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Posts by infinityshock

  1. infinityshock Black Hole

  2. infinityshock Black Hole

  3. infinityshock Black Hole

  4. infinityshock Black Hole

  5. infinityshock Black Hole

  6. infinityshock Black Hole

  7. infinityshock Black Hole

    'A North Carolina high school nigger was hit with felony charges for attacking two separate school teachers on school grounds — and is being charged as an adult, prosecutors said.

    Aquavis Hickman, 17, a nigger attending at Parkland High School in Winston-Salem, was indicted on assault and kidnapping charges last week and charged as a grownup in the two horrific attacks, including an April 15 assault where he slapped a female teacher twice, Fox affiliate WGHP-TV News reported.

    “Our message to our community is simple,” Forsyth County District Attorney Jim O’Neill told the outlet. “We stand with teachers. We will fight to protect those teachers. And if you lay a hand on a teacher and assault a teacher, you can expect that the punishment will be swift and severe.

    In the first incident, Hickman was charged with second-degree kidnapping and misdemeanor riot in a Feb. 1 attack on a male teacher at the school

    Larry Edwards, a retired educator who was working as a substitute teacher, told WGHP he “was appalled” after having his head pushed in the hallway, allegedly by Hickman and other students.

    “I walked up to the desk to get my phone to call the office and he mockingly walked behind me, and I happened to turn around and see him and the students started laughing,” Edwards said in a report last week. “The next thing I know he had taken his hand and smushed my head and everybody started laughing and he ran out.”

    Last month, prosecutors said the nigger walked up to the female teacher and smacked her twice, with the attack caught on video that later went viral — although it was not released by cops. '

  8. infinityshock Black Hole

  9. infinityshock Black Hole

  10. infinityshock Black Hole

  11. infinityshock Black Hole

  12. infinityshock Black Hole

  13. infinityshock Black Hole

  14. infinityshock Black Hole

    Yes, that is a nigger holding and eating a human leg obligingly following his moral obligation to eat more meat.
  15. infinityshock Black Hole

    A nigger judge soliciting bribes on her cash app.

    'The three-member panel for the Judicial Qualifications Commission decided Peterson is guilty of "systemic incompetence" because she ignored courthouse rules, abused courthouse personnel, made inappropriate posts on social media and, in repeated cases, failed to do her job.

    The extraordinary decision to remove Peterson follows four separate hearings starting in September 2023 where Peterson had a chance to testify and confront her accusers. She faced 30 counts of misconduct.

    The one that troubled the panel the most involved Peterson's decision to jail a woman for simply trying to amend her marriage certificate to include the real name of her recently discovered father.

    When PJ Skelton originally married, she listed her uncle as her father on the marriage certificate because he raised her. Years later, when she learned her birth father's name, she returned to amend the record.

    PJ Skelton served two days of a 20-day jail sentence for contempt before her husband could pay a $500 fine.

    "Such a hasty and shockingly disproportionate reaction is the hallmark of (Peterson’s) intemperance," wrote the panel.

    The report criticized Peterson’s attempt at a neighborhood meeting to get her HOA to settle a lawsuit she had filed, even though she knew the HOA was represented by an attorney.
    Douglas judge guilty of ‘systemic incompetence’

    Douglas County Probate Judge Christina Peterson became a magnet of controversy from the moment she was sworn in for what is typically a non-controversial job. The hearing panel for the Judicial Qualifications Commission decided the probate judge’s actions proved she is guilty of quote systemic incompetence.

    "(Peterson’s) attempts to avoid responsibility for these clear violations bordered on farcical, severely eroding her credibility with the Hearing Panel," wrote panel members.

    The Douglas County Sheriff’s Office complained Judge Peterson ignored their orders and held a wedding after hours, allowing people inside without deputies present.

    She once hit a panic button when a deputy was late escorting her to court, causing needless panic among security.

    And the report pointed out when county staff criticized her actions, it "quickly triggers allegations of obstructionism or even racism."

    One of Peterson's many social media posts the hearing panel found objectionable. In one, she asks the public for cash birthday presents.

    "These communications and actions reveal a judge (Respondent) who publicly vilifies colleagues, is quick to threaten them with unnecessary legal action, and generally projects a spiteful and vainglorious persona."

    Peterson’s main defense was her inexperience as a judge, a problem she promised had been addressed through additional training.

    But the panel wasn’t buying it.

    The report also cited multiple examples of failure to actually do her job which needlessly delayed petitions before her office. The hearing panel said Peterson was guilty of "systemic incompetence… (Judges) are expected to act in a manner that promotes the integrity and impartiality of the judiciary. Respondent has shown that she cannot — or will not — do so. And so she must go."

    The Georgia Supreme Court will ultimately decide whether to approve the hearing panel's recommendation. Peterson has 20 business days to file a response and remains on the bench. Her attorney Lester Tate said "we disagree with the recommendation of removal and intend to go to the next level."

    Peterson also faces opposition in next month's primary election. And earlier this year, her HOA began garnishing her judicial wages for the $43,446.76 judgment against her.'
  16. infinityshock Black Hole
  17. infinityshock Black Hole

  18. infinityshock Black Hole

  19. infinityshock Black Hole
    Originally posted by CodeNiggHardR The thing about a single mom is you can actually watch her doting upon and nurturing her close family in real time. You don't have some thot say she wants to be a loyal househo and just take her word for it.

    I think a chick who doesn't have any kids at all by a certain age is totally lacking libido, or mothering instinct or both. Muh unpaid emotional labor, we wuz opprexdd for zillion of years

    it also depends on the guy as well as the chicks plumbing

    ive know chicks who fucked for years without getting pregnant then when they told boyfriends they couldnt get pregnant...they got pregnant
  20. infinityshock Black Hole
    Originally posted by Kafka My cat has brought out motherly instincts I didn't know I had, I smother it. I don't think I could feel the same about a kid though. Cats are my tribe now.

    explain what a man is
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