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Posts by Bugz

  1. Bugz Space Nigga
    Originally posted by Wariat I got one for Christmas. Anyone own one of these things? For the love of god I cannot figure out a way to make the display full screen when I mirror games off my iPad like Avernun to the tv it stays 4:3. Is there a fix to this? Also, apparently there no NordVPN app support but some weird way of still accessing vpn services via dns or putting the software on the router somehow? Anyone knows how to do this? Or what dns numbers I have to input into thr fields manually? When I click on mirror cast or airplay from netflix from a show only available in the u.s. when i am on nord vpn it just keeps loading it but doesnt display unless i disconnect from the vpn and reenter netflix. but in another app it works called Tubi. I am watching this movie called sex and consequences and its quite good.

    Did your rich mom in Santa Cruz send it to you? Wait, You're not in the states are you? Didn't you bail on your Parole or they booted you out of the country?
  2. Bugz Space Nigga
    Originally posted by livingelegy What's a rubicon?

    wikipedia is your friend too.

    Casting the Dice (die?). it was a move to shit in the well and surround the castle that wouldn't let the invading force in ..something something. wait it out until everyone jumped off the top of the castle to their death to avoid starvation
  3. Bugz Space Nigga
    Originally posted by livingelegy If Trump pulls off an amazing hip-hop dance number before he officially leaves office on the 20th he can still win back the American people and retain power in the oval office. All he needs to do is go to dance class and learn how to effectively whip, nae-nae, shuffle, pop-and-lock and maybe even do the Smurf, then during his last official press conference he can hit the dance floor to some Tekashi69 or Cardi B and impress everyone with his sweet moves. Everyone knows Biden can't dance so if Trump utterly humiliates him, perhaps even in a one-on-one dance-off Biden will have no choice but to renounce his presidency in shame and leave the Trump party in power for another term.

    But Biden know's Sugarpop and gave him a verbal smackdown in a speech.

    You can't top that
  4. Bugz Space Nigga
    Originally posted by Grylls She was the one who introduced me to lego

    But to get a beautiful chink girl like mine you gotta be handsome and charming

    I met her on badoo dat dating site

    why you call her that C word. that's kind of a racist a bit. No?

    plus you're with her. do you call her that in your love letters? "my little chinky girl" like some kind of racist David Bowie tune
  5. Bugz Space Nigga
    Originally posted by Grylls Oh

    I thought that was a bin?

    isn't it an oven/stove top?
  6. Bugz Space Nigga
    Originally posted by Donald Trump You support shooting unarmed women in the throat.

    Drink bleach.

    even though she was someones daughter and a 14 year War Vet of the Airforce. She wasn't a main target. if you look at the photos of the security force firing at them, you'll see they had frost windows they were busting through. and the moment that part of the window smashed in showing the guards how many people in the mob (not to mention it was probably radio to them) they shot for their lives and those inside. that was a massive group of people inside. she was probably 20-50 people back and she was in the direct line of that one shot.

    I can't believe knowing you going in that you and everyone in there could of been shot dead. if that was Russia or China it would of happened that way. probably everyone shot and most killed. And how could no one saw this coming. we were talking about it the night before knowing most likely people were going to show up with guns. they showed up with more then that. where the fuck was an army of cops and or national guards?
  7. Bugz Space Nigga
    Back on topic.

    Why is the kitchen next to a toilet stall? I mean that is really unsanitary. there could be an outbreak of ecoli in the plane's food served to the passengers.

    and if I come aboard, that bitch better keep her baby quiet or I'm gonna throw both of them out the door like Harrison Ford did.

    Can we have fun with stop motion ?

  8. Bugz Space Nigga
    Originally posted by the man who put it in my hood okay schizo who believes jeff hunter did 911 sit down and take your meds. Maybe go for a walk? AHAHAHAHA

    He's connected. I didn't say he took part in the planning. but his website had a manifesto which the Feds apparently cleared out. and he absolutely black-listed me for employment like he threatened me. I mean how was I supposed to know his levels of tech and becoming someone who wrote a software program that clearly become industrial standard for background checking and hiring. I have an All Green Background. no criminal records. I had good credit at the time and whatever else they check for. denied, denied, denied. told this several times.

    I bring this up at a more appropriate time. I'm getting sick of this dehumanizing game. I'v learned a lot here and it's helped me pinpoint shit with conformation. thanks Lanny even though you were calling me Schitzo on the one account I made on Zoklet in 2013. I have copies of that one thread on pdf.
  9. Bugz Space Nigga
    Originally posted by the man who put it in my hood Okay schizo that supports a cum looking faggot dating a flea bitten chinese villager.

    I'm only friendly with him because I saw he loves puppies as much as me. And Gigi and I have virtually co-adopted Boris. I have lots of his pics in a directory. When Im feeling down, its one of the things I really open and look at. he's so ugly he's cute.

    cum looking faggot? ohhh Because HTS Has no Balls to shoot her wad on you, makes you a different kind of faggot?

    he shows photos of women getting cum tatted. whats your story?
  10. Bugz Space Nigga
    Originally posted by the man who put it in my hood Okay so why are you bitching then if he's gone in a week?

    11 days actually. that's almost 2 weeks short by 3 days.

    anything can happen.
  11. Bugz Space Nigga
    Wario post more positive shit and make us proud you're no longer apart of the hiki mind set.

    just post interesting stories you find and your art.
  12. Bugz Space Nigga
    Originally posted by aldra yeah she used to post a lot of insane videos and tried to shoot up Youtube headquarters when they soft banned her

    pretty awesome girl


    I dropped off some Youtube Video techie off at the same building she shot up. including their outdoor lunch break area.
    Just 2 weeks prior. it's in San Bruno which is south of San Francisco about a mile in the hills where SFO Intl is. its a good spot to hang out and make short 7-8 dollar trips to and fro from the BART station (subway). would of been a trip to have rolled up right when she was there. I would of drove over her just to get away (self preservation and protecting for the rider of course. victims get sued by family of people who commit crimes against victims who can't stand their grounds legally in California like they have in Texas)

    just saying
  13. Bugz Space Nigga
    Originally posted by the man who put it in my hood mosquito in january.. yeah those sweltering chinese januarys are known for all the mosquitos

    She must have been sunbathing at the beach to get a bug bite on her ass like that

    fucking hell. Chinese people make inexpensive shit. even though they're ratings are lower at basic UL or QC standards even poor people could afford a Chinese made water pump for a fish tank and remove the enhancement and extend the hose and run a hose extension into that water, fill a truck size container (50-100 gallons or more) and truck back more water in a few hours that would take weeks from a 3 gallon size bucket by hand then boil the shit out of it, and run it through a simple sand and charcoal enhancement and repeat a few times.

    she's doesnt too poor and also what-sup with all that trash? fucking clean it up. take it to a recycling center and get like 50 bucks right there.

    these are some of the smartest people on earth with killer math skills and managing the smallest amounts of money into big money in just a few decades. To see some villager still doing this shit in modern times is just unacceptable.

  14. Bugz Space Nigga
    fucking WTF

    LOL part of future AI friend?

  15. Bugz Space Nigga
    What the fuck happened this past year?

    Ben Net was going to be charged or some shit. the entire state of israel (or much of it) wanted him thrown in Jail.

    now nothing. I don't know what the fuck he did exactly. Did he do some kind of cheating under the table and made money. or accused of this. now everything is chill,
  16. Bugz Space Nigga
    Originally posted by BIBLE tHUMPER Somebody put out a blunt in Nancy Pelosi's office on an empty picture frame. I'm not sure if it was that dude who left a note or not. There was also a pipe bomb in the hallway outside that failed to go off.

    They're going to fire police officers (at least up high) and I think the DC Head Police guy stepped down (sorry I dont know the titles)

    So fucking disrespectful. this was crazy af though. hopefuly it just calms down. but I tell you right now. Come Jan 20th. Keep every mother fucker back at least 5 miles. and patrol the sky with fighter jets and have drones flying looking for home version of drones equiped with guns or a bomb or some shit.

    these people don't represent well at all. they looked like drunken pirate having a blast raping and pillaging the congress building. PATHETIC. The Government has to continue. We need to protect by educating the next generation. I suggest finding people on the Right who are well educated and pass that knowledge at college level early on to children in Large Private schools payed for by anyone who is rich and push it into the main system of control.

    and stop being haters. especially these white nationalist. get everyone conservative on board. start making babies and educate them young to be congress, lawyers, cops, firefighters, Doctors or Nurses etc.

    teach Joe Shmoe who's good with cars a higher technical training. kids who build cars with their pops should be taught they have to go to technical school and draft and design new technology and try to do your best to keep them in the pool.

    teach everyone else who has few skills to stay in the pool as well. treat them well when you're doing better. tip people a buck or two a few times a week. Tip the lower working class. not just waitress. see if you can walk into the back of a restaurant and say loudly (I have 12 singles in my hand, share it equally) if there is 6 guys. at least a few times a year.

    everyone will have more money. teach everyone to invest.

    And the last tip I can offer you guys ^^even though I am being serious about above is this

    Always wash your hands well. sing happy birthday to (yourself) twice. its 10 seconds each round. and then use Anti Germ Gel before you masturbate and once again afterwards. Especially during the Rona periods.

    Happy Fapping!
  17. Bugz Space Nigga
    Originally posted by jfakldjfkdaljfalkdfjlkad

    You literally call everyone §m£ÂgØL.

    Well even a civilian analog clock is right twice a day, §m£ÂgØL!
  18. Bugz Space Nigga
    (Narrative in a deep calm voice)

    Responding in a totally faggoted thread right now. Non-Homosexual Variety of course.
  19. Bugz Space Nigga
    Originally posted by The Head Nigger In Charge

    I officially hate all of these people now. Trump, Go to Hell. these clowns weren't like our Forefathers. Fucking dickheads smashing shit and putting their feet up on desks. Including that Cunt Hypocrite( Dem NANCY PUKE_LOSI). But it's almost certainly payed for her by tax payers.

    That Southern Flag from a bunch of states that wanted to Succeeding from America MAKES NO FUCKING SENSE.

    Trump, Just fucking leave already. Go live in Florida, lay low and fucking run your Apprentice show. You shamed me by not yelling at these people. I understand it's a possibility the vote count was rigged. but You should just let it go and be humble.

    The rest of these fuckers can kill themselves. THEY FUCKED UP. One group of fuckups running shit and now their opponents will fuck shit up.

    WE NEED A NEW GOVERNMENT EMPLOYEE LIST. Fire everyone. Start over. trump wasn't 100 percent bad but the wall was lame and he should of had his fucking twitter account ran by a speech writer who knew how to play the game better. Trump might be a great Hotel builder or sell his family name well but he should of been prepped and allowed others to speak for him and just disclose everything he could. Alien Shit. Who fucking shot JFK for reals. Told the CIA we're going to have to do things more carefully and stop killing Americans. whatever he could say and not get offed for saying it

    he should of made friends with Mexico. Got damn that was racist and stupid.
    but I think he had some potential qualities and I hope they don't throw him in prison for Tax evasion or some shit.

    Pardon Everyone in prison who isn't a pedophile or serial killer or cop killer etc..(admitting not just accused) and end companies from not being able to hire people with a criminal background (Like Kr0z.. did one for you Kr9z) and let them all get a fresh start. Only Banks with large cash or Bank Guard etc can do background checks for criminal record (or child care or research centers)

    everyone else can't background check for shit. and just hope the best.


    Maybe Biden wont be like Clinton and Obama and do cool shit like give us a rase in Social Security. like double it. fuck it. and tax Rich. and punish them if they leave the country.

    keep NAFTA dead in the water.

    You're all welcome
  20. Bugz Space Nigga
    Originally posted by Meikai It fucks me up that there are people living in this world who have never seen snow. Those lucky cunts.

    Where? I mean most countries have seen it a generation or skipped. especially in elevations that have higher than 500 feet (very very rare) but anything about 1500 even as a high desert could witness it.
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