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The Retardest Thread: Fashionably Late Edition.

  1. Malice Naturally Camouflaged
    Mein Leiden
  2. Originally posted by Malice Dude, you have no idea. I took it to an insane degree for a prolonged period. Some people here may remember how huge my stack was, how many substances I experimented with and researched.

    There were very good reasons for that as well. I am unbelievably fucked up and was in an unbearable state of constant suffering.

    It may have been very similar to the desperation you felt when you had cancer.

    It hasn't done you a damn bit of a good because you're still as mentally damaged as the rest of us here who struggle with mental health yet you talk down to everyone as if you've figured it all out and cured yourself. Even now you just want benzos and amphetamines; what a coincidence, the two most abusable forms of psychiatric medicine.
  3. I will destroy each and every single man woman and child
    The following users say it would be alright if the author of this post didn't die in a fire!
  4. Malice just blames the fuck out of everything else but himself for his problems
  5. can malice just kill himself already

    theres no point correcting him, its just going to add fuel to his current retarded delusion. he's permanently going to be stuck in this loop of miserable cringey illogical autism until his brain ceases to fire signals
  6. Sploo you are literally 100% a facsimile of Malice. And you are also on a similar trajectory.

    Perhaps your hatred of Malice stems from your hatred for all of the things wrong with poor widdle johnston ekin, who could never get the girls or any friends so he acted weird to get people to like him.

    Take this advice. Fuck, even insult me back with your generic bullshit insults and act like you won't take this advice, but take the advice in secret: examine malice and do everything the opposite of what he does (except actually do go to the gym like him, you are a feeble boy). Correct your course. You are stiull young, you still have time.
  7. Originally posted by WhiskeyPhoenix I was watching a TV show with someone using Skype and the notification sounds gave me anxiety. "Oh fuck! She's calling again!"

  8. Originally posted by Jeremus Sploo you are literally 100% a facsimile of Malice. And you are also on a similar trajectory.

    Perhaps your hatred of Malice stems from your hatred for all of the things wrong with poor widdle johnston ekin, who could never get the girls or any friends so he acted weird to get people to like him.

    Take this advice. Fuck, even insult me back with your generic bullshit insults and act like you won't take this advice, but take the advice in secret: examine malice and do everything the opposite of what he does (except actually do go to the gym like him, you are a feeble boy). Correct your course. You are stiull young, you still have time.

    dude. im like better than you in every imaginable way. why do you even attempt this. im smarter than you, better looking than you, more interesting than you, funnier than you, less annoying, more creative, etc. im probably even stronger and taller than you. at least malice has some special skills i might not have developed. why do you keep on trying to get me to acknowledge you?
  9. SpatianHaigency Tuskegee Airman
    Originally posted by NARCassist i was first taken into care having been beaten and neglected by my biological mother at less than 1 year old. i was sent back and subsequently taken back into care a further 7 times for the exact same reason over the next 3 years, before finally being forceably adopted by my foster and current parents, through the high court in london. my earliest memory was being in a cot in a small room with this overwhelming feeling of absolute terror and crying out for attention and nobody coming. i was literally crying for the attention of the person who was beating me through near starvation, but i was too young to really understand what these feelings meant or were about. after going through that, being beaten by my own primary care-giver at such a young age and surviving, there ain't no cunt who can really scare me now. i've not met a single motherfucker who even came close to be honest.


    Fucking hell i hope hes dead
  10. Originally posted by SpatianHaigency Fucking hell i hope hes dead

    moms are women usually
    The following users say it would be alright if the author of this post didn't die in a fire!
  11. If you said "you're a 100% facsimile of malice without the retardation and autism" i might have agreed with you. I'm introverted, lazy, and neurotic so i guess there are your similarities.
  12. RestStop Space Nigga
    My best friend that served 7 years has been calling me all day. Now that I'm awake I really don't want to call him back and that's why I'm a horrible person.
  13. RestStop Space Nigga
    And now I'm a space nigga. Yay!
    The following users say it would be alright if the author of this post didn't die in a fire!
  14. Originally posted by lightray dude. im like better than you in every imaginable way. why do you even attempt this. im smarter than you, better looking than you, more interesting than you, funnier than you, less annoying, more creative, etc. im probably even stronger and taller than you. at least malice has some special skills i might not have developed.

    why do you keep on trying to get me to acknowledge you?

    Because you are squandering yourself in the pursuit of a lifestyle that our shitty community drilled into you as being the "right way" to be. Except the burnouts here are usually adult burnouts who can sustain themselves. You are a kid. If you crash now, you will never be able to survive the real world, honey. And that car's cruising on Titatic Blvd.
    The following users say it would be alright if the author of this post didn't die in a fire!
  15. When you've smoked too much weed:

    If these be my last words, then I'd like to leave this world with one final thought: Me no wanna die, mommy!!!!
  16. Originally posted by lightray If you said "you're a 100% facsimile of malice without the retardation and autism" i might have agreed with you. I'm introverted, lazy, and neurotic so i guess there are your similarities.

    You are possibly retarded and probably autistic, splungus
  17. Malice Naturally Camouflaged
    Originally posted by lightray at least malice has some special skills i might not have developed.

    Sploo acknowledged I have special skills! I have a reason to continue to live!
  18. Malice Naturally Camouflaged
    Originally posted by WhiskeyPhoenix It hasn't done you a damn bit of a good because you're still as mentally damaged as the rest of us here who struggle with mental health yet you talk down to everyone as if you've figured it all out and cured yourself. Even now you just want benzos and amphetamines; what a coincidence, the two most abusable forms of psychiatric medicine.

    That's not true at all, PoC. The interventions I tried kept me from becoming completely insane or committing suicide. They prevented a lot of damage, helped me improve and recover, and I learned a lot about neuroscience and pharmacology, as well as myself.

    I talk down to others because the overwhelming majority of human beings are utterly worthless, absolutely reprehensible, imbeciles.

    I've never claimed I cured myself at all, although I did manage to greatly reduce my symptoms of autism. I use to be a lot worse in the past.

    It's not a coincidence. Part of the reason they're so abusable is because they actually work. I genuinely need them. ADD and anxiety are very common comorbidities for people on the autism spectrum. They also help address numerous other issues related to the disorder.

    Are you in a bad mood? I won't retaliate, we all know how exceedingly sensitive and easily hurt you are. Our poor resident chronically suicidal baby. Is it that I'm actually on a trajectory to escape this hell and recover while you know there's no way out for you? Well, there is one way out...

    Originally posted by greenplastic Malice just blames the fuck out of everything else but himself for his problems

    Zen zen chigau. I've readily admitted my numerous failure and terrible decisions in life. I do blame autism and severe mental illness for many of my problems because that's actually the case. Do you have any idea what it's like to be autistic? It's a serious fucking disorder with a ton of symptoms. I've had a shitty life as well. Born to uneducated poor immigrant parents in fucking South Central Los Angeles, as a fucking non-Asian minority, along with all the disorders I have? Of course it's going to be far less likely and far more difficult to succeed.
  19. RestStop Space Nigga
    Fuck what ya heard God blessin' all the space niggas, God blesssin' all the space niggaz.
    The following users say it would be alright if the author of this post didn't die in a fire!
  20. Lanny Bird of Courage
    Originally posted by WhiskeyPhoenix


    so what do you do now?

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