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The Retarded Thread: Get Rekt, Faggot!

  1. Nigga I am so dumb and I still dunk on you fools in terms of intellect, that's not me bragging, you people are all just retarded, I am too but y'all are more retarded.
  2. Baby's first sip
  3. NARCassist gollums fat coach
    Originally posted by Captain Falcon Nigga I am so dumb


  4. mashlehash victim of incest [my perspicuously dependant flavourlessness]
    Originally posted by Captain Falcon Nigga I am so dumb and I still dunk on you fools in terms of intellect, that's not me bragging, you people are all just retarded, I am too but y'all are more retarded.

    Yeah yeah, tell your boyfriend all about it.
  5. NARCassist gollums fat coach
    Originally posted by Captain Falcon Nigga I am so dumb and I still dunk on you fools in terms of intellect, that's not me bragging, you people are all just retarded, I am too but y'all are more retarded.

    yeah well my dad's better than your dad, so naaaaahh

  6. One of my family members somehow managed to turn his answering machine message into a fucking Dennys satisfaction survey, so now any time anyone calls him it asks the caller to take the survey and nobody can leave messages. This is a galaxy s4 and i can't for the life of me figure out how he did it or how to reverse it. Any ideas?
  7. aldra JIDF Controlled Opposition
    tapentadol (nucynta) is fucking weird

    guy told me it was virtually the same as tramadol but twice as potent per mg

    I just ate 200mg and now I can't type properly (had to go through this post a bunch of times) and I feel like my arms and legs are filled with lead
  8. aldra JIDF Controlled Opposition
    Originally posted by Kolokol-1 One of my family members somehow managed to turn his answering machine message into a fucking Dennys satisfaction survey, so now any time anyone calls him it asks the caller to take the survey and nobody can leave messages. This is a galaxy s4 and i can't for the life of me figure out how he did it or how to reverse it. Any ideas?

    I think that flag's set on the network level - there will be some way to update it (probably under call settinsg or similar0, but if he can't find it they should be able to turn it off if he calls the telco
  9. bling bling Dark Matter
    guys pls keep it natura; codenes dank or sandy
    The following users say it would be alright if the author of this post didn't die in a fire!
  10. aldra JIDF Controlled Opposition
    Originally posted by bling bling guys pls keep it natura; codenes dank or sandy

    synthetic dominates nature

    also, I didn't make it through my probation period so I guess I have to look for a new job. probably for the best
  11. RestStop Space Nigga
    Damn the holiday season really brings the vultures out of the wood work. "Remember that guy that threw us a free quarter gram that one time two summers ago? Yeah hopefully he will finance our kids Christmas this year so they don't get taken away by CPS!"

    Okay I'm exaggerating a bit on the Christmas thing but still.
    The following users say it would be alright if the author of this post didn't die in a fire!
  12. Originally posted by RestStop Damn the holiday season really brings the vultures out of the wood work. "Remember that guy that threw us a free quarter gram that one time two summers ago? Yeah hopefully he will finance our kids Christmas this year so they don't get taken away by CPS!"

    Okay I'm exaggerating a bit on the Christmas thing but still.

    My weed dude is like the most generous person I know, always offering free weed/oil and liquor and food and sometimes coke or random other shit when you hang out with him because he enjoys being a good host and he can do it like that, but people still hound the guy all day for fronts and "favors", even if they just dodged him for a month over a $20 loan or something petty like that. You can't be nice to most people in the drug scene, they just want to milk you dry rather than be appreciative and respectful.
    The following users say it would be alright if the author of this post didn't die in a fire!
  13. bling bling Dark Matter
    All alkaloids are of plant origin, though some
    protoalkaloids occur in animals. All are slightly alkaline, hence their name. They are classified into series
    based on their structures. Many hallucinogenic alkaloids are indoles (see below) or are related to indoles,
    and the majority have or may have originated in the plant from the amino acid known as tryptophan.
    Most medicinal and toxic plants, as well as hallucinogenic plants, owe their biological activity to alkaloids.
    Examples of widely valued alkaloids are morphine, quinine, nicotine, strychnine, and caffeine.
  14. bling bling Dark Matter
    no such thing as new new world dhallucinogens
  15. NARCassist gollums fat coach
    what about jeanine?

  16. RestStop Space Nigga
    Originally posted by WhiskeyPhoenix My weed dude is like the most generous person I know, always offering free weed/oil and liquor and food and sometimes coke or random other shit when you hang out with him because he enjoys being a good host and he can do it like that, but people still hound the guy all day for fronts and "favors", even if they just dodged him for a month over a $20 loan or something petty like that. You can't be nice to most people in the drug scene, they just want to milk you dry rather than be appreciative and respectful.

    Perhaps karma isn't the best word to describe this scenario but perhaps he has plenty to share because he does indeed share it?
  17. bling bling Dark Matter
    idk no jenin she sed is free and i wont oweher a pennie
  18. Originally posted by Kolokol-1 One of my family members somehow managed to turn his answering machine message into a fucking Dennys satisfaction survey, so now any time anyone calls him it asks the caller to take the survey and nobody can leave messages. This is a galaxy s4 and i can't for the life of me figure out how he did it or how to reverse it. Any ideas?

    Please i need to know the answer to this
  19. bling bling Dark Matter
    its callde phenibutt so bof it
  20. CASPER Soldier of Fourchin
    Originally posted by Lanny That's fair, CASPER was being kinda retarded there

    I've wanted to say on multiple occasions now that you vastly overestimate your own level of intelligence and general knowledge about any given topic. I figured telling you this couldn't possibly be productive since the entire issue is that you can't assess your own abilities so there's no reason to expect you could assess the validity of critique thereof however since apparently we're being petty and personally offensive I figure now is a good time to mention it. You have a thoroughly mediocre level of mental acuity, which there's nothing wrong with, but your wholly unwarranted level of self-confidence takes your average joe opinions and amplifies them to belligerent and transparently insecure displays of public humiliation.

    I guess what I didnt articulate very well is that I dont "gamble" on anything that isnt a guaranteed favorable outcome. Whether its a slight moneymaker or a huge windfall, if theres the slightest chance some piece isnt going to fall into place, 90% of the time, Im out unless something changes. I guess thats not really a risk then, though. *shrug*

    Ive slept so few hours in the last three weeks,that this morning I had to stare at the utensil drawer for a good 10 seconds before i could figure out what shiny thing i needed to eat my cereal.

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