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Posts by infinityshock

  1. infinityshock Black Hole
    Originally posted by Totse 2001 I thought perhaps many members (including Zoklet) would be on here. just under a new username. I still believe that. So go be racist in East Oakland right off 98th and see how popular of a person you become. ;) I believe Zok, Lokil or at best Stanton is on this site.. prolly not Jeff Hunter. you realize the background is copyright which also shows who owns it.

    no one cares
  2. infinityshock Black Hole
    Originally posted by greenplastic bill the cats getting fuckin pwnd

    youre hallucinating all across the board...
  3. infinityshock Black Hole
    Originally posted by brandon anser or get out. this is a poll and u r runining it so u need 2 anser or u just r 2 stupid 2 no wut 1 2 choose. im chosing the 2nd 1

    you want to know my favorite fish: you.
  4. infinityshock Black Hole
    Originally posted by Totse 2001 Why not just cut a hole in your arm with velcro amd makeup around it and shove a bunch in there.. it's inert.. except the rusty ore around it.

    theyre niggers...they dont have much talent when it comes to self-induced surgical procedures.
  5. infinityshock Black Hole
    Originally posted by Totse 2001 You should stop being racist towards the race that most likely started all human life. not to mention how developed Africa is becoming. they will be the new ruling class. you might end up working for them …soon, son!

    Originally posted by Totse 2001 give one single example of anything in apefrica being developed where it is NOT at the hands of a non-nigger.

    You should stop being racist towards the race that most likely started all human life. not to mention how developed Africa is becoming. they will be the new ruling class. you might end up working for them …soon, son!

  6. infinityshock Black Hole
    Originally posted by Greif found baby in running dryer

    ...stuck baby in running dryer.
  7. infinityshock Black Hole
    Originally posted by Shitfucker that why i says goldmine.

    that would be nice. just dont let any niggers do the actual mining.

    they literally stick gold up their asses and try to sneak it out without reporting it. in africa the niggers make their nigger slave-children mine naked, allegedly so they dont get too hot, but its really because they dont want them sneaking out precious metals or stones in their clothing. soooo...they cram it up their asses. true story.
  8. infinityshock Black Hole
    Originally posted by brandon oh tipical idiot :o:o:o:o:o welcim 2 my thred now go away

    ...said the idiot that has clearly demonstrated he has no clue what the fuck hes posting about...
  9. infinityshock Black Hole
    diamonds are worthless
  10. infinityshock Black Hole
    Originally posted by Bill Krozby damnn thats a hard one. My parents used to breed parrots, cockatiels especially my mom mom would spoon feed the babies watered down food, and there was one that just wouldnt eat, he was sickly, usually they would just go for it, she would move there heads back and fourth crazily to the plastic spoon and gulp it it up but this one tried or something was wrong and it just started dying its neck started contorting and his little body just let go and he lied limp, and my mom started to cry, and I felt a huge wave of sadness go over me.
    That was pretty serious to me.

    But the most "shocking" thing was when my cat was put in a cat coffin and I picked him up from the vet, i put him in my refrigerator and he was there for about 15 hours before I was able to bury him, I got off work at 4am and I decided to open his coffin because I had already dug his grave before before going to work and i didnt want to put the box in the ground I only wanted him to go into the ground. I was so scared opening it up and I was very "shocked" to see him laying there, like he had always laid while in my bed with me cuddling up with me. I looked at him for awhile and petted him and I felt a lot better but I was still sad.

    (insert face palm meme here)
  11. infinityshock Black Hole
    Bill Krozbys bare ass
  12. infinityshock Black Hole
    Originally posted by brandon ok so like anyways ok so hey everybody wuts ur faverit now were gonna do wuts ur faverit kind of fish???

    pick 1 then tell ur ansers

    anser 1 the lion fish- lives 13,000 feet below see level 2 about 200 feet and usally in the warmer sees

    no it doesnt. i shot one a few months ago and it wasnt any deeper than about 30 or 40 feet
  13. infinityshock Black Hole
    Originally posted by greenplastic infinityshock is a virgin. plain n simple, everyone knows it.

  14. infinityshock Black Hole
    Originally posted by brandon how about u shut up cus ur doing everything rong u idiot

    i have a better idea. suck my balls
  15. infinityshock Black Hole
    Originally posted by mmQ Seems you have a bit of African descendantry in you, Mr heat.

    im sure youve had plenty of african descendants in you, mr nigger lover
  16. infinityshock Black Hole
    haagen daz
  17. infinityshock Black Hole
    Originally posted by SCronaldo_J_Trump Only fags live in places where it doesn't snow.

    Real men live in cold places with extreme weather because we just don't give a fuck. It's not living if you aren't suffering.

    youre just too stupid to live somewhere that has a climate more suited to human habitation.

    i guarantee if you lived where i did...and didnt have AC...youd die on your first summer day. on the other hand, i guarantee if i lived in the shithole fuckfest you be fine without central heat.

    cold weather only requires adding more layers.

    hot can only remove so much clothing before you die from heat stroke.
  18. infinityshock Black Hole
    Originally posted by aldra in this case they were caught with videos of such on their phones; I believe they're actually being prosecuted

    if that is entered into evidence...then good.

    if its 'fake news' being falsely claimed by a reporter...then fuck the minitru.
  19. infinityshock Black Hole
    Originally posted by -SpectraL Then Lanny would become more powerful, and thusly, would become more arrogant, more assuming, more sure of himself. Just look at zok. I was on zoklet at a time when there wasn't even six members, before the ToTsunami migration happened, and zok was a really cool guy, never had a problem with him, friendly, just liked to talk about his tiger fish and shit, laid back, conversational. And then all of a sudden he had hundreds of members, and in a relatively short period of time it all went to his head. He became too big for his britches. At the end, he had actually convinced himself that his shit didn't stink, he'd become obnoxious, self-serving, unfair, judgemental, condescending, aloof. Not a nice guy. He'd come from a lowly reg on the Internets, the kind of guy that it would be cool to chat with, to a self-professed king of his own making, strutting around as if he had royal blood or something. It was a fascinating thing to witness. You almost had to feel sad for the guy, because I even remember him saying a couple of times that he "never wanted any of you here." And I'm sure Lanny wouldn't be any different than what happened to zok. He would grow in power, begin to feel out his capabilities, start stretching his authority… it wouldn't be long before he'd have become a monster, too. A monster that would need to be put down, for its own good, if not for anything else.

    zok was always a pantywaist faggot
  20. infinityshock Black Hole
    Originally posted by RisiR I also got my balcony reenforced and a snow fang grit.

    Fucking trailer trash.

    youre just jealous that it never snows where i am...and i dont need ridiculous windows to keep from freezing to death, you fucking muslim slum lord
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