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The Retardest Thread: Fashionably Late Edition.

  1. Originally posted by HTS Exactly..? I'm like waaay into girls.

  2. ...
  3. 1337/BipolarHighRoller why are you doing this?

    Seriously, think about it. She is a literal prostitute. She's not just a girl who's been around the block, SHE IS A LITERAL PROSTITUTE.

    You can do better. I know nothing about you, BUT YOU CAN DO BETTER.

    You're legally attaching yourself to life to that thing. WHY? WHAT THE FUCK? DO YOU HAVE NO SELF RESPECT?


    oh forget it. nobody ever listens.
  5. Forreal tho. At least let your relationship develop for a few years before you decide to bring legality into the mix. Wait two or three years or something. Even if a relationship DIDN'T have all the turmoil of a kid and drama that theirs has, you shouldn't marry somebody so hastily. The only reason I can imagine for hydro doing this is either that she's:

    1. Scared of being alone with a kid (again)

    2. Just fucking stupid and thinks that a few months of love is enough to marry

    3. Wants to/plans to rob 1337 of his money, since he earns far, far, more than she does
  6. A College Professor victim of incest [your moreover breastless limestone]
    Originally posted by 哈哈你看不懂中文 TO RECAP:

    Just a couple months ago hydro was adamantly denying that she and 1337 were a couple, despite copious amounts of evidence on this forum that said otherwise.

    One year ago, hydro was wanting MY dick. ~Six months ago, she was asking for POC's dick. Then there was a period where she was asking for multiple dicks in exchange for money. But now, NOW, after dating for only a few months, she's claiming she's going to marry 1337/BipolarHighRoller.

    I guarantee this is going to be the biggest mistake of your life, Bipolar. You know what kind of shit she's pulled on you already. And you (should) know about what kind of shit she's pulled on me, POC, her family, and basically anybody who ever got close to her. NOBODY has this much drama in their life without causing it. Don't marry her out of fear, responsibility, or your blind manic love. Go live with her for a few months and I promise you will change your mind about marrying her. Hydro is way, WAY worse in person.

    And again, it's not just me she has acted this way towards. I saw the red flags when we were but friends, and I know damn well you see the red flags too. Don't be fucking stupid. I sincerely hope this is a troll, but I'm writing this in the case that it's not.

    Since idk what hydro look like but hear lots of hilarious stories this is how I imagine her;
  7. Originally posted by 哈哈你看不懂中文 Forreal tho. At least let your relationship develop for a few years before you decide to bring legality into the mix. Wait two or three years or something. Even if a relationship DIDN'T have all the turmoil of a kid and drama that theirs has, you shouldn't marry somebody so hastily. The only reason I can imagine for hydro doing this is either that she's:

    1. Scared of being alone with a kid (again)

    2. Just fucking stupid and thinks that a few months of love is enough to marry

    3. Wants to/plans to rob 1337 of his money, since he earns far, far, more than she does

    It could definitely be any or all of these.

    1337 is a fucking moron. Seriously man, what in the FUCK are you thinking?

    ugh when I said "nobody ever listens" I mean it, too. I feel like I'm the only guy who's ever had the balls to break up with a girl despite not having any other options coz I'm beta.

    Everyone is such a fucking pussy when it comes to relationships. Deep down inside they know she's not good for them, but they don't want to be alone.
  8. Hydro, if you actually care about 1337 you won't marry him for a few years. Feel out your relationship first. I would give this advice to ANYBODY planning to marry so early into a relationship, no matter the history. It's a hell of a commitment.

    My fucking jesus I hope this is a troll.
  9. why the fuck does every girl on zoklet end up fucking all the users
  10. Originally posted by Enter why the fuck does every girl on zoklet end up fucking all the users

    Because they're lonely and have the social upper hand of owning a vagina? If this were a gay forum we'd all be fucking.
  11. RestStop Space Nigga
    Sometimes I don't need to go 21 Savage hard and can just kinda chill with something like this :

  12. LegalizeSpiritualDiscovery Space Nigga [my yellow-marked arboreous hypnotist]
    Now this is some truly retarded shit.
  13. A College Professor victim of incest [your moreover breastless limestone]
    Originally posted by LegalizeSpiritualDiscovery Now this is some truly retarded shit.

    run along, faggotface
  14. Originally posted by 哈哈你看不懂中文 Because they're lonely and have the social upper hand of owning a vagina? If this were a gay forum we'd all be fucking.

    I doubt it. Let's test it by pretending to be gay.
  15. Originally posted by LegalizeSpiritualDiscovery Now this is some truly retarded shit.

    what was ur favorite abandoned neutrons comic starring u
  16. Lanny Bird of Courage
    can't tell if §m£ÂgØL is in on the troll or not
  17. Originally posted by Lanny can't tell if §m£ÂgØL is in on the troll or not

    You're a paranoid person
  18. RestStop Space Nigga
    Netflix recommendations anyone? I slept two hours earlier so I'm good for another 12 hours..
  19. A College Professor victim of incest [your moreover breastless limestone]
    Originally posted by RestStop Netflix recommendations anyone? I slept two hours earlier so I'm good for another 12 hours..

    my fave movie on there was a netflix exclusive i think. a movie called I don't feel at home in this world anymore . It was still on there a few months ago. I'm currently off Netflix and on HBO. Also I think it might not be on there anymore but You're Next
    was a good thriller with some dark comedic moments.

    if you don't like that kinda dark/strange humor I also liked the Freeway Rick Ross documentary, and the Making a Murderer documentary
    The following users say it would be alright if the author of this post didn't die in a fire!
  20. we should start a gofundme to euthanize hydro

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