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Posts by Dissociator

  1. Dissociator African Astronaut
    nice fucking life, apparently its some fucking holiday or whatnot as neighbors have guests over. oh the commrodere, the joy the conversation of human connection. fuck those normie fags. I became intrigued when taking a dump and i heard them, my schizo mind spawned really lame psychoses. maybe they occasionally talk about my tiny broken dick. 8 inches hard doesnt apply when meth antics fucks me up

    idk hearing humans makes me feel less dead
  2. Dissociator African Astronaut
    Originally posted by BeigeWarlock I didn't realize their show was off the air for 20 years. the People who made the Average American a popular thing again during the late 80s and 90s. I didn't even realize it started off in the 1980s.

    weird. time flies when you sleep through most of it.. as I did on medication and depression. The only thing that makes you sleep more on depression medication is the depression itself. Depression Medication is super sedative while depression is you falling asleep waiting to die. Shows like hers made an attempt to make me feel normal as an American.. in which Euro Elite fags will tell us that's because we're trashy like Rosrsanne's character.

    But not a new concept. The Waltons was one, Sanford and Son, All in the family. the only shows (oddly funny) that should of been offensive were shows like Andy Griffith or Gomer Pyle. this is what making Americans look like trash is to suggest people in the deep south are ignorant when many of them are well educated people. they just racist .. so that makes them self ignorant. true definition of "nigger" is ignorance.

    so those people are the real niggers.

    heres a neat little cool thing:
    there was never a black fella with a speaking role on andy griffith show
    no black main characters, only background extras
  3. Dissociator African Astronaut
    surely you can be accomodating in that aspect?
  4. Dissociator African Astronaut
    add me first be a friend not a dick the drugs are complementary because I feel like it not required
  5. Dissociator African Astronaut
    Alex canny
    Unblock le landy
  6. Dissociator African Astronaut
    I gotta buy the enebelope and shippong
  7. Dissociator African Astronaut
    Originally posted by lempoid loompus ill forgive your aggressive harassment mental breakdown for a spicy blueberry ;)

    Ok in like, about a week or less u should have it
  8. Dissociator African Astronaut
    Like someone that has to do an important job in space but during re entry into the atmosphere they burn up and die
  9. Dissociator African Astronaut
    Daily every single day : methadone and caffeine
    Daily comfort/convenience : methadone, caffeine, oxycodone, weed/spice, low dose benzo, alcohol before bed
    Daily good functioning : gabapentin methadone caffeine focalin klonopin weed and spice
  10. Dissociator African Astronaut
    Originally posted by lempoid loompus basically this is the amount of neural computation needed for an IQ 85 test item. puts the brain in perspective.

    We both well know that a fucking iq 85 burgermeister couldnt figure that out
    Ive been taking more iq tests to try to get an accurate result ill inform u when I get emails
  11. Dissociator African Astronaut
    Originally posted by lempoid loompus if jesus christ is normal i am normal too

    Wanna be bros again
    Sorry for my epitome of roshambo douchebaggery apparently ive been cranky/retarded due to a bad pillow
  12. Dissociator African Astronaut
    Originally posted by Something Squirrel help me make my game I already paid sploo to help

    I will, ive tried in the past but we never really got a connection going, most likely due to my disorganized life and drug persuits. Give me something to work on based on what you know of my skillset (audiovisual etc) and ill do a sample project for u free of charge
  13. Dissociator African Astronaut
    Originally posted by Something Squirrel When I lived in the crackshack with no power or heat. I had to hack the power meter with a piece of copper to get some outlets to work.

    I had limited money, limited drugs (MDMA, meth, heroin, weed, coke) I was supposed to be getting kicked out (didn't pay my rent since July it was October) everyone abandoned me and it was just my 2 cats and me.

    I had internet because the one outlet I got working was the modem and they didn't cut me off yet.

    Every day was spent freezing because the house was cold as fuck, getting high, scrounging for food and doing Science experiments to keep myself busy and looking for jobs, trying to network.

    The police came by a few times asking when I would leave, I was waiting and ready for the sherrif department to evict me but it never came.

    In the end the landlord's broke in through the basement while I was high as fuck so I darted, left all my stuff behind only took one bag and 24 hours later the place was burned almost to the ground and I had a warrant for arson.

    When they picked me up I had a meth pipe, I was on morphine and had a bunch of pills and I was drunk, high on weed and cocaine and drank like 50 cups of water. They realised it was the copper electrical hacking and the free power that caused the fire and I was just an innocent fucked up druggie and they let me go and suggest I leave town forever so I did.

    I have quite the reputation in that small little town, I was the only one who did meth and people stayed very far away from me because I was known to do crazy thing without thinking.

    I was honestly trying to be a good person the whole time but too many people betrayed me, robbed me, fucked me over in so many ways that I just said fuck it and started doing meth and stopped caring about "my future"

    Glad I did, it sucked at the time but now my life is 100x better than any of theirs, they are all still stuck there! Hahaha

    This moved me nigga
  14. Dissociator African Astronaut
    Or do you mean just reverse the 139?
  15. Dissociator African Astronaut
    30.1 is the square root of 931
    Its WAT [mind blanks out because bundyAnddrunk)

    fuckkk explain the rest so I can learn something for once to absorb it and correct my errors
  16. Dissociator African Astronaut
    Originally posted by Something Squirrel Right now you should be WORKING nigga

    Youre right
    Ive been thinking of jobs and I do have a few connections (as said by friends: once you have your shit together the job is yours)
  17. Dissociator African Astronaut
    Im back in the game bby
    Somehow bundy bequeathed my original brainoids
  18. Dissociator African Astronaut
    11.78^2= 138.7 = rounded to about 139
  19. Dissociator African Astronaut
    Originally posted by Something Squirrel You've got the cycles all wrong.

    Seasons are just an old farmers ancient method of keeping track of crops but these days we have no need to adjust our lives to the weather because technology takea care of that for us.

    Live by the sun, not the earth.

    No im just saying my current cycles coincide with what a fuckin, computerized damnedfuck of a druggie pseudomaul would come up with

    In dark im naught
    In light im... thought?

    BTW Im the OP
    Making a new acc for schtick is stewpid
  20. Dissociator African Astronaut
    How often do u binge on weed?

    Back when I first started smoking an eighth would last me like 3 days then for a while I got a bit of a weed habit and would smoke an eighth a day. Now since my brain is pretty damaged and weed doesnt do much an eighth will last me around a week
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