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Posts by infinityshock

  1. infinityshock Black Hole
    Originally posted by Bill Krozby wooooahhh… someones been sippin on the hateraid and doesn't want me to make more gainz than him. (not that im interested in fucking your butthole bois fag)

    you mistake stated facts for personal attacks.
  2. infinityshock Black Hole
    Originally posted by Bill Krozby you're a gay pedo bill the cat

    lets go with that...

    dress up in a little sailors outfit...with a big lollypop...and you can shout out 'ouch, daddy that hurts so good. do it harder' while i do things to your lower digestive tract thatll make goatse weep.
  3. infinityshock Black Hole
    i know penske and budget rent semis. ive rented from both of them before

    ive rented box-trucks/panel vans from enterprise before. never a semi...but that doesnt mean they dont
  4. infinityshock Black Hole
    Originally posted by cerakote i can legally own long guns which is what i own

    bullshit. you havent even hit puberty yet.
  5. infinityshock Black Hole
    Originally posted by cerakote unless the weapon mounting systems were fitted for a 20 or 30mm gun, he is correct, the blackhawk could not. the us military (who mexico purchased a majority of theirs from) didnt ever implement a 20 or 30mm weapons system on any variant of blackhawk i believe

    dont misquote me you snivelling pedophile magnet.

    the key to the factuality of my statement was the blackhawk cant fire 20mm/30mm at the rate of fire depicted in the video. the helo certainly can fire 20mm and 30mm...they are fitted with both. so, again, youre completely clueless on how real life works and you are cordially invited to go fuck yourself.

    after you hit puberty, that is.
  6. infinityshock Black Hole
    Originally posted by cerakote i honestly dont know if hes just LE PRETENDING TO BE RETARDED XDDD

    theres no pretending in your case. you are full-retard
  7. infinityshock Black Hole
    Originally posted by Bill Krozby ITT bill the cat is fundamentaly wrong about the plight of the fundamentals of the plight of geo-derpa-globalism

    i have a penis

    you have tonsils

    lets get this party started.
  8. infinityshock Black Hole
    Originally posted by cerakote he argued that the blackhawks were armed with miniguns, which may or may not be true. most likely, it was a misnomer by the faggot liberal media and it was actually an M240, which is a single barreled MG, but even if they were meaning a minigun as in the 6 barreled m134, he would still be correct

    i cited evidence to support my argument and you have none

    my point can be further supported by looking at the dates the mexican government purchased the blackhawks and when the armament of them was changed from the m60d to the m240d or m134

    you cant refute a point by "what kind of [7th grade-tier vulgar descriptor] are you saying? ur so stupid u dont know what ur talking about lole"

    also, concerning the caliber of the weapon, it doesnt appear that 7.62x45 even exists for MGs (the vz58 shoots this cartridge but i couldnt find anywhere saying that the mexican military uses this, their main service rifle shoots 5.45x39). with that being said, the nato round used in mostly all us weapons is 7.62x51. the bullet is smaller in a 7.62x45, but the diameter of the cartridge is the same, so assuming that this catridge would possibly be in their MGs, it would fire. its no bigger than the caliber it was originally chambered in, so it wouldnt obstruct anything, and its the same diameter so it would still be able to be loaded into belts for the nato round.

    an example of this is the .357 and .38 caliber rounds. sure, theyre different lengths, but a revolver chambered in .357 can still shoot a .38 caliber bullet. and as long as the cylinder for a .38 revolver was long enough to take a .357 bullet, it could shoot it just fine

    also, the m240d is the only variant made for aircraft

    Post last edited by cerakote at 2017-02-16T05:00:12.413056+00:00

    Post last edited by cerakote at 2017-02-16T05:07:20.070998+00:00

    based on everything you've posted...especially after that post I made explaining my experience, which should at the very least have caused you to temper your replies...I have absolutely nothing to say to you other than: you're an idiot. youre a sniveling, runny-nosed, insignificant, high-school bee-bopper and have the audacity to reply to my posts...much less attempt to contradict them. youre banned from replying to me.

    to everyone else that read what that idiot posted, don't take heed to any of it. that idiot doesn't have half a clue when it comes to firearms or ballistics in any regard...much less their real world applications.

    - as ive already stated in a previous post. as of the date/time listed in the post, the messycans have not officially released any information on the aircraft or weapon used. one knows.

    - the messycans get most of their arms from nato/the US. that being the case, there is commonality between what we use...and what they use. case in point, the round for their primary service weapon, as that of the US, is the 5.56x45...or similarly the civilian version, .223 remington. this round is commonly used in the m249...a 'light' machine gun. there is a multibarreled gun that fires this round, however it is not currently issued. the 7.62x51...or similarly the civilian version, .308 the round used in heavier machine guns (m240) or/and when more boom is required. it IS NOT used by nato in 'mostly all its weapons.' messyco also uses this round frequently. the former Warsaw pact...and by association, Russia...uses the 5.45x39 round in their primary rifles...with the 7.62x54 being the round they use in roles where more umph is required...such as their heavier machine guns. this is similar to the relation in nato between the 5.56x45 and 7.62x51. the russians also use 7.62x39 but not as widely as they did before the 5.45x39. despite the similarly in both the nato and russian nomenclature for their rounds (7.62) that means's just the name. the russian bullets are actually .310 to .312 diameter (they are made by so many different countries... they all do their own thing)...while nato bullets are .308 diameter.

    note: as per the statement made by the idiot, MEXICO DOES NOT USE THE 5.45x39 AS THE CALIBER FOR ITS PRIMARY INDIVIDUAL WEAPON. messyco does, in fact, use the 5.56x45 as the caliber for its primary individual weapon. this is another case of a poster who is unfamiliar with real life usage of things that go boom mistaking simple numbers and attempting to pass them off as valid information. to rehash:

    5.56x45 is the caliber used by nato in the primary individual weapon.
    5.45x39 is the caliber used by russia/former warsaw pact in their primary individual weapon

    the 7.62x45 isn't used by anyone. the first retard that claimed this round was what fired by the messycan helio-copter did so because of lack of familiarity with non-airsoft guns and he mixed up the nomenclature of the '7.62' and '45' causing the idiocy to spiral out of control.

    the a analogy the idiot used with 357 vs .38 is atrocious as well as dangerous to anyone that doesn't know any better. you cant go around willy-nilly stuffing the wrong caliber round into a rifle/pistol. bad things always happen. a .38 and .357 are almost physically identical. the most significant difference is the propellant used. in a 357 the propellant is 'more powerful' in that it produces much higher pressures than the .38 is rated at. shooting a .38 in a .357 is fine...the low-pressure .38 won't exceed the rated pressures of the firearm. shooting a 357 in a 38 has the potential to cause a catastrophic failure of the firearm and most likely...someone putting their eye out.

    in summary: the poster i replied to is an idiot and any anything it ever posts should always be ignored.
  9. infinityshock Black Hole
    Originally posted by iamlight

    So for the passed (read: past) couple of years I've been trapped in a fishing net along the coast. I was visiting Easy-e and a fucking dragon attacked me. Thinking back now I'm sure it was Arnox. Well befuddle me, the goat left the barn.

    Basically (read: honestly) all I want is my cat back, but honestly I will settle for a couple nugs. If anyone knows where asdfg went, he owes me a couple.

    I was only in that net for a couple of years, but now these kids are doing these so called "dabs" and not only the kind where you convulse horizontally, but the kind with large quantities of natural terpenes, flavanoids, and cannanaoids.

    Flavor Flave would be proud. You motherfuckers let kIlluminati get MJ.

    Now I'm missing a few folks, and apparently (against better judgment) we now have a negro space captain.

    Help me find them.

    Where are
    asdfg - stoner
    Arnox (really a dragon)
    Lilith the First
    street carp

    Easy-E has a go fund me page up.

    Post last edited by iamlight at 2017-01-11T23:08:22.476664+00:00

    hazza and street crap eloped to thailand, adopted a ladyboy, and now spend their time in a perpetual attempt to get each other rectally pregnant.
  10. infinityshock Black Hole
    Originally posted by cerakote i have guns so its w/e but i can legally have them

    those airsofts arent going to do you any good, sweet cheeks.
  11. infinityshock Black Hole
    Originally posted by Dargo After reading all this about past forums and SpectraL being a l337 h45k3r or some shit makes me think that we should have mods. The butthurt, drama, and bans would be incredible.

    I say make RisiR,… global mods and let the flame wars begin. …throw Bill Krozby into the mix.

    Seriously, I wanna see this happen.


  12. infinityshock Black Hole
    Originally posted by Captain Falcon Bill Krozby up need to start going to the gym, ez, let your testosterone evolve into gainz.

    that bottom fag has no testosterone. not even estrogen. hes such a homo theres some sort of phytohormones coursing through his veins that are filled with...not blood...but the jizm of his countless male lovers.
  13. infinityshock Black Hole
    Originally posted by SCronaldo_J_Trump I don't like eggs. I like to end a life when I eat, eggs are just too easy.

    Have you ever defeathered a chicken?. There is something oddly satisfying about chucking them in a boiling water/lye solution still alive.

    yes, and no. not just no...but fuck no
  14. infinityshock Black Hole
    Originally posted by Captain Falcon If you don't find Rihanna attractive then you are most definitely a faggot. Only a penis enthusiast would reject that Rihanna is hot as fuck.



  15. infinityshock Black Hole
    Originally posted by Bill Krozby ITT bill the cat is a fag

    ill be a fag...if you be my bottom bitch...
  16. infinityshock Black Hole
    *shitting in a shit thread*

    anal scratcher...come scratch my ass...
  17. infinityshock Black Hole
    Originally posted by Anal Scratch Hemorrage You checked nothing and that happened last week not yesterday dumbass.

    you. are. a fucking. idiot.
  18. infinityshock Black Hole
    Originally posted by Hash Slinging Slasher And selling some guns.

    You have a long and somewhat informative talk with a customer about various .45 caliber pistols that you have for sale. The customer then informs you that he is going to have a look around but will probably be back.

    A few minutes later, this customer comes back, eyes a pistol that you have marked at $519, and says "I'll give you $500 cash for it." You don't want to give him a discount. Do you…

    A. Politely inform him that you can't take any less than advertised price for it

    B. Try to explain to him why you have to charge so much for it

    C. Explain why the advertised price is a good deal

    D. Have a fucking meltdown over it, saying "that crap doesn't work here" before accusing the customer of trying to rip you off and doing the whole "how would you like it if…" routine complete with several false equivalences and accusations

    If your answer is anything but D, congratulations, you're not an employee of a company called "HK specialist" (that doesn't actually have any HKs for sale) and you weren't at the SCACA gun show this weekend.

    some of those gunshow table clowns are major dicks. a few years ago some jackhole told me that .300blk was garbage and would never become a popular round then told me 40mm ammo cans are so expensive because there arent any more of them available...when about two weeks prior i had been to a DRMO facility that had, literally, hundreds of pallets full of empty 40mm cans.

    its a pick-and-choose thing. now, whenever i need something at a gunshow i know what vendors to go to, and what ones to make snide comments about to people with me at a volume just loud enough for the offending vendor to hear.
  19. infinityshock Black Hole
    none of that makes any sense.

    i already explained a plausible explanation for the air/electric still being on.

    how much space was underground where debris could have filled, instead of being at ground-level...?
  20. infinityshock Black Hole
    Originally posted by Anal Scratch Hemorrage I'd suggest not to scratch too much but then again I'm all about freedom. Please continue. Or stop, the choice is yours.

    i concur

    feel free to lend a helping hand
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