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wtf is goinf n in poland and belarus fuys?

  1. #81
    Quick Mix Ready Dark Matter [jealously defalcate my upanishad]
    Russians are dicks. Don't trust them.

    I saw an American man in some Russian town hall thing where Putin was there and the man tried to assimilate to their culture and he asked the guy where he was from and the man said the US and Putin was just being a real dickhole to the guy. mocking him. saying "you just came here to marry a Russian wife didn't you? and the man answered yes. he wanted to become culturally Russian. and everyone in the room was laughing. and he looked nerdy and awkward like he was trying to be something he wasn't.

  2. #82
    Speedy Parker Black Hole [my absentmindedly lachrymatory gazania]
    Originally posted by Kev russia didnt start that war, the joonited states did by paying and arming a bunch of nazi thugs to do that maidan coup.

    the only evidence i have seen of russia invading the ukraine was this

    aw shit, the little nazi fuck puppets sent photos of the 2008 russia-georgia war and claimed it was russian tanks inside the ukraine

    I guess you've never heard of the Crimean Peninsula.
  3. #83
    Quick Mix Ready Dark Matter [jealously defalcate my upanishad]
    Yes but they gave that region up fair and square during the breakup of the eastern block nations. then he just goes back and grabs it again. but says he had a change of mind because many Russians lived there and it was more Russian occupied or some shit.
  4. #84
    Kev Space Nigga
    Originally posted by Speedy Parker I guess you've never heard of the Crimean Peninsula.

    as of when did it belong to anyone but russia?

    you also realize that russian troops have been stationed there for centuries?
  5. #85
    Speedy Parker Black Hole [my absentmindedly lachrymatory gazania]
    Originally posted by Kev as of when did it belong to anyone but russia?

    It was part of Ukraine until 2014.
  6. #86
    Kev Space Nigga
    Originally posted by Speedy Parker It was part of Ukraine until 2014.

    as of WHEN did it become part of ukraine?

    you also realize that russian troops have been stationed there for centuries?
  7. #87
    Speedy Parker Black Hole [my absentmindedly lachrymatory gazania]
    Originally posted by Kev as of WHEN did it become part of ukraine?

    you also realize that russian troops have been stationed there for centuries?

    Russia≠USSR≠Russian Federation. Russia has not had troops stationed anywhere since 1917.

    By your logic the Russian Federation has rights to most of Eastern Europe because the USSR held that territory for 46 plus years.
  8. #88
    Originally posted by Speedy Parker Russia≠USSR≠Russian Federation. Russia has not had troops stationed anywhere since 1917.

    By your logic the Russian Federation has rights to most of Eastern Europe because the USSR held that territory for 46 plus years.

    If America loves territorial sovereignty so much where are the sanctions on Israel for grabbing the Golan Heights?
  9. #89
    Wariat Marine/Preteen Biologist
    Originally posted by Kev russia didnt start that war, the joonited states did by paying and arming a bunch of nazi thugs to do that maidan coup.

    the only evidence i have seen of russia invading the ukraine was this

    aw shit, the little nazi fuck puppets sent photos of the 2008 russia-georgia war and claimed it was russian tanks inside the ukraine

    read the last pages of thst polishforums threads theyre literslly calling putin. russia gangsters blaimg them for everything etc and i guarantee you if you talk like this theyll probably call for your head or you. e hanged on thst forum.
  10. #90
    Speedy Parker Black Hole [my absentmindedly lachrymatory gazania]
    Originally posted by Donald Trump If America loves territorial sovereignty so much where are the sanctions on Israel for grabbing the Golan Heights?

    When you are attacked you have the right to sieze from the aggressor.
  11. #91
    Wariat Marine/Preteen Biologist
    Originally posted by Kev russia didnt start that war, the joonited states did by paying and arming a bunch of nazi thugs to do that maidan coup.

    the only evidence i have seen of russia invading the ukraine was this

    aw shit, the little nazi fuck puppets sent photos of the 2008 russia-georgia war and claimed it was russian tanks inside the ukraine

    read the last pages of thst polishforums threads theyre literslly calling putin. russia gangsters blaimg them for everything etc and i guarantee you if you talk like this theyll probably call for your head or you. e hanged on thst forum. i mean for no reason at all theyre having strokes saying things like outin is repsonsible for migrants putin is repsonsible etc.

    Originally posted by Wariat
  12. #92
    Wariat Marine/Preteen Biologist

    theyre all just talking about outin except for one guy the entire like last two pages of that thread.
  13. #93
    Kev Space Nigga
    Originally posted by Speedy Parker Russia≠USSR≠Russian Federation. Russia has not had troops stationed anywhere since 1917.

    Russian troops have been in crimea since 1778 (just looked it up) when they took back their land from the invading turkish trash.

    I dont know what the USSR has to do with this since it didnt exist in the late 1700s.

    By your logic the Russian Federation has rights to most of Eastern Europe because the USSR held that territory for 46 plus years.

    okay, so how long must one be in possession of a territory to have permanent claim over it?
  14. #94
    Kev Space Nigga
    Originally posted by Wariat read the last pages of thst polishforums threads theyre literslly calling putin. russia gangsters blaimg them for everything etc and i guarantee you if you talk like this theyll probably call for your head or you. e hanged on thst forum. i mean for no reason at all theyre having strokes saying things like outin is repsonsible for migrants putin is repsonsible etc.

    why would i give a fuck what people of the most useless parasite state in europe thinks about me? my tax dollars pay for their upkeep, they shouldnt bite the hand that feeds
  15. #95
    Speedy Parker Black Hole [my absentmindedly lachrymatory gazania]
    Originally posted by Kev Russian troops have been in crimea since 1778 (just looked it up) when they took back their land from the invading turkish trash.

    I dont know what the USSR has to do with this since it didnt exist in the late 1700s.

    okay, so how long must one be in possession of a territory to have permanent claim over it?

    I can't argue with a moron who believes the USSR was founded in the 1700's.
  16. #96
    Kev Space Nigga
    Originally posted by Speedy Parker I can't argue with a moron who believes the USSR was founded in the 1700's.

    those are your words, i never mentioned USSR at all
  17. #97
    Speedy Parker Black Hole [my absentmindedly lachrymatory gazania]
    Originally posted by Kev those are your words, i never mentioned USSR at all

    Are you trying to argue that I calimed the USSR was founded in the 1700's?
  18. #98
    Originally posted by Speedy Parker When you are attacked you have the right to sieze from the aggressor.

    So all of us innocent people who have been attacked by jedis for opposing Israel have the right to do whatever we want to Israel?
  19. #99
    Speedy Parker Black Hole [my absentmindedly lachrymatory gazania]
    Originally posted by Donald Trump So all of us innocent people who have been attacked by jedis for opposing Israel have the right to do whatever we want to Israel?

    Isreal has never been an aggressor.
  20. Originally posted by Speedy Parker Isreal has never been an aggressor.

    Then how did it wind up with so much land? Thermal expansion?
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