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Posts by ⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀

  1. The secret to longevity has always been drinking the blood of women and children. One million vampires can't be wrong.
  2. The Krozster is holding half a bag.
  3. The boomers allowed this to happen, and now the kids are stuck holding the bag.
  4. It's really, really tough to jail someone who hasn't actually broken the law. Sure, it can be done, but it's not easy. The truth always ends up coming out, eventually. Even if it prospers at first, that doesn't mean it will stick. It ends up to be a complete backfire. The Boomerang Effect.
  5. "Scientific reasoning"... "health-related beliefs"... lol What a joke. The very same people who "fact check" are the very ones flogging the pseudoscience and bullshit beliefs they accuse others of.
  6. Originally posted by Antifa Member I don't imagine…

    I don't doubt that.
  7. The point is to get the job while having to take a drug test. Pay attention, Jellybean.
  8. Originally posted by Antifa Member Wasn't obvious to you.

    I said if he fails the test he can just say he had a joint weeks ago at a party and make like he's been clean ever since, but that wasn't clear to Captain Obvious or you, Captain Jellybean.
  9. Originally posted by Meikai Sola dosis facit venenum, you wrinkly old turd.

    That didn't... cause me to be terrified.
  10. Originally posted by Bill Krozby Admitting to doing drugs diesnt make you pass drug test you stooge

    Thank you, Captain Obvious.
  11. Originally posted by Antifa Member Who said its the gold standard lmao. They did give some placebos in that study if you actually read it.

    They've absolutely isolated the virus as well

    What the fuck are you talking about? Where are your sources? I have mine. You should read the study before making up shit about the study.
  12. There was no studies. And the only study that matters anyways is the Gold Standard double-blind placebo studies, and they certainly haven't completed any of those. They haven't even officially isolated the virus yet, according to official FOIA responses, so it's impossible for them to have come up with a vaccine for a virus they haven't even isolated yet. They had this dangerous garbage for profit already in hand and all ready to go even before COVID-19 arrived.
  13. And Fauci's patents are related to engineered HIV mechanisms. What a coincidence.
  14. Originally posted by Ghost ow

  15. Knowledge is power.
  16. Another quick and painless death would be to cut your own head off with a chainsaw, ziiipp... takes like half a second... or build your own homemade guillotine.
  17. Or get a mortal shell and tape it to your belly or back and then hit the fuse on the tip with a hammer a few times and bang... a crater at least 30 feet across, and your entire body would be instantly vaporized into a gaseous form, of which you would feel nothing the millisecond after the vaporization.
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