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Posts by Bugz

  1. Bugz Space Nigga
    Originally posted by rabbitweed God damn it even broke people in America live in nicer places than me

    They would give section 8 (ACORN Housing for Poor) a voucher check for up to 2300 USD towards rent. so a family of 5 could get a monster house in a nice neighborhood hit by the 2008 fiasco (even before that) and people just rented their mortgages to section8 housing.

    they had nice lease cars in the driveway and got EBC cards for electronic food stamps, a stipid for their children of x amount each month and free Obama phone. living Large

    This is why everyone rushed california and it ended up people being homeless
  2. Bugz Space Nigga
    Originally posted by lannies loose labia longs for the laptop lactation from a laotian ladiboy. meaning the human body thinks its being exposed to HIV

    that seems legit from a medical standpoint.

    because they took apart of a HIV. As I stated, HIV is a type of corona. not SARS CoVee 2 (or 1?) but the shape of the virus look a lot alike. it has those corona like spikes that CoVid19 has. so I think in Australia they used that virus with tinker with and people showed a false positive for HIV.
  3. Bugz Space Nigga
    Originally posted by Bill Krozby We know that you're a huge faggot that says gigi every other sentence and puts out pop culture references and lies constantly to try to sound intelligent.

    you're now trying to tell us you hung out with illegal immigrants when you were a kid… okay.. peedy..


    you're an asshole you've called me a white washed mexican and have made up lies about myself and my family, what a dick

    Yeah that's cute kr0z. real funny roll you're on.

    You're boring as shit for a guy just passing his prime. you have no stories of adventurous experiences. NONE you're just always razzing and trolling on other people to hide your wife beating skills and abandoning your daughters.
  4. Bugz Space Nigga
    I bet they might allow groups to come in and be allowed to look around some areas. I think they're is a lot of decommision going on here and only area's here and there are used for research.

    they probably house declassified birds there as well. but I bet a group who didn't go off on their own could be lead around.

    they just don't want retards running over the ridge
  5. Bugz Space Nigga
    Originally posted by Donald Trump

    Time Travel nigga

    On my way to Area 51

    How did it get the name Area 51 again? It's called Groom Lake. Area 51 i think is where Bob Lazar said the UFO research or reverse engineering is it. it became synonymous with the entire area.
  6. Bugz Space Nigga
    Originally posted by lannies loose labia longs for the laptop lactation from a laotian ladiboy. only my foot when its in some j­ews asshole.

    Again, Finny. wasn't looking at the elongated name. just Lanny's face that looks way to much like Gilbert Gottfried
  7. Bugz Space Nigga
    Originally posted by Donald Trump Bugz looks back fondly to a whiter time.

    You don't know me then

    Most of my friends growing up as a young kid were mexicans and a smaller percent of whites with a few black kids. we all hung out together.

    I moved to the other side of the city and it was not rich but not poor. it was middle class and maybe 1/3rd asian, some hispanic kids and whites. same shit.

    moved to a nearly all white neighborhood in another part of the town. but most of those kids crossed over to my older friends.

    then there were the far West side and I knew people and most were ethnic and friends.

    so i get uncomfortable when I'm around serious racist fucks. I dont mind the joking, thats what friends in mixed groupd did, shit talked each other. but not a Yee Haw level of White Power. thats shit's retarded.
  8. Bugz Space Nigga
    Because I got high.
  9. Bugz Space Nigga
    My mother got it. Oxygen dropped in their 50%ers. bad. she's way better now.
  10. Bugz Space Nigga
    Originally posted by Bill Krozby Not sure what you're talking about you fat faggot

    It aint about you. Mind your own fucking business you drunken Wife beater.

    you're just not in the cool people knowledge of a brontosaurus crime scene.
  11. Bugz Space Nigga
    Originally posted by lannies loose labia longs for the laptop lactation from a laotian ladiboy. either way they deserve to be pogromed into extinction.

    Aren't you part J'ew yourself?
  12. Bugz Space Nigga
    Originally posted by lannies loose labia longs for the laptop lactation from a laotian ladiboy. the fuck.


    human physiology is infinitely more complicated than that but the gist of the situation is the vaccine is made in such a way that some of the victims' bodies recognizes the vaccine as a threat in a degree multiple orders of magnitude higher than that of the human lab rats tested on clinical trial victims experienced.

    these peoples bodies dont interpret the vaccine as a 'lesson'…they mis-interpret it as a massive attack that overloads its response capability. ergo, anaphylactic shock

    thats what it does. I didn't challenge the response mechanism. Yes, Your own White Count can kill you. but you stated the vaccine. as a whole.
  13. Bugz Space Nigga
    Originally posted by WellHung ur mother is a whore.

    Originally posted by lannies loose labia longs for the laptop lactation from a laotian ladiboy. my whore is your mother

    Ohhhhhhhhhhhhh Snappppp
  14. Bugz Space Nigga
    Originally posted by lannies loose labia longs for the laptop lactation from a laotian ladyboy communism facilitated by j­ews

    false J'ews. they're only "J'ewish" for the control of State of Israel. that they're calling "Israel" now.

    some J'ews hate Zionism movement. it is a big mistake they believed from day one. many of these are hasidic or orthodox extreme. they see State of Israel as a False Israel.
  15. Bugz Space Nigga
    Originally posted by aldra that's what I mean, traditional vaccines are made this way but the new COVID vaccines are completely different so any egg-related problems aren't relevant this time.

    lol wut
    So the short of it is had Covid vaccine had been created the same way Influenza vaccine was created that the deaths are caused by anaphylactic shock from allergies. the other short of it is they wanted to put small amounts of epinephrine to prevent the shock?
  16. Bugz Space Nigga
    Originally posted by aldra I didn't know that's how they produced dead viral material, but I don't think it's relevant to the new COVID vaccines anyway because they're produced through gene manipulation

    Oh. Well then don't listen to me. I just know US companies do this in the US. As mentioned, chicken eggs are inexpensive methods. This is how I was told it's made. it could be possible different methods are used in different countries. what they see fit of how to go about making vaccines.
  17. Bugz Space Nigga
    Originally posted by Donald Trump Eggs are used as they're cheap and are basically the largest single cells you will find. Bigger cell means more virus when you infect that cell with the virus.

    I dont think they take the virus in the yoke though. rather its scraped from the calcium enrich inner part of the shell.
  18. Bugz Space Nigga
    Originally posted by aldra I don't know why we're talking about egg shells

    egg, where frozen cadaver skin infected with frozen samples are then inject into eggs and allows the virus to grow into billions of fresh ones. they nuke the egg when the virus all spawn or sporn or whatever the term is. then they break the egg open and scrape dead virus and its placed into a serum that sterilizes dirty egg pieces but doesn't effect the dead virus so your white cells identifies it. are in vaccine.
  19. Bugz Space Nigga
    Originally posted by WellHung does everyone you meet want to lock you in a closet, and throw away the key?

    You're projecting your life not mine. Run along little tard.

    And Yeah, I got pounded on by my father and thrown in a closet with rolling doors. the lock was virtual. one that kept me from coming out of it all day.
  20. Bugz Space Nigga

    I meant the dead virus that incubates in the egg shell. I think something in the shell is toxic or people are allergic to the egg. my point being how they get the virus by scraping the shell. something in that or a chemical additive for preservation. the egg is radiated to kill the virus and then they scrap and place in a syrum(is how I was told it's done)
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