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The Retarded Thread: Get Rekt, Faggot!

  1. Originally posted by RisiR † What kinda framerate and resolution can you play games at?

    5 and New year's
  2. aldra JIDF Controlled Opposition
    Originally posted by RisiR † What kinda framerate and resolution can you play games at?

    I'll benchmark it when I've got it all set up - I've only been playing KF2 (runs brilliantly smooth, 100+fps but haven't benchmarked) and Grim Dawn (like diablo 2 so eh) lately.

    My primary monitor is only 1920x1080 at the moment but supports freesync up to 144hz and adaptive up to 200, so extremely high/smooth refresh rates.

    I'm running a single RX VEGA 56 at stock at the moment but it's in a custom watercooling loop so I can overclock it HARD without any issues - I just don't generally need to.
  3. RisiR † 29 Autism
    Originally posted by bling bling riser reccomend me dankest shroom strands

    Panaleous Tropicalis or any Panaleous is good. Small fruits but very potent. Easy on the stomach.

    From the Psilocybe strains I like Azurescens and Semilanceata the best. They are also easier to grow. The Pans require manure in their medium. Don't know if you have access to some prime animal shit.
  4. RisiR † 29 Autism
    Originally posted by aldra I'll benchmark it when I've got it all set up - I've only been playing KF2 (runs brilliantly smooth, 100+fps but haven't benchmarked) and Grim Dawn (like diablo 2 so eh) lately.

    My primary monitor is only 1920x1080 at the moment but supports freesync up to 144hz and adaptive up to 200, so extremely high/smooth refresh rates.

    I'm running a single RX VEGA 56 at stock at the moment but it's in a custom watercooling loop so I can overclock it HARD without any issues - I just don't generally need to.

    Sick stats, bruh. Console gaming is such shit compared to that. I have never seen a game in 100fps. Is the difference as big as 30 to 60hz?
  5. bling bling Dark Matter
    av only got a limited choice of magic strains unless u know a better site what about gormet
  6. bling bling Dark Matter
    planning on getting liquid culture jars too once i got started to so idk
  7. aldra JIDF Controlled Opposition

    this is going to start happening more and more
  8. Bling, it unsettles me when you talk in full sentences.
  9. bling bling Dark Matter
    hear my word sm feel my vibe
  10. Lanny Bird of Courage
    Originally posted by aldra I'll benchmark it when I've got it all set up - I've only been playing KF2 (runs brilliantly smooth, 100+fps but haven't benchmarked) and Grim Dawn (like diablo 2 so eh) lately.

    My primary monitor is only 1920x1080 at the moment but supports freesync up to 144hz and adaptive up to 200, so extremely high/smooth refresh rates.

    I'm running a single RX VEGA 56 at stock at the moment but it's in a custom watercooling loop so I can overclock it HARD without any issues - I just don't generally need to.

    What do you think of KF2? I played 1 to death and got to be pretty good at it. Haven't fallen in love with 2 in the same way even though technically it's a super well composed game. It just feels like the skill ceiling is too low unless you're playing sharp or gunslinger but sharp is unfun to play without a really good team (and even then, not nearly as satisfying as head popping in KF1)
  11. Originally posted by aldra

    this is going to start happening more and more

    Another FBI hit most likely
  12. aldra JIDF Controlled Opposition
    Originally posted by Lanny What do you think of KF2? I played 1 to death and got to be pretty good at it. Haven't fallen in love with 2 in the same way even though technically it's a super well composed game. It just feels like the skill ceiling is too low unless you're playing sharp or gunslinger but sharp is unfun to play without a really good team (and even then, not nearly as satisfying as head popping in KF1)

    I think there was a lot more variety with 1, not sure the skill ceiling was much different to be honest. Most of the perk 'tiers' are the same, ie. which ones are easiest to play...

    I like KF2 a lot, but there aren't that many maps and just not that many people play, which is disappointing because Tripwire are putting in a LOT of effort and have released a LOT of free updates. Most people seem to only play a couple of rounds every now and then for the daily/weekly/etc. goals, the competitive core of KF1 isn't there.

    If I'm playing seriously I'll usually go Medic, SWAT or Gunslinger (Gunslinger is by far the most skillful class in my opinion; huge killing power against low ammo and a need for consistent headshots). If I'm not (usually) my favourite lately is a perk-level 25 SWAT with Battering Ram using Melee weapons (Bonecrusher for best effect) - plays like a Berserker but when it goes into zed time you can crash into everything (even bosses) and it's like tenpin bowling
  13. Even though it was easy, I always liked that pot farm map in kf1. You could troll the fuck out of people by opening up the back door through that shed i think.
  14. bling bling Dark Matter
    we live in a cemetary,,, anytihng goes around here

    Serves those religious nutjobs right.
  16. Originally posted by WhiskeyPhoenix

    Serves those religious nutjobs right.

    2012? Really?
  17. The good old days
  18. bling bling Dark Matter
    my mum got my grow raided now she gonna help me buy more soil this its the lufe i live i live it
  19. bling bling Dark Matter
    only legal herbds
  20. RisiR † 29 Autism
    Originally posted by bling bling av only got a limited choice of magic strains unless u know a better site what about gormet

    I actually don't eat gourmet mushrooms so I don't really know. I only know about the magic ones.

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