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The Retardest Thread: Fashionably Late Edition.

  1. Malice Naturally Camouflaged
    Originally posted by CASPER Sooooooo guess who blew their perfect driving record by totaling an uninsured BMW and ramming into 3 other cars?


    How much is this going to cost you/what are the penalties?
  2. NARCassist gollums fat coach
    wow, that's not an easy language to learn. good luck mate.


  3. CASPER Soldier of Fourchin
    Originally posted by Malice How much is this going to cost you/what are the penalties?

    No clue yet. It's still sitting in front of my moms house. If I can. Get out of this thing with less than $10k I'll probably dance a jig. Trying to be optimistic. I. Mean worst they do is sue me for assets I don't have. I dunno. I have a customer-lawyer looking over the rental agency's terms of service for me. I'm just trying to look at this like getting your cherry popped. Had to happen eventually....I guess.

    We could've had a quiet day of playing father - son frisbee golf but NOOOOOOOO. You had to make me go cause a 4 car collision. Thanks a lot.
  4. I have Japanese Rosetta Stone u want a copy malice
  5. RisiR † 29 Autism
    I just want to see myself post again.
  6. More like Rosetta Gay
  7. Originally posted by CASPER No clue yet. It's still sitting in front of my moms house. If I can. Get out of this thing with less than $10k I'll probably dance a jig. Trying to be optimistic. I. Mean worst they do is sue me for assets I don't have. I dunno. I have a customer-lawyer looking over the rental agency's terms of service for me. I'm just trying to look at this like getting your cherry popped. Had to happen eventually….I guess.

    We could've had a quiet day of playing father - son frisbee golf but NOOOOOOOO. You had to make me go cause a 4 car collision. Thanks a lot.

    At least you weren't driving that huge truck you had with no brakes. Those were some good stories.
  8. NARCassist gollums fat coach
    Originally posted by WhiskeyPhoenix At least you weren't driving that huge truck you had with no brakes. Those were some good stories.

    lol, i drove an old fiat for a week with no hand or foot brakes once. it was funny af, had loads of near misses but didn't actually hit a single thing.

  9. Originally posted by NARCassist lol, i drove an old fiat for a week with no hand or foot brakes once. it was funny af, had loads of near misses but didn't actually hit a single thing.


    So how did you stop it
  10. Originally posted by Fox Paws So how did you stop it

  11. NARCassist gollums fat coach
    Originally posted by Fox Paws So how did you stop it

    dropping gears rapidly but i was having to keep as big a distance as poss between the next car. was also avoiding busy roads as much as poss. there were plenty of times still where i ended up mounting the pavements(sidewalks) and i still remember at least once missing somebody by just a few feet, lol.

    how a nigga live

  12. Malice Naturally Camouflaged
    Originally posted by CASPER We could've had a quiet day of playing father - son frisbee golf but NOOOOOOOO. You had to make me go cause a 4 car collision. Thanks a lot.

    If you had given me my medicine I wouldn't have had to kick the back of your seat!
  13. Originally posted by Fox Paws So how did you stop it

    The following users say it would be alright if the author of this post didn't die in a fire!
  14. Malice Naturally Camouflaged
    My endurance became incredibly bad after being a hiki for so long. I wasn't even able to jog for a minute straight. Asperger's causes a massive problem with my endurance due to the effect on muscle tone and motor skills/coordination. The GABAergic system and acetylcholine seem to me major neurological drivers behind this. My muscles are always tensed to a mild-moderate extent, they never fully relax. I'd really like to see how much of a difference benzos or straight up muscle relaxers have on me. Maybe it'll be like having worn weighted clothing all your life and then finally being able to take them off.

    Made it to my next class in 5-6 minutes instead of 10-11. It felt pretty good to experience a notable improvement in running ability.

    I feel powerful and elegant, like a gazelle. I could hunt down any twinks and bishoujo I set my eyes upon with this power.
  15. Malice Naturally Camouflaged
    I just thought of a great way to insult gold diggers/women who are likely only interested in you because they think you have money. Take out your wallet and roll up your cash, then act like you're handing it to her and say, "Here, go fuck yourself with this, it's obviously what really turns you on."

    You should try this, Enter.
  16. NARCassist gollums fat coach
    i knew a guy years ago used to stick a load of photocopied twenties between a couple of hunreds worth of real twenties so he'd flash his wallet in bars in front of chicks so they'd think he had a few grand in his wallet. the cunt nearly got arrested one night after getting a bit drunk and trying to pay for drinks with a photocopied note, lol.

  17. Lanny Bird of Courage
    Originally posted by 杀死所有的白魔鬼 What's your NOW gimmkc

    Rolf is unsure on this point rolfself
  18. Malice Naturally Camouflaged
    Originally posted by NARCassist i knew a guy years ago used to stick a load of photocopied twenties between a couple of hunreds worth of real twenties so he'd flash his wallet in bars in front of chicks so they'd think he had a few grand in his wallet. the cunt nearly got arrested one night after getting a bit drunk and trying to pay for drinks with a photocopied note, lol.


    That's pretty fucking pathetic.
  19. NARCassist gollums fat coach
    Originally posted by Lanny Rolf is unsure on this point rolfself

    lanny are you gonna ban zanick for spamming or what?

  20. NARCassist gollums fat coach
    Originally posted by Malice That's pretty fucking pathetic.

    it was yes

    altho i think it worked for him a bit as well tho.


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