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Posts by Dissociator

  1. Dissociator African Astronaut
    Maybe if you were to include instructions to your nonsensical pictures.. excuse me
    They'd be possible to solve.
    Doubt that theres actually any content other than pseudointellectual graphics but who knows
  2. Dissociator African Astronaut
    Edited: ZONGO
  3. Dissociator African Astronaut
    You are fetus man
    Your seed may not be spread
    To anyone any longer
  4. Dissociator African Astronaut
    Originally posted by Bill Krozby i believe in shadow people

    I'd love to have that cock in my ass

  5. Dissociator African Astronaut
    Originally posted by infinityshock retarded fucking tweaker

    Your posts are more bland and redundant than darth roadkill's/speckyboy's

    A crushed solo cup has more personality than you.
  6. Dissociator African Astronaut
    Originally posted by Bill Krozby It would probably metabolize better if you weren't so over weight from all the anti-psycotics you take.

    A lot of drugs dehydrate you. Last summer my friend and would trip 3cp0 or whatever and I felt like shit most of the time from it because I was being a drunkard and already feeling gross. I took her advice and didn't drink for awhile and the stuff we would take felt a lot better.

    Even when I've been drinking heavily and drink coffee in the morning it makes me feel sick because its too much from the damage I've done. Makes me queezy.

    I started drinking again, but I buy a gallon dollar jug of water, squeeze some lemon in it and chug it and eat and I feel a lot better when I wake up. Not that thats the route you should go but just saying water is important.

    Post last edited by Bill Krozby at 2017-05-28T01:49:04.493595+00:00

    Lol @ the repeated implications that I abuse antipsychotics

    Also my bmi is 23 derpadew
  7. Dissociator African Astronaut
    Child molestors should be castrated
    Rapists should be raped
  8. Dissociator African Astronaut
    Im getting back into programmimg and the only language ive made any headway in because I used to play roblox when I was 11-13 and you could program your own minigames in lua and back then I didn't have severe brain damage so I actually could do stuff.

    Would you say lua has many practical applications or should I just stick with something like python/c++?
  9. Dissociator African Astronaut
    Originally posted by SCronaldo_J_Trump This task pushes technology to its very limit and requires several (3 or 4, 5 is idea) devices with a high quality internet connection and several hours of your life.

    STEP 1

    Making the picture in photoshop - 1 second. Direction/Steps: make the photo in photoshop

    STEP 2
    Upload picture to the internet

    Okay for this we are going to use imgur
    First we have to go on the website to upload the picture BUT WAIT THE PICTURE WAS MADE ON A PHONE WHICH MEANS WE NEED THE APP


    Step 2.5 DELETE THINGS I NEED TO MAKE ROOM FOR THINGS I DON'T NEED - time of completion : 10 minutes


    ZTEP DUECE.50.99 - THE attempt to post the above gif in my browser resulted in glitching and crashing of Google images (SEE THREAD:
    So I had to open the same link in another browser in about 5 tabs to get to the actual picture BBC code file

    Step 3 Delete IMGUR app.

    Step 4 Upload the picture to facebook instead


    Now we are on the computer and we must download the facebook picture off facebook onto the desktop PC

    Step 6 Upload to imgur


    Okay we posted the post now we just have to CHANGE PLACES!!! one final time back to the computer, refresh and edit the post and include the imgur pic.

    E Z

    I remember back in the 90's you could post pictures online directly from your computer in 1 tab, 1 browser on a 100mb ram windows 98 machine. Now it takes 100 devices, 50 tabs, 4 browsers and pushes smartphones to their limit and breaks web 3.0 several times.

    And society expects me to work and pay taxes? for this? nah

    Post last edited by SCronaldo_J_Trump at 2017-05-27T23:45:33.954120+00:00

    Wanna play ss13? Hippie station 13 gont
  10. Dissociator African Astronaut
  11. Dissociator African Astronaut
    If you dont get CEVs and extreme catatonia from weed youre doing it wrong
  12. Dissociator African Astronaut
    Switch to better drugs
  13. Dissociator African Astronaut
    Or go oldaxhool coaxil abd use photoblucket, blongoid!!
  14. Dissociator African Astronaut
    Use imgur you scroglomite
  15. Dissociator African Astronaut
    When I say I envy alcoholics I mean I envy the fact that their drug of choice is so much easier to come across than other drugs, liquor stores on every corner and bars all over the place. Plus id love to get shitfaced and pass out but I cant because my body doesnt metabolize alcohol well and I always feel like shit
  16. Dissociator African Astronaut
    Like louie louie but zimmay zimmay
  17. Dissociator African Astronaut
    Originally posted by Captain Falcon Yes and no. Nobody is listening to your prayers tho.

    My quantum duplicate is
  18. Dissociator African Astronaut
  19. Dissociator African Astronaut
    Yeah its a bummer. My dad got me into good music when I was a kid, Allman brothers band included.
  20. Dissociator African Astronaut
    Originally posted by Bill Krozby Pretty much this. I don't know if its true or not because i wasn't around 1000's of years ago but theres been ancient text that were found in pyramids that were shown to the vatican and they tried there best to completely cover it (they came close to pulling it off) because it didn't fit with their agenda.

    When you think about planets a million miles away like saturn with rings going around it and a hexagon on top.. It's kind of hard to ignore.

    I've seriousl wondered what the mentality of humans are going to be like in 2k years from now, or would we have regressed?

    I'm not fundamentally against people that are religious and go to church, my parents do and they are very genuine people. But one of the reasons why I don't like to go to church is because it seems like a lot of people strictly do it to make an appearance and look like they are "on the good path" just to show off.

    My parents made my brother and I go to church when I was 13 and get is through confirmation and get baptized. And I was kind of annoyed by it, it was always a total waste of a day in my opinion, we had to dress up and my brother and I would put on our headphones on the way to church and my dad would bitch about how he wanted us to talk as a family.. and its like okay.. what do you want to talk about?

    He just wanted to make everything about him. He's an ordained minister now and my mom and him have bitched me out for not going to church in modern times. (I did with my friend on easter)

    I just don't like church people, my parents begged me to come to my cousins funeral a year and a half ago and I did even though I'd never been to one before. And it was the lamest thing I'd ever been to, people crying and hugging me saying "this wasn't supposed to happen" and these are people I haven't seen in ten years.

    But thats what fundamentalist are like, and I've just never been like that.

    Yeah one of the only things in life I didnt completely give up on was religion.. I mean its not like I go to church every Sunday but I made my confirmation, parents forced me to go to sunday school since I was a kid but they were like "you dont have to make your confirmation or keep going if u dont believe". Idk religion always gave me a sense of comfort even though I wouldnt consider myself a hardcore catholic
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