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Posts by Dissociator

  1. Dissociator African Astronaut
    Originally posted by 1337 Also, I had to fill in for the ICU pharmacy today. FUCK THAT, it's too much work. No sneaking out for a smoke break or posting here all shift.

    you ever plunder some primo zimbino bombolini pharmadieties
  2. Dissociator African Astronaut
    Syncans comin my way tmrrw maybe experiencing the degeneracy again will make me re evaluate my life
  3. Dissociator African Astronaut
    Originally posted by snab_snib yes

    i was talking to someone earlier

    Ehh 4.5/10 you tried
  4. Dissociator African Astronaut
    Originally posted by Beetlesiri You have 2 more people who would care about your death than I thought. Sploo, are you sure you are not confused? I would figure they would be the first ones to put you 6 feet under.

    Originally posted by Beetlesiri You have 2 more people who would care about your death than I thought. Sploo, are you sure you are not confused? I would figure they would be the first ones to put you 6 feet under.

    Try harder softgel
  5. Dissociator African Astronaut
    You got style kid
  6. Dissociator African Astronaut
    I N F E S T U L O I D
  7. Dissociator African Astronaut
    The roach scent centerpiece
    The roast egg wormfilled grease
    Cruleglob infestuloid
  8. Dissociator African Astronaut
    undesirable. lol look at this shit

    Disorder | Rating

    ParanoidPersonality | High
    SchizoidPersonality | High
    SchizotypalPersonality | High
    AntisocialPersonality | Moderate
    BorderlinePersonality | Very High
    HistrionicPersonality | High
    NarcissisticPersonality | High
    AvoidantPersonality | Very High
    DependentPersonality | Moderate
    Obsessive-CompulsivePersonality | High

    I gotta get rid of these fucking bad habits of taking BS tests
  9. Dissociator African Astronaut
    I'm going back on spice
    might as well
  10. Dissociator African Astronaut
    die Bill Krozby
  11. Dissociator African Astronaut
    Currently working on the third revision of the scripture, in hard copy. only 3 will ever be produced, zimmies.
  12. Dissociator African Astronaut
    The Plight of Zimmy (Zongo) – Written by 2 of 3, the prophet

    The hard days plight of Zimmy Jimmy the tech god everything fucked up wat helps wats going on what the fuck.
    Zimmy snorts another triangle of tech up his nose holes and enters the mongol hole.

    ‘’Oh fuck god damn not again what the fuck triangle gods dickheads’’

    Zim zim zongo clongoco gon wrongko klongy meisterscrogen h’gabaloobabald snobtroglodolf nog clog bog slog nog slom blom hubbub klubklub
    snubsnub ubnmunum scrumbuloid scrombuloides scrobuscrsloids slonsilvoys scruntulones scrunion dip slippy flipper dipper slip slip klippernipper unskllled flipperflicker.

  13. Dissociator African Astronaut
    Psychopathic Trait Tendency Assessment (PTTA)

    This evaluation measures an individual's potentially psychopathic personality traits. It measures four different clusters of acknowledged psychopathic traits, and has a scoring system to measure if an individual meets enough of the criteria to acknowledge how much their personality is affected by each cluster of psychopathy. The evaluation also makes the distinction between each cluster being a primary personality tendency or a secondary one if indeed an individual displays enough traits for a cluster on a consistent basis.

    This test does not evaluate whether an individual is a psychopath or not. It simply measure how their personality measures up to researched psychopathic features. The criteria, thresholds, and clusters are derived from the works and research of Hare, Millon, and the DSM IV.

    Scoring System

    Each trait has a max score of 4. There is no "3" in the scoring system, due to the severity of difference of a pathological trait, and a learned and utilized trait due to environmental adaptation necessities.*

    0 - manifests rarely if at all
    1 - manifests occasionally
    2 - manifests frequently
    4 - is an ever-present pathological manifestation in the personality of the person and is rarely if ever not utilized

    *Examples of this would be when a person lives in a life-situation where classically psychopathic traits are needed to survive and thrive. This usually applies to hostile or high-stress work-environments for the likes of soldiers, career criminals, police, emergency responders, doctors/nurses, et cetera.

    PTTA Evaluation

    Assign a score to each trait based on the scoring system above. Add up the total for each cluster.

    Core Base Psychopathic Personality Traits

    -Superficial usage of charm -1
    -Drastically lower levels of fear and anxiety 1
    -Lack of empathy 3
    -Lack of remorse 1
    -Underdeveloped emotions 3
    -Lack of respect or understanding of social norms and morals 2
    -Impersonal relationships with family, friends and lovers 2
    -Shallow to nonexistent affect 4
    -High levels of cunning, deception and manipulation 3

    Primary Psychopath threshold 28+/36
    Secondary Psychopath threshold 20-27/36

    Core Antisocial Personality Traits

    -High levels of apathy and lack of life goals 4
    -Disregard and violation of the boundaries of others 1
    -Recidivist criminality 1
    -Low levels of impulse control 4
    -Low tolerance for frustration 3
    -Prone to violent outbursts 3
    -Prone to parasitic relationships with friends, family, and lovers 2?
    -Prone to indulgence of narcotics, alcohol, and other habit forming chemicals lol.. 4
    -Sexual promiscuity - 2

    Primary Antisocial threshold: 28+/36
    Secondary Antisocial threshold: 20-27/36

    Core Narcissistic Personality Traits

    -Highly susceptible to criticism or praise 1
    -Grandiose self-image 2
    -Sense of entitlement 3
    -Delusional and unrealistic goals 2
    -Obsession with self 4
    -Requires constant attention and prefers to be the center of it 0
    -Easily and often jealous and angry 2
    -Wants and feels they deserve "the best" of whatever they want or need 4
    -Indulges in fantasy of wealth, power and fame 2

    Primary Narcissist threshold: 28+/36
    Secondary Narcissist threshold: 20-27/36

    Core Sadistic Personality Traits

    -Prone to use physical or psychological harm to achieve their goals 2
    -Humiliates or demeans others 1
    -Utilizes unusually harsh punishments and lessons 1
    -Takes pleasure or is amused by viewing or participating in the harming of animals and or humans 1
    -Usage of intimidation 4
    -Restricts the autonomy of those closest to the person 3
    -Highly interested weapons, violence and torture 1
    -Views others as toys to be played with and discarded when bored 1
    -Takes pleasure in terrorizing and inducing fear and panic in others 2

    Primary Sadist threshold: 28+/36
    Secondary Sadist threshold: 20-27/36

    Each core personality type represents a cluster of traits typically associated with Psychopaths and their behavior. As these are personality clusters, some are usually represented more than others, but it is possible that an individual would score very high on all clusters, or possibly only high on one if they were somewhere in the psychopathic spectrum.

    Each cluster has nine traits, and the thresholds are kept at levels that require a majority of points being pooled into each cluster.

    Secondary represents that an individual not only represents most traits to a moderate degree, but has at least one that falls into the realm of pathological.

    Primary represents that not only does an individual have most traits to a moderate degree, but that they have most to a pathological degree.

    Thresholds are not meant to include or exclude the possibility that someone encompasses a personality cluster. For example, an individual with only three or four traits in a cluster to a pathological degree would probably be represented by the personality cluster, even if the other traits did not appear present or that noticeable. It is rare (but not impossible) than an individual would only have a few traits in a cluster at pathological levels, and not the rest, to at least achieve the Secondary status for that cluster.
  14. Dissociator African Astronaut
    RestStop, may I direct you to my thread? It might be of some use to you
  15. Dissociator African Astronaut
    cuck = cuckold. Cuckold is the definition of watching as someone bones your wife. The fact that cuck is now a widespread way to call someone a beta pisses me off. I hate 2016-2017 slang

    cuck. fuccboi.

    What the fuck???
  16. Dissociator African Astronaut
    I perceive everything as, nothing. People, things, places, events, times, LIVES, it is all intertwined. When you wake up and have coffee and go to work and talk to people and then go home, you aren't actually perceiving ''life'' unless you put yourself into the state of mind of complete clarity.

    Being able to SEE time, energy, connections, and feel the neural connections in every lobe of my brain. But there is no sensory overload, nothing but complete understanding.

    It is impossible to explain to ones that took the blue pill, so to speak.

    Language. Study it long enough and you become a primate.
  17. Dissociator African Astronaut
    And yeh i watch my videos sometimes and its a real fucking trip because that person is ME
  18. Dissociator African Astronaut
    Yeah i want some
  19. Dissociator African Astronaut
    Aniracetam is optional. didnt take it this time. Was sober for atleast a week and after sleeping off all the bullshit, I decided last night that today i'd do something. So I went out and got inhalers. INB4 dear diary, no this isnt a rant post that is relevant to only me, its the true way.

    Propylhexedrine IS a good stimulant. Yes its side effect profile makes it pretty uncomfortable. But it is a TAAR1 agonist like amphetamine, VMAT2 antagonist like amphetamine
    but O NOES THE VASOCONSTRICTION!!! - heh. 0.2mg clonidine saves.

    Gabapentin you must stagger, heres how I did it today

    2.30 - 600mg
    3.30 600mg, 500mg ppx
    4.20 300mg
    6.30 -300mg
    9pm 300mg

    Don't be a glutton. 2100 is my magic dose. I'd say max 3800mg a day
    aniracetam I haven't taken yet but I might. Not sure. I did take some dph last night (medium dose for antidepressant and sleep effects) cholinergics/AMPAkines sometimes cause empty shitfeels

    But just do this convo, it's pretty neat. St johns wort tea is nice.

    also it makes talking to chicks a cakewalk
  20. Dissociator African Astronaut
    scrojus no
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