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Posts by infinityshock

  1. infinityshock Black Hole
    Originally posted by mmQ The answer is no. There's nothing impressive about killing a feral Kitty bitty. You're not helping save wildlife or whatever cringe excuse you might have. Killing things that mean no harm to you is objectively something people need to do to either survive, or to feel some sense of false accomplishment because they aren't good at anything that involves not preying on innocence.

    I know what I mean. Hunt and fish. That's fine. I get it. We're all impressed you shot 8 cats and a 12 point buck I'm gonna tell everyone I know how cool you are.

    i dont recall saying anything in first person, as being a cat i know anything about. its a purely hypothetical situation.

    that...and its already been established that the verminous beast has caused and intended to cause property damage as well as grievous bodily harm to one or more living creature whom mean nothing any harm.

    'preying on innocence' eloquent. stop watching pedophile shows.

    would you kill roaches? ants? rabbits? termites? i cant wait to hear your justification for that situation.

    if you want to involve first-person...i have never intentionally killed anything that didnt deserve it.
  2. infinityshock Black Hole
    Originally posted by puffy butts i was eating fried chicken and my hands got greasy but i hate washing my hands and i dont want to move, but if i don't wash my hands i can't play with my hair without it getting grease in it. i really wish i was dead. everything is suffering, i can never be simply happy.

    lick it all off...

  3. infinityshock Black Hole
    Originally posted by Discount Whore Also not only guys fuck my wife, girls fuck her too, then I fuck the girls, then the guys fuck me. :D

    where's the sign up sheet for that party...
  4. infinityshock Black Hole
    Originally posted by Sophie At least i'm being honest, nigger.

    that is deplorable and disgusting
  5. infinityshock Black Hole
    Originally posted by Captain Falcon Nobody watches ur videos faggot

    I can confirm that I definitely dont
  6. infinityshock Black Hole
    Originally posted by Discount Whore All in favor say "aye."


    I propose a mass shower-raping...ala the shower rape scene in 'American history x'...only with more niggers and larger foreign objects.
  7. infinityshock Black Hole
    Originally posted by cerakote fuck you

    no one gave you permission to come out of your corner. you're still on timeout.
  8. infinityshock Black Hole
    I have no dank. I conduct sanitary hygiene practices and have no dark, musty, unclean examples to share.

    nasty bastards
  9. infinityshock Black Hole
    you're all useless...
  10. infinityshock Black Hole
    Originally posted by blackbird I could curl up in your lap and you could put a cute little collar on me. ^_^

    ill slather my cock in peanut butter and maple syrup and you can slurp it off with your tongue
  11. infinityshock Black Hole
    Originally posted by snab_snib it's just as likely a coincidence.

    what were the CO2 levels a few hundred thousand years ago? a few million years ago?

  12. infinityshock Black Hole
    Originally posted by Anal Scratch Hemorrage I never mentioned Al-Gore and habe actually no idea about what his opinions on the matter were.

    Evidence of great global flood coinciding with the time on which Noahs flood is accounted to have happened in the Bible (10,000 years ago) has been found in the recent years particularily at excavations in Niniveh, Warka and other archeological sites in Iraq. substrate excavations showed a layer of only sand and clay sandwiched between two layers with evidence of vegetation and remnants of pottery, indicating that the region had been densely inhabited but was suddenly abandoned somewhere around 10000 years ago and reoccupied 3000 thosand years later. the only possible reason for such event is a natural disaster that devastated the region. Moreover, studies from historical accounts tell of a successsion of cities that were built and abandoned. The oldest surviving settlements are nearest onto the sea than the younguer ones, and many cities are mentioned to be chronologically older than any of the ones whose ruins still survive, the ordering of which in relation to the others indicates that these must now be underwater. the post-flood cities that were lost to the sea worldwide is the origin to the stories about Atlantis, the mythical ancient city lost to the sea.

    the reason for the acceleration in climate change, as I just mentioned, is the urban sprawl, that basically is turning larger and larger areas of the planet's surface into a solar oven, whereas a vforested area would cancel out the solar energy by evaporation of the vegetations water gore is the poster child for the global warming scam, earning himself a place in my derision

    evidence my ass...the same archeological evidence showing noahs ark being in turkey, that was later determined to be a sham? like i said...there is evidence of some sort of flood event with no evidence of its extent or degree of affect on then-existing human civilization.

    you dont know the reason for the climate. no one does. anyone that claims to know the who-what-where-or-why is either intentionally lying or mentally incompetent.
  13. infinityshock Black Hole
    hopefully trump has some of his SS men pay that sand nigger a visit
  14. infinityshock Black Hole
    im betting the majority of dudes fucking that sow are niggers...cause she aint no special catch.

    if i were in a relationship where the chick wanted to fuck other dudes i sure to fuck would be fucking other chicks. if the relationship-chick said i couldnt fuck other chicks, but she still wanted to fuck other dudes, my only reply would be 'sure thing'

    followed by me telling her to never call me or come by my house again.
  15. infinityshock Black Hole
    pop quiz:

    if you had in your possession a flea that was captured, on private property, following all pertinent state and local legal requirements, and clearly having the definition of 'nuisance' animal.
    - was trapped within fifteen feet of a chicken house, making it obvious its intent to cause death to a domestic pet
    - cat shit / piss everywhere
    - every morning cat prints in the condensation on every vehicle, leaving claw scratches in the paint


    - no collar or identification markings of any sort
    - no indications of ever having had been surgically neutered, either with visible tags or scars in the appropriate anatomical locations
    - laws prohibit release of any sort of live animal after it has been trapped in any location other than the exact location where it was trapped.

    - and considering:
    Domestic cats are not a part of natural ecosystem. A single individual free-ranging cat may kill 100 or more birds and mammals per year. Scientists in Wisconsin estimate that cats kill at least 7.8 million birds per year in that state alone. Even cats with bells on their collars kill birds and small mammals.

    Cats compete with native predators and spread disease.

    Domestic cats can be a nuisance and cause damage in many of the same ways that wild animals do, such as killing poultry and other small domestic stock.

    Homeless cats may compete with pets for food.

    Free-ranging cats can kill birds at bird feeders.

    Cats can be a nuisance in gardens when they defecate and cover their feces by digging.

    would you euthanize it, in a humane manner?

  16. infinityshock Black Hole
    Originally posted by BeigeWarlock Speak like a proper brit. you're supposed to set an example for Americans. You don't even speak cockney or some shit like Manchester Street from the 80s. what is this strange brew of African American Ebonics and Island Thug coming out of your fingers. Do you seriously talk this way on the streets? Your mum must be annoyed as fuck listening to this shit. I was watching some movie the other night and I can normally understand even old street brit lingo.. but this newer brit ebonics shit is way out there. Are you english blood or irish, welsh or are you a Paki?

    it's nigger-ese.

    like ebonics, only with more pronounced degree of retardation
  17. infinityshock Black Hole
    Originally posted by BeigeWarlock You know, both Moses and Jesus were probably very black. You may not want to say those words.

    they were both jedis. same thing
  18. infinityshock Black Hole
    with a budget of $3.50 you should consider advertising to some homeless nigger crack addicts living under bridges or railway overpasses.

    that amount wouldnt even get you a snide thought directed in their general direction from anyone worth anything.
  19. infinityshock Black Hole
    Originally posted by Bill Krozby I know you're into second graders because you're a pedophile, but you need to quit projecting you're fantasy on me.

    don't act like you don't like it when I get my projections all over you...especially your chin.
  20. infinityshock Black Hole
    Originally posted by Bill Krozby sorry dude im not a loser like you, i go to straight bars, but unfortunately for your safe space is the gay bar because you're a faggot

    2nd grade called.

    they want their lame come-back, back
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