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The Retardest Thread: Fashionably Late Edition.

  1. Originally posted by Jeremus Whatever even happened to ABBoD? Seems like he just disappeared, or maybe I missed a username transition and lost track of the nigga.

    He killed himself.
  2. Originally posted by Enter He killed himself.

  3. We're all killing ourselves just at different speeds
  4. His final post was, "I deserve respect!"

    I've parodied it a few times but nobody got the reference.
  5. Originally posted by Enter His final post was, "I deserve respect!"

    I've parodied it a few times but nobody got the reference.

    It's funny because it's not true
  6. RestStop Space Nigga
    Is it just me or an I the only person who watches "The first 48" and thinks...none of these people probably deserve any pity.
  7. Originally posted by RestStop Is it just me or an I the only person who watches "The first 48" and thinks…none of these people probably deserve any pity.

    When I watch forensic files or shows like it, about 50% of the time, I think "well, that's what you get for doing x"
  8. Originally posted by Juicebox When I watch forensic files or shows like it, about 50% of the time, I think "well, that's what you get for doing x"

    Not only that but like at least 3/4 of those dumbfucks are stupid enough to not only commit the crime, but also dry snitch on themselves
  9. Edit:I need to think JUST a little bit longer before I post,lol
  10. Originally posted by RestStop Is it just me or an I the only person who watches "The first 48" and thinks…none of these people probably deserve any pity.

    I have no respect or pity for stupid criminals. But I do pity the ones that seem disturbed or caught up in a particular situation. People often forget that some people live their lives in a pretty shitty context.
  11. finally got some weed again, pretty good too
  12. Originally posted by Malice Nearly forgot to ask. How many people hear have come close to getting killed by another person? Did it mess you up? I want to hear other's stories for the therapeutic experience and because I'm not afraid to enjoy your suffering.

    Imagine being a sheltered hiki with severe anxiety and depression, autism, and severe psychological issues and suddenly being thrust into traumatic experiences from your safe den, with everything amplified by your conditions. It messed me up, especially when I got hit with the sedative and antipsychotic in the psych ward and thrown into a nightmare state.

    I'm sure Casper has some crazy stories.

    Well, you know mine. For a while, loud noises scared the fuck out of me. When I'd see a revolver on tv my heart would sometimes race. Didn't like playing games with guns. I'm over it now.
  13. Fuck I want to murder Hydro
  14. Malice Naturally Camouflaged
    Originally posted by §m£ÂgØL2becausescronfuckeduptheforum Well, you know mine. For a while, loud noises scared the fuck out of me. When I'd see a revolver on tv my heart would sometimes race. Didn't like playing games with guns. I'm over it now.

    Yeah, having a violent maniac after you who may actually kill you is scary as fuck. I probably had an entire gang after me. Then I fucking got abused right afterward, which only made everything far worse.
  15. Originally posted by §m£ÂgØL2becausescronfuckeduptheforum Well, you know mine. For a while, loud noises scared the fuck out of me. When I'd see a revolver on tv my heart would sometimes race. Didn't like playing games with guns. I'm over it now.

    I was watching a TV show with someone using Skype and the notification sounds gave me anxiety. "Oh fuck! She's calling again!"
  16. The following users say it would be alright if the author of this post didn't die in a fire!
  17. Originally posted by Malice Nearly forgot to ask. How many people hear have come close to getting killed by another person? Did it mess you up? I want to hear other's stories for the therapeutic experience and because I'm not afraid to enjoy your suffering.

    I’ve had people try to kill me several times. I don’t experience fear at all when it happens. Not trying to be an edge lord, that’s just how it is. If anything I just get angry/aggressive. I encourage them to try to hurt me. In fact afterwards I’ll sometimes think to myself “why did I egg him on, shouldn’t I have been scared or something, etc?” But I just don’t feel fear.

    Earlier I already mentioned a couple times when people have attacked me, like the one where a crackhead came at me with a hammer, but here’s another.

    Me and a friend got into an altercation in an apartment building with this huge black dude (taller than me, I’m 6’0” so he must have been 6’4”, probably at least 220-240 lbs). My friend kept trying to talk him down but I was just standing behind her, I wasn’t saying shit but I was fuckin fuming and just hyping myself up more and more. By the way, me and the chick weren’t fucking, I wasn’t even interested in her 1%, so that didn’t factor into this scenario at all.

    So eventually he started shoving her lightly, so I got in between them and got all in his face like calling him a fucking pussy and stuff. Then he shoved me pretty hard but I didn’t wanna be the first to take a shot at him. I wanted to get hit. So I kept yelling “come on, fucking hit me, FUCKING TAKE A SWING AT ME BITCH.”

    But instead of punching me though he pussied out and reached into his pocket and started pulling out a knife. As soon as I saw that I just fuckin went ape shit on him. I slugged him in the jaw a couple times and started choking the shit out of him/jamming my thumbs in his eyes while simultaneously hitting his balls with my knee over and over again.

    When he hit the ground I started kicking him in the gut and stomping his head. My friend pulled me off and I didn’t realize it but by this time she had already called the pigs. I heard her on the phone telling them he had a knife and shit. We went downstairs and they showed up in like 3 minutes, she told them where the guy was.

    Apparently when they tried to arrest him he stabbed one of the cops and hurt him pretty bad. When they brought him down I was just fuckin mad dogging him the whole time, and talking shit.

    Anyway we gave our statement to the cops (normally I don’t talk to pigs but whatever they already had the guy anyway). Like a month later the DA’s office (or whoever the fuck it was) contacted me and asked when I’d be available to testify, I told them I was leaving the country soon and won’t be able to show up. Which was true, but I wouldn’t have shown up anyway even if I could.

    Anyway that’s about it, /Bill Krozby I guess. But yeah the point is I didn’t feel fear even once, during or after. Anger is pretty much the only emotion I ever feel nowadays
  18. Brought some edibles and about half an ounce of weed back from Colorado (1/4th of Grand Daddy Purple and 1/4 of Golden Goat), not gonna start on this shit until the weekend, I'm way burnt and greened the fuck out. The last 2 days I spent in Colorado were a haze and a fuzz. I can't remember shit.
  19. Originally posted by Jeremus Brought some edibles and about half an ounce of weed back from Colorado (1/4th of Grand Daddy Purple and 1/4 of Golden Goat), not gonna start on this shit until the weekend, I'm way burnt and greened the fuck out. The last 2 days I spent in Colorado were a haze and a fuzz. I can't remember shit.

  20. Originally posted by Jeremus Brought some edibles and about half an ounce of weed back from Colorado (1/4th of Grand Daddy Purple and 1/4 of Golden Goat), not gonna start on this shit until the weekend, I'm way burnt and greened the fuck out. The last 2 days I spent in Colorado were a haze and a fuzz. I can't remember shit.

    Those are both really nice strains, I had some Golden Goat from a Washington state vendor and it was fantastic and GDP is a God amongst indicas. Enjoy it man, what edibles you get?

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