minutes.

    well i'm sorry to hear that son, sux to be you.

  15. Originally posted by NARCassist well i'm sorry to hear that son, sux to be you.


    I was just making the point to spoo that different drugs affect different people differently, not trying to start that discussion up again

    But I see it as a good thing. The vast majority of my family is full of drug addicts, and most of their DOC is heroin

    Also, the wonderful effects I get from tramadol more than makes up for it IMO
  16. Obbe Alan What? [annoy my right-angled speediness]
  17. NARCassist gollums fat coach
    Originally posted by Obbe

    that looks fucking disgusting

    The following users say it would be alright if the author of this post didn't die in a fire!
  18. I wouldn't say "disgusting"

  19. RestStop Space Nigga
    SWAG :

  20. does that woman realize she's nothing but a sperm dumpster

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