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The Retarded Thread: Get Rekt, Faggot!

  1. LSD have you actually made any spiritual discoveries while on LSD.
  2. SNOOOP!!!
  3. LegalizeSpiritualDiscovery Space Nigga [my yellow-marked arboreous hypnotist]
    I used to be pretty political and very passionate about science, and I'd go off rambling about stuff I'm interested in. I haven't done any of that in a long time. I haven't even made a FB post in months. Everything just seems pointless and narcissistic, so I just keep chugging along, not doing anything significant or drawing attention to myself.
  4. LegalizeSpiritualDiscovery Space Nigga [my yellow-marked arboreous hypnotist]
    Originally posted by Enter LSD have you actually made any spiritual discoveries while on LSD.

  5. RestStop Space Nigga
    Originally posted by LegalizeSpiritualDiscovery Everything just seems pointless and narcissistic, so I just keep chugging along, not doing anything significant or drawing attention to myself.

    Sometimes that's for the best though. I've quit fucking with nearly everyone that I used to and my life is so peaceful and harmonious I swear it almost feels like a cruel dream where eventually I'm going to wake up and I'm going to be in prison/hell/insert horrific scenario here.
  6. Originally posted by LegalizeSpiritualDiscovery Yes.

    what were they
  7. Originally posted by LegalizeSpiritualDiscovery Probably more of an introvert, but nobody is really solely one or the other, which is why that question is stupid. I don't talk a lot in real life nowadays. I feel like most shit people talk about is meaningless and dumb. I still usually get along well with most types of people, but I tend to be pretty passive and non-confrontational. Like I was sitting next to someone during poker the other night who's a flat Earther. Back in the day, I would've went on a good ol'-fashioned rant about science and shit, but these days it's like why even bother. I know he's stupid, and nothing I say is going to convince him, so I'll just bite my tongue. Idk, I think I've been getting increasingly depressed lately despite my life getting exponentially better by outward appearances, and I seem to be good at bottling it up and hiding it. Which is not healthy, and it's not safe since I'm on probation and it's making me feel like doing things I shouldn't.

    I'm like that too. I don't want to get involved in people's shitty conversations, so I just don't. If I'm talking to you, it probably means I like you.

    At jobs I'm always a very hard worker. Been working at the current one for about two months now and I'm already in line for manager. About to ask for a raise which I will probably get. Mostly I do this because I don't want to sit around and talk to my co-workers. I mean I will if I like them, but that's like maybe 15%-20% of people I meet.

    People are always surprised when I tell them anything about myself. Whipping out a hitchhiking experience, drug knowledge, simple Chinese, or a crazy story. Nobody knows anything about me and that's the way I like it. Somehow I still say enough for people to like me. At least, they keep going out of their way to talk to me, so I assume they like me.
  8. HTS highlight reel
    Originally posted by LegalizeSpiritualDiscovery Everything just seems pointless and narcissistic, so I just keep chugging along, not doing anything significant or drawing attention to myself.

    I feel like there's a degree of self-interest/narcissism that's almost required to be healthy. I hope you aren't self-destructively anti-ego or whatever. :/
  9. Lanny Bird of Courage
    Originally posted by Malice Did you have sex with any of them?

    I mean, it would be passing up a rare opportunity not to. Like if you got the chance to see Haley's comet or salmon spawning but chose not to. Basically an insult to mother nature herself.
  10. Originally posted by Lanny I mean, it would be passing up a rare opportunity not to. Like if you got the chance to see Haley's comet or salmon spawning but chose not to. Basically an insult to mother nature herself.

  11. LegalizeSpiritualDiscovery Space Nigga [my yellow-marked arboreous hypnotist]
    Originally posted by Enter details?

    He's never seen Haley's comet.
  12. bling bling Dark Matter
    only the true wise can conquore the power of darkness
  13. RestStop Space Nigga
    TFW waiting on 8:30 am...
  14. Originally posted by RestStop TFW waiting on 8:30 am…

  15. RestStop Space Nigga
    Originally posted by Enter why

    Heavily delayed post office deliveries.
  16. Lanny Bird of Courage
    Originally posted by Enter details?

    Pretty much the usual MO for crashing a party, two bars side by side at the bottom of the slopes were packed and had loud music playing so it wasn't hard to figure out where to go or how to get in. On my way back from getting my first drink a girl standing on a table literally fell onto me and ended up spending the rest of the night with her group, hooked up with one of them and spent the night at their place.

    Next day was pretty fun, it was baby's first hangover for most of them but two of them managed to make it to the bar and then up the slopes with me, one was about the same skill level as me so we had fun going on the same runs. Even the friends I came with are all either a lot better or a lot worse than me and we don't ski together all that much.
  17. Originally posted by Lanny Pretty much the usual MO for crashing a party, two bars side by side at the bottom of the slopes were packed and had loud music playing so it wasn't hard to figure out where to go or how to get in. On my way back from getting my first drink a girl standing on a table literally fell onto me and ended up spending the rest of the night with her group, hooked up with one of them and spent the night at their place.

    Next day was pretty fun, it was baby's first hangover for most of them but two of them managed to make it to the bar and then up the slopes with me, one was about the same skill level as me so we had fun going on the same runs. Even the friends I came with are all either a lot better or a lot worse than me and we don't ski together all that much.

    Women are whores ugh.
  18. Lanny Bird of Courage
    Nothing wrong with whores
  19. RestStop Space Nigga
    Originally posted by Enter Women are whores ugh.

    Originally posted by Lanny Nothing wrong with whores

    Whore do be fly tho'.
  20. Originally posted by Lanny Nothing wrong with whores

    Sure, but i definitely wouldn't wanna sleep with one.

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