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teh retraded thred herppppp slober fuk glum editshin

  1. aldra JIDF Controlled Opposition
    Originally posted by SCronaldo_J_Trump It builds character. Genocide, i mean.

    Overdosage with oxytocin depends essentially on uterine hyperactivity whether or not due to hypersensitivity to this agent. Hyperstimulation with strong (hypertonic) or prolonged (tetanic) contractions, or a resting tone of 15 to 20 mmHg or more between contractions can lead to tumultuous labor, uterine rupture, cervical and vaginal lacerations, postpartum hemorrhage, uteroplacental hypoperfusion, and variable deceleration of fetal heart, fetal hypoxia, hypercapnia, perinatal hepatic necrosis or death. Water intoxication with convulsions, which is caused by the inherent antidiuretic effect of oxytocin, is a serious complication that may occur if large doses (40 to 50 milliunits/minute) are infused for long periods. Management consists of immediate discontinuation of oxytocin and symptomatic and supportive therapy.

    vaginal lacerations
  2. Sophie Pedophile Tech Support
    Originally posted by 1337 Holy shit Risir, 12 year old Momo Mong won her MMA fight with the 24 year old.

    In Soviet Russia, loli rapes YOU!
    The following users say it would be alright if the author of this post didn't die in a fire!
  3. Malice Naturally Camouflaged
    Originally posted by SCronaldo_J_Trump It builds character. Genocide, i mean.

    ^ I was expecting heroin to be the answer.

    In other news, the threat level in the UK/England has been raised to critical. Apparently the terrorism task force believes another attack is imminent:

    Not qualified to comment on this, how significant it may actually be, but I hope it's true. It would be a damn shame if it was meant to be a major one and they managed to intervene, 1st world countries need more excitement.

    IIRC reject and bling are the only UK members currently on here, right? Exciting times, potentially being so close to it. I really wish I could travel back in time to the day 9/11 happened in NYC and see it first hand.
  4. Originally posted by Malice ^ I was expecting heroin to be the answer.

    Opiates are plants of the Gods, the are significant throughout history and they have been used for population control in the past before. They are king of the plant drugs in my opinion. Fentanyl and synthetic opiate research is so narrow minded and straight laced going nowhere fast.

    Shulgin was a prophet, truly and he was not the only one, there have been some incredible discoveries made in the past 100 years and opiate addiction epidemic is just a part of this learning and understanding this highly advanced plant.

  5. RestStop Space Nigga
    I have a confession to make. Something just reminded me or rather gave me a clearer perspective on just exactly how shitty I am without knowing it. I've been appearing at 2-3 week intervals in this girl's life since last August. Of course in the beginning it was at least weekly but mostly 3-4 times a week. Now it's been over a month since we've saw each other and a month to the date since we've had any kind of contact(texts/phone calls)...each time she voiced her "I like you/I think you're so good looking" hints a little more than the last the few last times I've seen or spoken to her...

    I don't intentionally do it(I don't think)but I change my number a lot(didn't give it to her obviously)and actually I'm realizing that I want to be that mysterious yet lovable criminal that suddenly disappears and ceases to basically exist after a woman's heart starts to go all gooey gooey for me..there's some romance in that for her right? I mean I doubt she's seriously pacing back and forth in her bedroom or hiring a detective to solve my disappearance...I'm decent friends with her twin sister and more so her brother in law..perhaps she occasionally asks "Hey guiz, seen RestStop lately?"

    I suppose I'm typing all of this to see if what I'm doing/do is some type of mental illness or even purposeful cruelty?
  6. Malice Naturally Camouflaged
    ^ Uh, dude, to be perfectly honest, that makes you sound pretty pathetic.

    I may be a sperglord, but even I would know better than to do that.
  7. Originally posted by RestStop I suppose I'm typing all of this to see if what I'm doing/do is some type of mental illness or even purposeful cruelty?

    Nah. Sounds like you're just trying to be edgy/mysterious. Some chicks dig that, others will hate you for it. So....meh, really.
    The following users say it would be alright if the author of this post didn't die in a fire!
  8. RestStop Space Nigga
    Okay...pathetic how? I mean to further add some context here...she's the type of girl I'd hookup with occasionally(I mean strictly sex here)but no way in hell I'd ever call her my girlfriend or bring her over to my mom's for dinner. I should state that I've never done this to be intentionally/fully consciously cruel...I doubt you drive considering where you live...but you probably know the feeling of getting in a car and driving being fully unaware of your journey until you're at your destination or the first red light and thinking "wait, how tf did I get here?" not being able to recall the trip at all..this happens to me weekly.

    I think me doing this is something similar to where I don't know I'm actually doing it until it's already done..something like that...regardless I appreciate your critique and input.
  9. Originally posted by SCronaldo_J_Trump Opiates are plants of the Gods, the are significant throughout history and they have been used for population control in the past before. They are king of the plant drugs in my opinion. Fentanyl and synthetic opiate research is so narrow minded and straight laced going nowhere fast.

    Shulgin was a prophet, truly and he was not the only one, there have been some incredible discoveries made in the past 100 years and opiate addiction epidemic is just a part of this learning and understanding this highly advanced plant.

    Opiates are thought of as a necessary evil, like benzos. In 50 years we will look back at the medical use of opiates like we do using mercury to cure syphilis now.
  10. RestStop Space Nigga
    Originally posted by Dargo Nah. Sounds like you're just trying to be edgy/mysterious. Some chicks dig that, others will hate you for it. So….meh, really.

    I can live with that.
  11. Originally posted by RestStop I can live with that.

    Except if you don't have some seriously legit streetcred, it just makes you an intolerable faggot.
    The following users say it would be alright if the author of this post didn't die in a fire!
  12. Plant of the Gods is the answer to all lifes problems.

    High tech cybernetic enhanced drug sniffing super rattoxes trained to sniff dope, bombs, cash and all contraband imaginable. They can xray scan a shipping container and crawl through and visually scan each individual item if necessary.

    There goes your RC's and smuggling anything, the rats can check every piece of mail on the globe before you wake up for breakfast. THe drug war is OGRE
  13. Malice Naturally Camouflaged
    MQ, I recall you really liking a morbid video I had posted sometime ago. You should give this one a try, it's always better when it involves stupid children and traumatized screaming. The audio is great:
  14. RestStop Space Nigga
    The drug war is an unwinnable fight. Give it a few months tops and technologically advanced criminals will find a way to render the postal scanning rats more or less useless and this cycle of government's "ah ha can't bypass this" will be followed by a very motivated criminals "That's a cute try..but I've already rendered that obsolete"...and it will go on forever.
  15. I cant even deal with stoners anymore, i dont do drugs with anyone and I dont like to post about it anywhere.

    I'm just gonna move to the woods and eat corn from a can.

    The following users say it would be alright if the author of this post didn't die in a fire!
  16. malice which nootropics are the best? I've only ever tried piracetam years ago and it did nothing
  17. post that list I asked you for when I was homeless and you told me to fuck off. I want to know the entire stack, every noot, pept, rc, vitamin, supplement and A-Z hippie dippy zimmy bopper.

    Post. the. list.
  18. Malice Naturally Camouflaged
    Damn, I've tried so many at this point, the data can just be overwhelming. You know how far I can go with my autistic rants.

    I've literally trialed all of these extensively, in various combinations, and more:

    If you have the spare money I would definitely try the sample pack with all three versions of Semax from Ceretropic, along with phenylpiracetam, and fasoracetam.

    Take them before intensive exercise, particularly Semax and phenyl-p, it can make a massive difference. IIRC aerobic exercise was actually found to increase the permeability of the blood brain barrier, which could be part of the reason for this effect. There are just a ton of MOAs related to this that amplify the effect. It was undeniable to me. Take some noots, go for a jog or do HIIT, even 15-20 minutes is enough, and then see test the results with something cognitively engaging, even simple reading. You're probably bound to notice something from one of them, they're far more powerful than piracetam.
  19. I think plants are important in any stack as well. I have had nothing but good results with natural products, psychoactive and non.
  20. RestStop Space Nigga
    I can't recall the name even but I bought these almost microscopic pills from the local GNC because I read in Tim Ferris's 4 hour body that they increased REM sleep by 30% or some such but they actually seemed to work for 1-2 nights but then had a very drastic diminishing effect after that..I think I cycled them 3 off 2 on for a few weeks then started doing meth so no longer needed them then.

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