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The Retarded Thread: Get Rekt, Faggot!

  1. Originally posted by RestStop Reminds me I asked my friend like a month ago if his uncle wanted to "get icey" he reminded me that "You were at his fucking funeral last week" to which I replied "Oh, yeah…that's right." This life has turned me into a person I really don't wish to be.

    Sounds like something I would do. People at work always used to come and talk to me about bullshit in the news and I would say "there was a mass shooting?" and they would look at me like I was insane and say "it was yesterday. It was all over the news. This many people died." And I would either say "oh yeah I forgot" or "no I didn't see it" or I'll try to think of the best joke I can on the spot about it (which is probably why no one talks to me about the news anymore)

    I don't think I've fully decided if I like this or not.
    The following users say it would be alright if the author of this post didn't die in a fire!
  2. whats causin it? meth?
  3. I have no idea. It's been like this for as long as I can remember, but now it's getting worse. I don't do drugs anymore.

    Maybe it's the remnants and consequences of damage done with drugs and mental illness
  4. could just be your subconscious doing you a favor, and letting you live in the moment like a true buddhist monk.
  5. I don't think you have to be a drug addict to be kinda overwhelmed/burned out by negative stimuli in the media. I mean at this point it's just like I come into work Monday and even the most religious people I work with are like "you hear about the shooting? Yeah, whoa, a church this time. 17 dead. Sad. Cowboys ain't doing shit either."

    There's just too much BS to pretend to care about these dayz.
    The following users say it would be alright if the author of this post didn't die in a fire!
  6. I'm up at 6 in the morning smoking big gas bitch. While y'all sleep like you normally be
    The following users say it would be alright if the author of this post didn't die in a fire!
  7. ^
  8. aldra JIDF Controlled Opposition
    I've been angryposting the last few days because I ran out of tramadol and the guy I normally buy from had supply issues so I was out for like... a week. it was fairly unpleasant; more or less committed myself to stopping altogether, but I got a package today and it's roughly 1.25x the amount I ordered plus some other stuff... quite a dilemma.

    and that dilemma is 'how much soma is too much?'

    also, I don't actually hope totse2001 dies of VX nerve agent.
  9. I just got to the motherfucking dmv

    They're not even open yet and there's already a line of fucking 30 people waiting outside
  10. Originally posted by CASPER Im probably just asking for shit by writing shit here but…*shrug*

    As I understand it, he and my mother grew up in the same small town in TX. Went to the same schools. I think they probably dated on and off when they were younger. I think my mom had moved to CA in the mid 80's, and at some point he came down for a business trip and called her, they met up. He was from a wealthy oil family in TX, and Ive been told everyone around him always kissed his ass growing up. Hecould do no wrong…was a kind of "golden boy". So when my mom found out she was pregnant a few months later, she tried to get ahold of him and find a tactful way to tell him. He screened his calls, and eventually my mom started getting calls from his sisters and family members, telling my mom to fuck off and not ruin his life, and that she probably just got pregnant to try to squeeze money out of him. She wasn't some stupid woman. She was a professional with degrees, and worked for ad agencies, desgin firms, oil companies. So she was insulted they thought she was contacting him to try to work some angle. She didnt want to marry him. She had just divorced a couple years before. She just wanted to be responsible and let him know, give him a chance to have input.

    Im not sure why she didnt have an abortion. From what Ive gathered, probably a confluence of factors- foremost being that she was in her early 30's when she had me, and probably started thinking she might not have another chance. That and the fact that she was from a heavily catholic family. Then there was the fact that in 1980's southern Texas, the only word worse than "single mother" was "abortion".

    So…the short answer is he wasnt in my life because they were never married, and he never made it a priority to see me or have anything to do with me outside of birthday cards after i finally met him for the first time when was 13 or so. He married shortly after i was born, and had two other kids, and the wife hated my existence. Rather than telling her to fucking deal with it- that I was his son, and it wasn't my "fault" that this strained situation was in place, he chose to defer to her- just like he did his fucked up family years earlier.

    Wow that's fucking terrible. You're probably better off without a guy like that in your life. Your mom sounds like a strong woman.
  11. Originally posted by Kolokol-1 Sounds like something I would do. People at work always used to come and talk to me about bullshit in the news and I would say "there was a mass shooting?" and they would look at me like I was insane and say "it was yesterday. It was all over the news. This many people died." And I would either say "oh yeah I forgot" or "no I didn't see it" or I'll try to think of the best joke I can on the spot about it (which is probably why no one talks to me about the news anymore)

    I don't think I've fully decided if I like this or not.

    Sounds like the neurotoxicity is catching up with you.
  12. Originally posted by RestStop I wonder what's up with the vatican being able to do whatever the fuck they want then. "Ah them niggaz be closest to God n shit fam"..that's like letting me sell meth because I know the biggest meth cook.

    Fun fact: The Vatican doesn't have any drug laws.
    The following users say it would be alright if the author of this post didn't die in a fire!
  13. Originally posted by 哈哈你看不懂中文 Fun fact: The Vatican doesn't have any drug laws.

    Wonder if I cud get ripped and tripp ballz with pope francis
  14. Originally posted by Captain Falcon Wonder if I cud get ripped and tripp ballz with pope francis

    I think there was a dude recently who got caught with like, industrial amounts of cocaine. Got off with nothing.
  15. RestStop Space Nigga
    Originally posted by 哈哈你看不懂中文 I think there was a dude recently who got caught with like, industrial amounts of cocaine. Got off with nothing.

    Black lister no. 42 ; The Snow Man.
  16. CASPER Soldier of Fourchin
    Originally posted by RestStop What I usually pay and what I would charge another individual vary greatly of course…which one are you refering to?

    Post last edited by RestStop at 2017-12-04T08:42:08.118225+00:00

    What you- or a person buying in similar frequency/quantity- would normally pay. My recent forays have left me really confused as to whether theres a standard price at all.
  17. CASPER Soldier of Fourchin
    Originally posted by 哈哈你看不懂中文 Wow that's fucking terrible. You're probably better off without a guy like that in your life. Your mom sounds like a strong woman.

    Yeah. I mean it is what it is. A lot of people have had it way worse. Certainly wasn't ideal though. I mean I think people can change, so Im willing to give him a shot. At the very least so theres just not this toxic hole of negative energy there. But I feel tired. I feel like an old man. I dont have the energy to dredge up words for this stranger right now. I think he has a loose idea that ive had some issues growing up, and especially the last 11 years, but if confident he has no idea of the extent. I get the feeling he just wants the normal father-son rundown. "You in school? You dating anyone? Where do you work? What do you do with your time?"I wish I could find the letter I started writing to him, just so I dont have to start from scratch. 3 years ago after getting one ofhis letters, I just started writing, and i got like 10 pages in, but then i got tired and lost it.
  18. RestStop Space Nigga
    Originally posted by CASPER What you- or a person buying in similar frequency/quantity- would normally pay. My recent forays have left me really confused as to whether theres a standard price at all.

    ball - 60-80/ q - 120-150 /half -200-300/ a full zip I've seen as low as 300 but it's rare and of questionable quality. If one wanted to splurge and wanted top notch product this can be had for $500.
  19. RestStop Space Nigga
    Also..damn this vidya makes my soul get a boner:

  20. CASPER Soldier of Fourchin
    Originally posted by RestStop ball - 60-80/ q - 120-150 /half -200-300/ a full zip I've seen as low as 300 but it's rare and of questionable quality. If one wanted to splurge and wanted top notch product this can be had for $500.

    Huh. Interesting.N what region of the country are you in? I imagine distance from mexico has something to do with pricing.

    Post last edited by CASPER at 2017-12-04T19:29:58.039729+00:00

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