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Posts by Bugz

  1. Bugz Space Nigga
    He grew up when it was rough. the Fucking Brit controlled the North. probably lost friends. they're uppity fucks as poor people in the day. Anyone who suddenly makes ShitLoads of money usually put on a fake Nicey but suddenly have a sense of Entitlement for WORKING for that money. it wasn't passed down to them.

    They like beer, that's their vice. its not because he was being mean. he proabably saw it as an opportunity to get busted by being set up

    or he hates drugs. maybe it hurts his lungs. FUCK OFF KR0Z
  2. Bugz Space Nigga
    Originally posted by -SpectraL I like how they go on about the fake climate change scam… blah, blah, blah… and then in the very next breath they start taking about how San Francisco had three inches of snow in 1887. These dimwits don't even listen to themselves.

    WRONG Climate warming also can cause rapid cool in the Winter. because its' dry in the winter and then it gets colder than a rain storm come in could cause a Snow Storm because it's so effen cold.

    but it hasn't happened in 8 years. Global Warming causes hotter summers and colder winters.
  3. Bugz Space Nigga
    Originally posted by Wariat have any of you ever witnessed such a sight?

    i mean such an unprecedent event would be akin in my opinion to seeing s gorilla sing and dwnce in person. no?

    ? this is the kind of Think i should post.

    I have seen it snow 2 times where it stuck a little bit and maybe 4-5 times in the bay area in the last 5 decades.

    it's very very rare. its more common in LA than San Francisco. but it does stick in the Oakland Hills which is higher than San Francisco hills maybe every 5-6 years yet again, the last 8 years or so it hasn't really. and about every 2-3 years it sticks pretty good on Mt Tam and Mt Diablo and there is another Mountain too.

    It's really fucking rare.
  4. Bugz Space Nigga
    Originally posted by livingelegy May I suggest you embark on a journey of spiritual discovery? You could delve into fasting, prayer, meditation… Whatever floats your spiritual boat. I think it would make you feel better.

    I tried fasting a day and I dont understand but my blood pressure went up high. But I can always meditate and pray an eat maybe a few small meals. thanks for the suggestion

    Originally posted by the man who put it in my hood I can do another few years it's pretty chill I just smoke weed and eat chips

    Yeah, like Most Canadians the last 20 years you guys have got stupid lazy and smoke pot and do drugs all day long like hippies in 1967
  5. Bugz Space Nigga
    Originally posted by DontTellEm In ur weird wet dream.

    You want to make some more slanderous fucking remarks about me?
  6. Bugz Space Nigga
    Originally posted by aldra the real black pill is that there was never a 'golden age' and that all of these societal ills trace back to human nature

    things will never really get better because the faults in the world are an extension of the faults in ourselves

    That Im sure has a huge element of truth but unless we really are among Outer Worldly Aliens or Demons in Human skin suits and have always been monitoring us with GPS and listening in and watching us 24/7 and reading our minds, we didnt have GPS in 90 percent of peoples pockets 90 percent of the time around the world listening in and data mining our lives.

    so the music was more structured and artful and we could stop to take a piss without some queef posting it on youtube or if you got into a fight you were far less likely to get sued or be identified.

    the only thing that is good today is that (if used right and not manipulated as it has been) is forensic science can get you out of trouble for being innocent where as 30-40 years back they could get you a life sentence or death sentence with just circumstantial evidence alone. or a group pointing at you.

    but I think I would trade then for today for my youth back and the music yet I wish I could foresee today but still be able to enjoy then for the time being.
  7. Bugz Space Nigga
    Fucking hell. Almost an entire year where 95-97 percent of our time has been spent inside the house (at least for most of us)

    I been trying to get out and take walks but there are lots of homeless that walk in my favorite spots that dont wear masks and get real close to you walking the opposite way and even try and bum money from you close in your personal bubble. I used to feel bad saying no but often if they're outside of a Walgreens I will buy them a bottle water or a bottle water and maybe a payday bar.

    now I just scoot away from them. It's really sad but fucking annoying as shit right now. God said we will be treated at Heavens gate like we treat the poor and homeless.

    "Oh sorry Peedy, we happen to be having a pandemic of awesomeness right now, maybe later" -St Peter.

  8. Bugz Space Nigga
    Actually Reagan years sucked as well. I got jumped a few times and beating pretty bad. real heart breaks from the young women I met as a young man with their cheats and lies and head-games. but in-between those times were some really great music. fun and new experiences and they may seem tamed to that of todays more devilish world of vocal gore shit and constant battery of death in video games that are more realistic than the 8 or 16 bit cartoon games of our time. and todays rap music in which 99 percent sounds the same and lacks structure.

    And we had shit music too in some sub genres and corporate pop shit. but the majority of it was great. it had a haunting and beautiful sound in much of it. this would be a classic example of even the most obligatory sound of U2 yet this lifts the heart because it lifts the weight you heart once you get older. more people die. more bad experiences. and fewer friends to lift you up. and younger people just expect "Fuck your old.. just stop bugging us or die already".

  9. Bugz Space Nigga
    Originally posted by BIBLE tHUMPER -Took down the American flag, threw it on the floor, and put up the Trump flag

    -Brought the confederate flag

    -Hospitalized 13 police officers

    -Three of the four people killed in the seditious assault on America were not killed by police. The one woman who was tried to rush the House chamber.

    -Someone brought zip ties

    -Stole sensitive information like documents and laptops.

    Sure, the 'real' Americans. You know what people on the left did to show support for their candidate? They went out and voted. Maybe you guys should try it sometime.

    I also wonder if the same people who roll with Antifa and cause shit trouble did it with these guys too. Not Left nor Right nor Independent but perhaps a group who had some special interest in mind to continue the division of the USA
  10. Bugz Space Nigga
    ralph bakshi used to work for Disney. this is how he both learned from others but offered up much of his own style that is still seen in Disney's newer animations.

    but Ralph wanted to work for himself and also realized Animations could be made for adults. and he made that happen.

    My favorite is Wizards
  11. Bugz Space Nigga
    There is a black comedian that pointed something out on a podcast recently (I think someone posted it here) which I always wondered if the word Kyke had came from.

    Its from Keikel which means person of community (I believe mainly in the Ashkenazim denomination). Sounds like while trying to be a racist (which is showing pretty strong of you right now, Kr0z) you're literal meaning of the word is like calling him a person of a community.

    but we know its a hate word.

    To me. State of Israel is not Israel. it never will be unless God says it is. this was just a temporary state for J'ews to live in Palestine until things could later get sorted. many of these people don't even worship God and are atheist and former communist from Russia. and even have punished orthodox J'ews or other J'ews who's families had lived in Palestine pre WWII before the UK Military had escorted Russian Hebrews (many not religious so not J'ewish in the traditional sense) into the state.

    so this is a multifaceted issue. some practicing jedis have sided with atheist "but cultural" J'ewish and making it more multifaceted
  12. Bugz Space Nigga
    wow Kr0z. when did you have issues with blacks? this is common with a few others on here but maybe I never noticed you being like this.

    outside of just using the word towards members this is a different side.
  13. Bugz Space Nigga
    Thats not Wariat. someone is using his account.

    Wariat always pointed out racism from whites. and how he sided with Blacks in prison. now he's either a fake or a hypocrite and a liar.
  14. Bugz Space Nigga
    Originally posted by Bill Krozby tldr

    doesn't matter to you I guess.
  15. Bugz Space Nigga
    it was funny when Candy called Hungwell a Nigger because she was clearly stating his ignorance as a racist white for calling her it and it's real use of someone who is ignorant.

    I'v done it a few times myself but clearly Kr0z don't use that word because you thought he was black. you just asked him to prove he's not one which suggest the classic use on black people.

    I wont use the word anymore on here because I don't have the right as a white guy do to so to you ignorant fucks.

    I hate racism even on whites because white people did it" lots of people did it. I will troll you cunts though. but racist names isn't cool. never was. I even cringed watching Porky's last week because of its use and hardly any commentary that it's wrong. even in the 50s some people would of stated it's a dated word and they knew what racism meant back then.

    so even though it was a time or "period piece" as used in sub-genre index. it wasn't very accurate even for the 50s to be widely accepted.

    not preaching. it's just pointless to use if its shock value you're going for.
  16. Bugz Space Nigga
  17. Bugz Space Nigga
    I saw a followup to her story. she was "Hunted down in Beverley Hills by our reporters"

    "By the way, I'm Puerto Rican as well"

    Why would she say this? to suggest because PR people have black in them? or because she was being accused of a White Racist girl? the name comes from the same as Poinsseta which means red. which is why a clan in Ireland probably has it and is very common in England too.

    So she's being hunted by the Media (their words) and she is pointing out "BTW I'm PR" which suggests what? she's clearly aware she's being called a "Karen" which apparently is a white woman with entitlement.

    everyone is brainwashed and the game is always set with points in favor of the fucking media and Political Correctness. it's a fucking joke. 12 more days.. AHHAHAHAHAHHAHAHA this is going to be fun if you like challenges otherwise run for the hills and hide for 4 fucking years.
  18. Bugz Space Nigga
    She might have white in her mix but whats anything got to do with it? I think her surname (unless she's married) is Irish. common in England too.
  19. Bugz Space Nigga
    even if you paratrooped them into battle (which I believe happened as well in the Faulklands) you can't exactly get the troops out unless you have a landing clearance (which the Army corp of Engineers could do after making a base camp) and even then, landing a cargo plane like troops jump out of is bigger than a commercial plane (not in length but cabin size) and needs more runway to clear for takeoff. thats probably over a mile or two of runways. it's easy to get 12 of these planes side by side dropping troops all in at once, over and over again but not getting them the fuck out. which means more cargo dropped for food and medicine and needs until all are cleared.

    so Ships come in handy for this. but the point was about Z-class battle ships and not giant acc from the old fleet. they're good for carrying troops in and I would think stay safely behind the destroyers. they also carry amphibians vehicles. you can't just pull an acc up a shoreline likes its dry docking.
  20. Bugz Space Nigga
    Originally posted by the man who put it in my hood # JEFF HUNTER WASA FUCKING RATTEX THAT DID NINE ELEVREN

    hurrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr durrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr

    grow up Moron. get a woman. a real woman. You're responsibility is to have kids and build an army of inteligent humans that will take care of the world and not destroy it. And don't spare the rod on your sons, and your wife can spank the daughters. its the only way for them to respect you. not abuse them. dont punch them. dont hit them above the belt line. just whip your boys when not obeying you and teach them to love and not demand they love. love people. not love things of the earth. but to love Earth as your home our Creator of all things gave to us.

    fucking Time out bullshit. look what it has done to modern times in the USA. God damn these fucking freaks who will everything against the history of all times
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