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Posts by infinityshock

  1. infinityshock Black Hole
    Originally posted by Totse 2001 The whole world is turning on jedi people because they can't figure out the difference between real jedis controled by the Russian False jedi Cartel that created a false state of Israel and have double citizenships.

    Sorry if I offended anyone jedi but Euro jedis are prolly only jedis through conversion and marriage. or just don't care for the religion.. they're "Culturally jedi" cause it's not Hip to believe in jedi God.. just be jedi Hollywood.

    Fuck those people causing world suffering along with all of the other elitist.

    And infinityshock.. not preaching, but learn to like, love or hate equally people of all races. you just keep the motion in place by continuing with hate speech regarding other races. it's shock humor funny at times but not when it's just half the fucking content on this site.

    firstly: fuck jedis.

    secondly: 'hate speech' is another one of those newspeak terms that dont have real meanings but are intended to elicit an emotional response at the expense of clear, plausible thought. 'racism' is another example.

    thirdly: as ive stated before, i know the difference between a nigger and a black man...a spic and a hispanic...a cop and a pig...and a jedi and a kike. the overwhelming majority of jedis arent involved in the large-scale schemes going on, however even the insignificant ones do have obnoxious traits. (ever seen a jedi doing manual labor? ever owned a business where a jedi tried to jedi-down the fair price of a product or service?)

    my hatred isnt based on color of skin...its based on content of character.

    - in the entirety of recorded human history, why have the judaica been ostracized in virtually every country theyve infested, even when they had originally been welcomed?
    - what is the demographic of media outlets controlled by jedis?
    - what is the demographic of a disproportionate majority of elected politicians, compared to population demographic?
    - demographic of federal reserve chairman? (thats a fun one)
    - why does israel get so much taxpayer money?
    - why is it a crime to dispute the holo-hoax? (not joking...for non-europeans it is literally a jailable offense to claim the holo-hoax never happend.)
    - look at how the israelis behave and their interactions with other countries. their complete and utter hypocrisy.

    the world is turning on jedis because that is their naturally be hated. they went thru a phase of being tolerated and pitied due to their minitru propaganda from WWII.

    if what i post is half the content on this site...everyone else needs to step up their game
  2. infinityshock Black Hole
    Originally posted by -SpectraL This is when Lanny gets raided and arrested for serving dic pics to minors.

    that doesn't count as a real dick. more like a pubic hair with excessive lateral growth
  3. infinityshock Black Hole
    Originally posted by Bill Krozby Lanny can ban good people of this forum and censor other peoples post yet he doesnt have the nads to follow through with what he says he's going to do. Then he wonders why some people blow hard him off at the live weigh in. And then has the gull to call them a pussy, fuck that. I hate you.

    as're clueless about the random words you're throwing about in your fag posts. pussy
  4. infinityshock Black Hole
    no fucking shit. all the industrial chemicals you've been pumping, huffing, injecting, and butt-cramming into yourself are eventually going to cause a meltdown...neuro degeneration is just the start.

    list the chemicals you've taken...the age you took them...approximate quantities and frequency...your current age...and other symptoms you have...and I'll read your astrological forecast for you
  5. infinityshock Black Hole
    Originally posted by aldra … exploitive contractors are endemic in the US and other western states

    that is correct. take a guess who runs the largest imagery-supply companies in the US?

    that's right...der juden. and the schemes they have going on to fuck with the way imagery gear is wholesaled, resaled, and priced, is fucking criminal. the lot of them need to be sent back to aushwitz. there's one particular company in NYC where der juden literally wear their stupid beanies around. I didn't pay attention to the ones on the sales floor but the oven-escapees behind the scenes were flaming jude...beanies and jedi decoration everywhere.
  6. infinityshock Black Hole
    I'll give you a dime to suck my dick.
  7. infinityshock Black Hole
    Originally posted by puffy butts he's my fwend and the most active poster here

    this forum has had a ban system for less than a week and its already going to shit

    Bill Krozby dickspam is the beginning of the end

    then go suck his micropenis to satiate his depression and stfu, you crack addled huff monster
  8. infinityshock Black Hole
    Originally posted by elizaTenning This place is nasty and confusing! o_o and gay!

    don't'll get plenty of cocks to satiate your every orifice.
  9. infinityshock Black Hole
    Originally posted by grayastronaut I'll agree with you there but a lot of people from UK and Australia also watch this show (and BBUS) so unless you are calling white culture lazy and stupid I don't understand the point?.

    The cameras they use for each room in big brother run hundreds of thousands of $$ a piece.

    ...that they use/will use on other sets, making their actual cost insignificant.

    and professional broadcast quality cameras aren't that expensive. not unless they're IMAX but they're not real cameras
  10. infinityshock Black Hole
    Originally posted by Bill Krozby i thought you said your pussy ass was going to ban him if he did it again. ur a cuck

    you know it excites you knowing I've been fapping to your girly ass...
  11. infinityshock Black Hole
    Originally posted by SCronaldo_J_Trump I can source anything and I'm bored

    something with a lot of radioactivity.
  12. infinityshock Black Hole
    Originally posted by Dargo What field are you even in?

    male prostitution. he's just mad that his pimp is pissed that he's not bringing in the bucks the way he did back in the day before his asshole looked like an overcooked meat donut.
  13. infinityshock Black Hole
    you know you're craving a great big greasy nigger cock smashing against your tonsils right now...while your jedi husband faps to it...
  14. infinityshock Black Hole
    Originally posted by Dargo Uh, hate to break it to you bro, but Amerifags are legitimately that lazy and stupid.

  15. infinityshock Black Hole
    Originally posted by SCronaldo_J_Trump I fantasize about being brutally raped by an entire mosque of dirty mudslimes after they all finished plugging their sheep herd then having video of it made into a documentary for the whole world to point at laugh at me about.

    where do I sign up?
  16. infinityshock Black Hole
    you're just jealous that you're a bottom fag that is so used up no one want's to pay you to rent out your chasm.

    you could try the geriatrics home...they probably wouldn't notice anyway.
  17. infinityshock Black Hole
    stop copying thread titles from other sites then posting them here, you plagiarizing jedinigger.
  18. infinityshock Black Hole
    Originally posted by Sophie Do you drink? Alcohol is mind altering and far more toxic than a lot of drugs.

    not alcohol
  19. infinityshock Black Hole
    Originally posted by mmQ Zows it zoing?

    going nothing...he's gone.
  20. infinityshock Black Hole
    Originally posted by reject Lol how'd you get banned again so quickly without even spamming

    he broke the main rule on this site: no niggers allowed.
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