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Posts by Dissociator

  1. Dissociator African Astronaut
    Acute barium intoxication following ingestion of soap water solution
    Nandita Joshi, Chhavi Sarabpreert Sharma, Sai, and Jai Prakash Sharma
    Author information ► Copyright and License information ►
    This article has been cited by other articles in PMC.
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    We present a rare case in which a young girl ingested a solution of a hair-removing soap. The ingestion resulted in profound hypokalemia and severe acidosis leading to flaccid paralysis, respiratory arrest and ventricular arrhythmias. Ultimately the patient made complete recovery. The soapwas found to contain barium sulfide. The degree of paralysis and acidosis appeared to be directly related to serum potassium levels.
    Keywords: Barium, hypokalemia, poisoning
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    Case Report

    A 24-year-old female was brought to the casualty department of our hospital with an alleged history of ingestion of a soapy solution 4 hours prior to admission. Her chief complaints were a sudden onset of severe cramping abdominal pain, vomiting and diarrhea. There was no previous history of influenza like illness, diarrhea or alcoholism. Her family history was noncontributory.

    On examination, she was conscious and oriented with a blood pressure of 110/70 mmHg, a pulse rate of 92 beats/ minute and respiratory rate of 16/minute. There were no external injuries.

    As the chemical composition of the soap was not mentioned on the label, a prompt gastric lavage was done and the contents preserved for chemical analysis. The patient was treated symptomatically and vitals were monitoredcontinuously. On admission, her blood sugar was 100 mg/dl and her ABG was normal.

    One hour after admission she started complaining of increased difficulty in breathing and there was progressive deterioration of her level of consciousness. On examination by the ICU team in the casuality her GCS was 7 (E2 V1 M4), her pupils were dilated and sluggishly reacting. Her pulse rate was 100/minute, irregularly irregular and systolic blood pressure was 90 mmHg. Her respiratory rate was 24 breaths/minute with a paradoxical pattern of respiration. On auscultation of chest air entry was equalbilateraly. An ECG done in casualty revealed prolongation of PR interval, ST segment depression and T wave inversion in leads II, III, aVF and lateral chest leads with a normal rhythm.

    The patient's trachea was intubated with a 7 mmI.D. endotracheal tube and ventilation started with 100% oxygen. The patient was then transferred to the ICU. In ICU she was put on ventilatory support with SIMV mode of ventilation and FIO2 100%. Her ABG revealed severe metabolic acidosis with a pH of 6.97, PCO2, 40.2 mmHg, HCO3 8.4 and base excess of -25.2.

    200 mEq of sodium bicarbonate infusion was started for correction of metabolic acidosis. Meanwhile, her ECG began showing frequent ventricular ectopy. Intravenous lidocaine 60 mg was given intravenously. Laboratory examination revealed a serum potassium level of 1.6 mEq/l, serum bilurubin, AST and ALT, blood urea and serum creatinine were within normal range. Potassium supplementation was started immediately under strict cardiovascular monitoring and 80 mEq potassium was infused over the next 2 hours via central venous line. However, her motor paralysis progressed inspite of potassium correction at the rate of 40 mEq per hour.

    When contacted,the manufacturer revealed that the soap contained barium sulfide. Saline diuresis was initiated with 0.9% saline and spironolactone 6 milligrams BD through ryel's tube. Magnesium levels were (1.7 mg/ dl) intravenous magnesium supplementation 1 gm single dose was administered. Simultaneously, potassium correction was continued with 40 mEqof potassium per hour. An additional 280 mEqwas given in the first 24 hours and further 140 mEqgiven over the next 24 hours after which the potassium levels were 4 mEq/l.

    Over the next 24 hours there was a dramatic improvement of her muscle power coincident with the rise in serum potassium levels and acidosis. She subsequently made a complete recovery with no residual neurological deficit.

    >Her pulse rate was 100/minute, irregularly irregular and systolic blood pressure was 90 mmHg
    >irregularly irregular
  2. Dissociator African Astronaut
  3. Dissociator African Astronaut
    stop taking shit I say from our conversations and making threads about it
    you are extremely under developed creativity wise and need to come up with your own ideas
  4. Dissociator African Astronaut
    I've been pissing myself alot lately
    phenibut is a hell of a fucking weird drug
    makes it nearly impossible to hold in piss
    probably have some severe dopaminergic damage catching up to me tho thats contributing to it
  5. Dissociator African Astronaut
    Carmen Electra
  6. Dissociator African Astronaut
    Most of you are fucks anyway
  7. Dissociator African Astronaut
    you get better drugs
  8. Dissociator African Astronaut
    Good I hope
  9. Dissociator African Astronaut
    Yeah most have brain damage
  10. Dissociator African Astronaut
    did somebody say heptul?
  11. Dissociator African Astronaut
    nah I don't do that stuff anymore
    honestly I just realized how gay it was
    or atleast how its only occasionally alright, too often its wierd
  12. Dissociator African Astronaut
    no you're just slow
  13. Dissociator African Astronaut
    sign us to your label
  14. Dissociator African Astronaut
    its probably shit unless for oxy potentiolio
  15. Dissociator African Astronaut
    Originally posted by mashlehash You look like a woman. I remember having conversations with you about crossdressing.

    what kind of convos


    I seriously don't remember, fill me in here
    no sex joke intended
  16. Dissociator African Astronaut
    no but listen to that fucking voice
    trust me on these drug combos im more beta than most of you even when dressed like a faggot
  17. Dissociator African Astronaut
    Anyways my stimulant psychosis has been doing me good the past like year and a half its been full blown disorganized schizophrenia

  18. Dissociator African Astronaut
    I think its something to do with new line idk because my brain is fried someone help me out here

    #include <iostream>
    #include <cctype>
    #include <cstdlib>
    using namespace std;

    int main()
    system("color 21");
    int Attack = 1;
    int Defence = 1;
    int Health = 3;
    int Stats = 10;
    int Pick = 0;
    int Boss = 1;
    double Picker = 0;
    int Level = 1;
    int Exp = 0;
    int Gold = 300;
    int NextLevel = 10;
    char Ch = 0;
    char Ch1 = 0;
    int Full = Health;
    int RatA = 3;
    int RatD = 2;
    int RatH = 9;
    int Nothing = 0;
    int PickA = 0;
    int KingA = 6;
    int KingD = 4;
    int KingH = 16;
    int SkeletonA = 4;
    int SkeletonD = 2;
    int SkeletonH = 12;
    int GhostA = 8;
    int GhostD = 6;
    int GhostH = 21;
    int CyclopsA = 6;
    int CyclopsD = 4;
    int CyclopsH = 14;
    int DragonA = 12;
    int DragonD = 8;
    int DragonH = 25;

    cout << "Welcome to some bullshit *+=Made by Dissociator=+*" << endl;
    for( ; Stats > 0 ; )

    cout << "Choose your Stats"
    << " (1)Attack(" << Attack <<") (2)Defence(" <<Defence << ") (3)Health(" <<Health << ") {you have["
    << Stats << "] left}" << endl;

    cin >> Pick;

    if(Pick == 1)
    if(Pick == 2)
    if(Pick == 3)
    cout << "\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n"
    << "You picked " << Attack << " Attack " << Defence << " Defence "
    << Health << " Health Press any Number and Enter to Confirm\n\n\n\n\n\n\n";
    cin >> Nothing;
    cout << "\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n";
    Full = Health;
    for( ; ; )
    cout << "(1)Stats (2)Heal (3)Level Up (4)Train (5)Boss "
    << Boss << endl;

    cin >> Picker;

    if((Picker < 0) || (Picker > 5))
    cout <<"Invalid Number try again"
    << endl;
    if(Picker == 1)
    cout << "\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n"
    << "Yor Stats are " << Attack << " Attack " << Defence
    << " Defence " << Health << "/" << Full << " Health " << endl
    << "Level " << Level << endl
    << Exp << " exp " << endl
    << "Next Level " << NextLevel <<"exp." << endl
    << Gold << "Gold" << endl;
    if(Picker == 2)
    cout << "\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n"
    << "Do you want to get healed for 100 Gold?\n" << endl
    << " (y/n)" << endl;

    cin >> Ch;
    if((tolower(Ch) == 'y') && (Gold >= 100))
    Gold = Gold - 100;
    Full = Health;
    cout << "\n\n\n You Are Healed!" << endl << endl;
    if((Gold < 0) && (tolower(Ch) == 'y'))
    cout << "You do not have enoth money";
    if(Picker == 3)
    cout << "Do you want to level up?" <<endl << "You need "
    << NextLevel << endl << "You have " << Exp << endl
    << " (y/n)" << endl;
    cin >> Ch1;
    if((tolower(Ch1) == 'y') && (Exp >= NextLevel))
    Exp = Exp - NextLevel;
    NextLevel = NextLevel + 5;

    cout << "\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n"
    << " Choose a Stat (1)Attack(" << Attack
    << ") (2)Defence(" << Defence
    << ") (3)Health (" <<Health << ")" << endl;

    cin >> Pick;

    if(Pick == 1)
    if(Pick == 2)
    if(Pick == 3)
    Full = Health;

    // Gaint Rat Starts Here
    if((Picker == 4) && (Boss == 1))
    cout << "\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n"
    << " ***Gaint Rat***" << endl
    << "You get first strike" << endl;
    for( ; (Full > 0) && ( RatH > 0) ; )
    cout << "Health " << Health << "/" << Full << endl << "(1)Run Away"
    << endl << "(2)Attack " << endl;

    cin >> PickA;

    if((PickA == 1) && (Level >= 2))
    cout << "you ran away" << endl;
    if((PickA == 1) && (Level <= 1))
    cout << " you failed to escape" << endl;
    if(PickA == 2)
    RatH = RatH + (RatD / 2 - Attack);
    cout << "Gaint Rat took " << -(RatD / 2 - Attack)
    << " Damage" << endl;
    if(RatH <= 0)
    cout << "***Gaint Rat Died!***" << endl << " you gained 4 exp."
    << endl << " you got 30 gold" << endl;
    Exp = Exp + 4;
    Gold = Gold + 30;
    if(RatH > 0)
    Full = Full + (Defence / 2 - RatA);
    cout << "You took " << -(Defence / 2 - RatA)
    << " Damage" << endl;
    if(Full <= 0)
    cout << "***You Lost!***" << endl << " you lost half your exp."
    << endl << " you lost half your gold" << endl;
    Exp = Exp / 2;
    Gold = Gold / 2;

    RatH = 9;
    if(Full <= 0)
    Full = 1;
    if(Full > Health)
    Full = Health;
    // Gaint Rat Ends Here
    // King Rat Starts Here
    if((Picker == 5) && (Boss == 1))
    Picker = 45;
    cout << "\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n"
    << " +++King Rat+++" << endl
    << "You Don't get first strike" << endl;
    for( ; (Full > 0) && ( KingH > 0) ; )
    cout << "Health " << Health << "/" << Full << endl << "(1)Run Away"
    << endl << "(2)Attack " << endl;

    cin >> PickA;

    if((PickA == 1) && (Level >= 4))
    cout << "you ran away" << endl;
    if((PickA == 1) && (Level <= 3))
    cout << " you failed to escape" << endl;
    if(PickA == 2)
    if(KingH > 0)
    Full = Full + (Defence / 2 - KingA);
    cout << "You took " << -(Defence / 2 - KingA)
    << " Damage" << endl;
    if(Full <= 0)
    cout << "***You Lost!***" << endl << " you lost half your exp."
    << endl << " you lost half your gold" << endl;
    Exp = Exp / 2;
    Gold = Gold / 2;
    if(Full >=1)
    KingH = KingH + (KingD / 2 - Attack);
    cout << "King Rat took " << -(KingD / 2 - Attack)
    << " Damage" << endl;
    if(KingH <= 0)
    cout << "***King Rat Died!***" << endl << " you gained 12 exp."
    << endl << " you got 90 gold" << endl;
    Exp = Exp + 12;
    Gold = Gold + 90;
    Boss = Boss + 1;
    system("color 37");



    KingH = 18;
    if(Full <= 0)
    Full = 1;
    if(Full > Health)
    Full = Health;
    // King Rat Ends Here
    // Skeleton Starts Here
    if((Picker == 4) && (Boss == 2))
    cout << "\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n"
    << " ***Skeleton***" << endl
    << "You get first strike" << endl;
    for( ; (Full > 0) && ( SkeletonH > 0) ; )
    cout << "Health " << Health << "/" << Full << endl << "(1)Run Away"
    << endl << "(2)Attack " << endl;

    cin >> PickA;

    if((PickA == 1) && (Level >= 3))
    cout << "you ran away" << endl;
    if((PickA == 1) && (Level <= 2))
    cout << " you failed to escape" << endl;
    if(PickA == 2)
    SkeletonH = SkeletonH + (SkeletonD / 2 - Attack);
    cout << "Skeleton took " << -(SkeletonD / 2 - Attack)
    << " Damage" << endl;
    if(SkeletonH <= 0)
    cout << "***Skeleton Died!***" << endl << " you gained 6 exp."
    << endl << " you got 45 gold" << endl;
    Exp = Exp + 6;
    Gold = Gold + 45;
    if(SkeletonH > 0)
    Full = Full + (Defence / 2 - SkeletonA);
    cout << "You took " << -(Defence / 2 - SkeletonA)
    << " Damage" << endl;
    if(Full <= 0)
    cout << "***You Lost!***" << endl << " you lost half your exp."
    << endl << " you lost half your gold" << endl;
    Exp = Exp / 2;
    Gold = Gold / 2;

    SkeletonH = 12;
    if(Full <= 0)
    Full = 1;
    if(Full > Health)
    Full = Health;
    // Skeleton Ends Here
    // Ghost Starts Here
    if((Picker == 5) && (Boss == 2))
    Picker = 45;
    cout << "\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n"
    << " +++Ghost+++" << endl
    << "You Don't get first strike" << endl;
    for( ; (Full > 0) && ( GhostH > 0) ; )
    cout << "Health " << Health << "/" << Full << endl << "(1)Run Away"
    << endl << "(2)Attack " << endl;

    cin >> PickA;

    if((PickA == 1) && (Level >= 4))
    cout << "you ran away" << endl;
    if((PickA == 1) && (Level <= 3))
    cout << " you failed to escape" << endl;
    if(PickA == 2)
    if(GhostH > 0)
    Full = Full + (Defence / 2 - GhostA);
    cout << "You took " << -(Defence / 2 - GhostA)
    << " Damage" << endl;
    if(Full <= 0)
    cout << "***You Lost!***" << endl << " you lost half your exp."
    << endl << " you lost half your gold" << endl;
    Exp = Exp / 2;
    Gold = Gold / 2;
    if(Full >=1)
    GhostH = GhostH + (GhostD / 2 - Attack);
    cout << "Ghost took " << -(GhostD / 2 - Attack)
    << " Damage" << endl;
    if(GhostH <= 0)
    cout << "***Ghost Died!***" << endl << " you gained 16 exp."
    << endl << " you got 110 gold" << endl;
    Exp = Exp + 16;
    Gold = Gold + 110;
    Boss = Boss + 1;
    system("color 41");


    GhostH = 18;
    if(Full <= 0)
    Full = 1;
    if(Full > Health)
    Full = Health;
    // Ghost Ends Here
    // Cyclops Starts Here
    if((Picker == 4) && (Boss == 3))
    cout << "\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n"
    << " ***Cyclops***" << endl
    << "You get first strike" << endl;
    for( ; (Full > 0) && ( CyclopsH > 0) ; )
    cout << "Health " << Health << "/" << Full << endl << "(1)Run Away"
    << endl << "(2)Attack " << endl;

    cin >> PickA;

    if((PickA == 1) && (Level >= 6))
    cout << "you ran away" << endl;
    if((PickA == 1) && (Level <= 5))
    cout << " you failed to escape" << endl;
    if(PickA == 2)
    CyclopsH = CyclopsH + (CyclopsD / 2 - Attack);
    cout << "Cyclops took " << -(CyclopsD / 2 - Attack)
    << " Damage" << endl;
    if(CyclopsH <= 0)
    cout << "***Cyclops Died!***" << endl << " you gained 10 exp."
    << endl << " you got 60 gold" << endl;
    Exp = Exp + 10;
    Gold = Gold + 60;
    if(CyclopsH > 0)
    Full = Full + (Defence / 2 - CyclopsA);
    cout << "You took " << -(Defence / 2 - CyclopsA)
    << " Damage" << endl;
    if(Full <= 0)
    cout << "***You Lost!***" << endl << " you lost half your exp."
    << endl << " you lost half your gold" << endl;
    Exp = Exp / 2;
    Gold = Gold / 2;

    CyclopsH = 9;
    if(Full <= 0)
    Full = 1;
    if(Full > Health)
    Full = Health;
    // Cyclops Ends Here
    // Dragon Starts Here
    if((Picker == 5) && (Boss == 3))
    cout << "\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n"
    << " +++Dragon+++" << endl
    << "You Don't get first strike" << endl;
    for( ; (Full > 0) && ( DragonH > 0) ; )
    cout << "Health " << Health << "/" << Full << endl << "(1)Run Away"
    << endl << "(2)Attack " << endl;

    cin >> PickA;

    if((PickA == 1) && (Level >= 8))
    cout << "you ran away" << endl;
    if((PickA == 1) && (Level <= 7))
    cout << " you failed to escape" << endl;
    if(PickA == 2)
    if(DragonH > 0)
    Full = Full + (Defence / 2 - DragonA);
    cout << "You took " << -(Defence / 2 - DragonA)
    << " Damage" << endl;
    if(Full <= 0)
    cout << "***You Lost!***" << endl << " you lost half your exp."
    << endl << " you lost half your gold" << endl;
    Exp = Exp / 2;
    Gold = Gold / 2;
    if(Full >=1)
    DragonH = DragonH + (DragonD / 2 - Attack);
    cout << "Dragon took " << -(DragonD / 2 - Attack)
    << " Damage" << endl;
    if(DragonH <= 0)
    cout << "***Dragon Died!***" << endl << " you gained 32 exp."
    << endl << " you got 160 gold" << endl;
    Exp = Exp + 32;
    Gold = Gold + 160;
    Boss = Boss + 1;
    system("color 21");
    cout << "Good Job! " << endl << "You Won!"
    << endl << "this game was made by"
    << " ***Eric Sondraal!***" << endl;
    return 0;


    DragonH = 25;
    if(Full <= 0)
    Full = 1;
    if(Full > Health)
    Full = Health;
    // Dragon Ends Here

    return 0;
  19. Dissociator African Astronaut
    well I only think my pleasure receptors are completely FUBARd when I get into psychoses. I'm able to feel HELLA pleasure with combining stims with phenibut, or just phenibut. or just T-PAIN.

    I was doing pretty well, when I had T-PAIN/phenibut my mind went back to normal or atleast reset to what I thought normal was (the last time I did it I mean), because I was doing both on and off for like 2 years, took a break, got it again, next time I try to order newmind sends me a message saying they cut me off/stopped selling to me for god knows why
  20. Dissociator African Astronaut
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