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Posts by Incessant

  1. Incessant African Astronaut
    Originally posted by aldra Kr'oz Dogs Platinum Backer

    Is this a title you suggest for me or?
  2. Incessant African Astronaut
  3. Incessant African Astronaut
    Sounds like anxiety. I only think bout death when people or situations remind me of the dead people I had to touch.
  4. Incessant African Astronaut
    Uh oh, the nerds are fighting. Throw some NAS in the middle on the ground and see if you can break it up...
  5. Incessant African Astronaut
    Originally posted by General Butt.Naked Welp I guess now we know whos gonna get robbed for their shoes at the meetup

    Not me because mine are a special size. I only shop at the big and tall store my nigga.
  6. Incessant African Astronaut
    You’re a sloppy drunk Nile
  7. Incessant African Astronaut
  8. Incessant African Astronaut
    Originally posted by Grylls And do you know what you should do with the empty bottle faggot?

    Forcibly insert it in your asshole while you say “yes, please LEGO Daddy!” ?
  9. Incessant African Astronaut
    Bought some wine for later. See you soon drunk Fred
  10. Incessant African Astronaut
    Originally posted by What_a_Kreep I'm a few whiskeys deep so I think I may need an instruction manual or a man to ELI5 what this request is.

    I was initially confused because if you desire a custom user name, can't you just create a new handle.

    But then I thought maybe it's different than a handle what he's talking about. I.E. Grylls has Cum Looking Faggot under his handle, is this the area that shall be bestowed or am I getting even further off track?

    Ohhh, I get it now I think. Like how you can't come up with nickname yourself IRL, you need a group of friends (or at least one bully) to don you with this title.

    Hmmm…I want to give a good answer brb while I look at some of your previous post so I can bestow you genuinely and accurately.
    okay one quick story before i go:

    Lol this girl ERIKA_REDACTED in like 7th grade supposedly got caught masturbating with a pickle by her mom or someone in her family and I swear to god they called her pickle until Senior Year. lol. Now that I look back, if she was caught by her mom, how did everyone at school find out?

    A)She told a couple of close friends as a crazy story. She had to one up that bitch Kimmy who had just shared she gave Jovi a blowjob during theater production after he offered her a PEPSI from the vending machine.<–that actually happened, the girls weren't friends or anything and the events took place years a part but I thought it worth mentioning.

    B)Her mom told all her friends to embarrass her further. God, i hope that's not true. There's a lot of shit moms in this area so I wouldn't even be that shocked.

    It’s just SOP around here. You want a usertitle you have a make a thread asking for one and Lanny will either pick from the suggestions or just put whatever he wants as your user title. You just can’t pick your own

    I suggest Bongs4cheep
  11. Incessant African Astronaut
    Make me some coffee
  12. Incessant African Astronaut
    Originally posted by General Butt.Naked Am very drunkfight me

    Fight yourself on the way out of this thread. We are nonviolence based in the drunk Fred
  13. Incessant African Astronaut
    I was drunk earlier but forgot to post here. Thanks for keeping the dream alive everyone. I hope you all spend all the rest of tour days drunk as fuck.
  14. Incessant African Astronaut
    Are you the real Kreepy K or an alt?
  15. Incessant African Astronaut
    Originally posted by What_a_Kreep i'd love to do that but I don't have a garage. I've always wanted to do tie-dye but it seems like something that needs to be done outdoors. Our apt. complex has a court yard area with a set of tables underneath a gazebo but there's always trashy people hanging out there.

    You can sometimes find one of these specimens digging through the cigarette butt bin for a taste.

    He does it so openly and without shame too. Just picks it right up and sticks his whole arm down the thing lol.

    That guy + the dude who sits out there for hours drinking malt liquor and then leaves the cans behind.

    Oh, I also have using my Español a lot more.

    Yo quiero aprender mas voculario porque es dificíl para mi cuando estoy escuchando a español pero pienso que es mas facil escribir y hablar. soy mas mejor cuando estoy escribiendo y cuando estoy hablando.

    My Hispanic cumpeñeras (co-workers for you gringos out there) are either impressed and give an approving nod when they hear me speak it for the 1st time but some get real quiet and I see their eyes narrow over their facemask. Then they subsequently walk away while whispering ferociously.

    Well you really don’t have to do it outside. Most kits come with a plastic cover for your table... just don’t get crazy with it.
  16. Incessant African Astronaut
    Originally posted by frala Well bless his heart. Isn’t he just a model boy scout.

    A quick google search shows him punching a chick in the back. This hero on the scene with a first aid kit is just…obnoxious.

    Not the, “Well bless his heart” !! 😂
  17. Incessant African Astronaut
    Oh yeah... tie-dyeing and painting are new hobbies.
  18. Incessant African Astronaut
    Originally posted by Meikai Rather.

  19. Incessant African Astronaut
    To get rid of Hikki? Post your ideas. Sadly the most effective is when his mom doesn’t pay the internet bill.
  20. Incessant African Astronaut
    Post your favorites here. Could be characters from two different fandoms or your favorite real or imagined DH and NIS couples.

    I think I ship Wren with just about any DHer, but the thought of it being DTE is the most amusing. Wren deserves someone and maybe DTE will be a bit more sane once someone nice has pounded her out.
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