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Posts by infinityshock

  1. infinityshock Black Hole
    Originally posted by Kafka I don't get why men are so crude. They hide it when there's ladies around but why don't they hide it because there's gentlemen around?

    But what is a man
  2. infinityshock Black Hole
    Originally posted by Kafka I wonder if I'm in the brozone, read about what it was the other day. Do you guys feel comfortable being guys around me and would invite me to hang out when it's just guys?

    What do you wonder about men
  3. infinityshock Black Hole
    Originally posted by Kafka Never again will I let a guy argue on my behalf

    Explain what a guy is
  4. infinityshock Black Hole
    Originally posted by Kafka I joined nis looking for an autist to befriend and I wanted to be friends w Sophie but he wouldn't share his interests w me even tho we had stuff in common, that made me sad.

    But what is a man
  5. infinityshock Black Hole
    Originally posted by Kafka Do you think there's guys out there that would want to be friends with a girl to do fun stuff with instead of it being some emotional support thing or they trying to hit on you?

    Explain what you think a guy is
  6. infinityshock Black Hole
    Originally posted by Kafka My virgo bestie for two years, we both had crushes on difficult people and it was an emotional support friendship but that was all, so I do believe they can just be friends.

    What do you believe a man is
  7. infinityshock Black Hole
    Originally posted by Kafka I hate being a girl sometimes.

    Good thing you're not
  8. infinityshock Black Hole
    Originally posted by Kafka I don't want the same as the friendships I've had with guys. I want to do nerdy things and ghosthunting but without them wanting to hit on me and without them being crude. Is that so much to ask?

    What is a guy
  9. infinityshock Black Hole
    Originally posted by Kafka In the first few years he said he wasn't interested in a sexual relationship because I was unstable. So it wasn't like he was in the friendzone. He changed his mind when he saw my nudes.

    What do you think a he is
  10. infinityshock Black Hole
    Originally posted by Kafka A few of my besties over the years were male and I was wondering what it's like from their perspectives. Mik said if I was a guy then our friendship would be a lot different, so I'm wondering how. For context Mik and I would often talk about science, I'd help him with skincare, he'd help me shop for clothes, a lot like therapy sessions, playing chess and just keeping each other company at night because we were both nocturnal, in the end it turned into a BDSM relationship.

    What do you consider a girl
  11. infinityshock Black Hole

  12. infinityshock Black Hole
  13. infinityshock Black Hole

    Yes, that is a nigger holding and eating a human leg obligingly following his moral obligation to eat more meat.
  14. infinityshock Black Hole
  15. infinityshock Black Hole
  16. infinityshock Black Hole
  17. infinityshock Black Hole
  18. infinityshock Black Hole
  19. infinityshock Black Hole

    Dat right dere beez offsir miles Bryant.

    He beez affirmative akshun diversity hire

    Gnome sane

    Dat beez whyz ya donts let niggers playz wit the white man magic
  20. infinityshock Black Hole
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