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The Retarded Thread: Get Rekt, Faggot!

  1. RestStop Space Nigga
    Originally posted by CASPER Huh? Interesting.N what region of the country are you in? I imagine distance from mexico has something to do with pricing.

    I'm in Ohio but most of the quality stuff comes from SoCal. From my experience "mexican cartel" stuff usually ends up being some msm tier crap but of course middlemen play a huge role in that. I just don't have to go through a lot of shitty middlemen or junkies. If you were to buy locally you would paying what a ball costs me for a half gram and on top of that it wouldn't be nearly as good.
  2. Originally posted by CASPER What you- or a person buying in similar frequency/quantity- would normally pay. My recent forays have left me really confused as to whether theres a standard price at all.

    There's definitely no standard price. Price for 1 gram is between $25-60 here, and no, more money doesnt necessarily mean better quality
  3. CASPER Soldier of Fourchin
    Originally posted by RestStop I'm in Ohio but most of the quality stuff comes from SoCal. From my experience "mexican cartel" stuff usually ends up being some msm tier crap but of course middlemen play a huge role in that. I just don't have to go through a lot of shitty middlemen or junkies. If you were to buy locally you would paying what a ball costs me for a half gram and on top of that it wouldn't be nearly as good.

    Yeah I was under the assumption that it was still like 60/per like it was when i was using back in 2005-2008 or so. But here in LA its gotten retarded cheap.

    Originally posted by Wick Sweat There's definitely no standard price. Price for 1 gram is between $25-60 here, and no, more money doesnt necessarily mean better quality

    Yeah its fucking weird. Ive heard $20-60, but then a quarter is like 70 bucks. a half for 115. Shits all kinds of stupid.Makes it impossible to try to figure out a uniform number.
  4. Originally posted by RestStop I'm in Ohio but most of the quality stuff comes from SoCal.

    Thought you were talking about Crouton right here.
  5. RestStop Space Nigga
    Originally posted by §m£ÂgØL2becausescronfuckeduptheforum Thought you were talking about Crouton right here.

    I must be the only person on this forum to have never tried Crouton. Never even seen the stuff IRL. I'm not an opiate guy anyways so that's probably why. The consensus seems you have to ingest loads of it and it's pretty much an unpleasant experience. I'd just spring for original OC's if I wanted that type of buzz but really even then I can't be bothered.
  6. Originally posted by RestStop Reminds me I asked my friend like a month ago if his uncle wanted to "get icey" he reminded me that "You were at his fucking funeral last week" to which I replied "Oh, yeah…that's right." This life has turned me into a person I really don't wish to be.

  7. Originally posted by RestStop I must be the only person on this forum to have never tried Crouton. Never even seen the stuff IRL. I'm not an opiate guy anyways so that's probably why. The consensus seems you have to ingest loads of it and it's pretty much an unpleasant experience. I'd just spring for original OC's if I wanted that type of buzz but really even then I can't be bothered.

    It's like eating tablespoons of leafy mud like muck for a weird quasi-opioid quasi-stimulant buzz.
  8. CASPER Soldier of Fourchin
    Originally posted by WhiskeyPhoenix It's like eating tablespoons of leafy mud like muck for a weird quasi-opioid quasi-stimulant buzz.

    That sounds all kinds of unpleasant. Why not just shoot a quasi-speedball?
  9. Originally posted by CASPER That sounds all kinds of unpleasant. Why not just shoot a quasi-speedball?

    Because Crouton is cheap as balls, legal (no wasting time with dealers) and it scratches the itch for opiates. It's not for getting high, it's for staying away from opiates. Some people use it for pain, but they're fucking retarded. For an idea of cost, you can be good for like a month-two months buying a kilo for 70-90.
  10. LegalizeSpiritualDiscovery Space Nigga [my yellow-marked arboreous hypnotist]
    Just cooked up some spicy bratwurst. So full.
  11. Originally posted by LegalizeSpiritualDiscovery Just cooked up some spicy bratwurst. So full.

    How long do you wait after cooking before sticking the bratwurst up your ass?
  12. End of the work week, time to get sloppy on phenibut and Benchmark whiskey.
  13. How much does phenibut potentiate alcohol for you?
  14. How long after whiskey do you wait to put the bratwurst up your ass/??"
  15. Originally posted by §m£ÂgØL2becausescronfuckeduptheforum How much does phenibut potentiate alcohol for you?

    Not all that much honestly, despite what some people think/experience. Probably a bit I'm sure but not to the extent of cutting your tolerance in half like some people say.

    I'm honestly just waiting for everything to collapse around me once and for all because at this point I realize it's a matter of when and not if. Still trying to figure out why I'm subjecting myself to continue drawing things out when I know in my heart of hearts what the eventual outcome is going to be.
  16. RestStop Space Nigga
    Originally posted by WhiskeyPhoenix Not all that much honestly, despite what some people think/experience. Probably a bit I'm sure but not to the extent of cutting your tolerance in half like some people say.

    I'm honestly just waiting for everything to collapse around me once and for all because at this point I realize it's a matter of when and not if. Still trying to figure out why I'm subjecting myself to continue drawing things out when I know in my heart of hearts what the eventual outcome is going to be.

    Yeah I never noticed the alcohol thing either. Phenibut did jack shit for me despite me dosing quite high. I'm not sure if there's a cross tolerance involved with it but I was drinking something like 70 beers a week so idk.
  17. Originally posted by WhiskeyPhoenix Not all that much honestly, despite what some people think/experience. Probably a bit I'm sure but not to the extent of cutting your tolerance in half like some people say.

    I'm honestly just waiting for everything to collapse around me once and for all because at this point I realize it's a matter of when and not if. Still trying to figure out why I'm subjecting myself to continue drawing things out when I know in my heart of hearts what the eventual outcome is going to be.

    Well that went to suicidal ideation very quickly.

    Personally, phenibut makes alcohol like 1.2x as potent. I definitely notice a difference. Once I did phenibut + poppy tea + alcohol and I got CRAZY rekt off two 40's. Easily felt like 2x as potent, maybe more. That was kind of insane. I think I must have drained muh CYP450 or something. Very strange to finish a 40 of some 5% shit and start stumbling.
  18. Originally posted by §m£ÂgØL2becausescronfuckeduptheforum Well that went to suicidal ideation very quickly.

    Personally, phenibut makes alcohol like 1.2x as potent. I definitely notice a difference. Once I did phenibut + poppy tea + alcohol and I got CRAZY rekt off two 40's. Easily felt like 2x as potent, maybe more. That was kind of insane. I think I must have drained muh CYP450 or something. Very strange to finish a 40 of some 5% shit and start stumbling.

    It ain't that strange.

    Y'all niggas ever eat a Xanax?
  19. LegalizeSpiritualDiscovery Space Nigga [my yellow-marked arboreous hypnotist]
    wut dat
  20. LegalizeSpiritualDiscovery Space Nigga [my yellow-marked arboreous hypnotist]
    is dat a spel

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