2016-07-31 at 2:24 AM UTC
ATTN: pedos
[the spuriously bluish-lilac bushman]
Imagine how sick you'd have to be to want to fuck a 4-year old.
2016-07-31 at 1:25 AM UTC
ATTN: pedos
[the spuriously bluish-lilac bushman]
Psycho? Do you have some kind of rebuttal?
[edit] Psycho is our resident child molestation specialist, with many years experience molesting children.
[the spuriously bluish-lilac bushman]
Lanny kind of looks like a handsome nerd.
[the spuriously bluish-lilac bushman]
Submissions will be based on any undiscovered skeletons Lanny may still have lurking in his closets, traits or habits as yet unknown to the community, revealing comments about personal appearance or dress as yet unbeknownst to the people at large, favorite foods, sexual orientation, campfire stories about his management skills and the like.
2016-07-29 at 5:54 AM UTC
New Topic
[the spuriously bluish-lilac bushman]
Most people have died at least a couple, if not a few times, on here. Can't really think of anyone who only died once except for ytter. Anyways, all we really are is a collection of ones and zeros zipping through cyberspace at the speed of light, and everybody dies eventually. It's what you have to say that matters, not whether you're alive or dead.
[the spuriously bluish-lilac bushman]
Lotta child molesters up in dis here tred.
2016-07-28 at 2:14 AM UTC
Being immortal and AI
[the spuriously bluish-lilac bushman]
The human body is specifically designed to be immortal. Cells die off and brand new cells are grown. In theory, the human body should be able to survive indefinitely, perhaps even forever. To this day, scientists still do not have a clue as to exactly what the root cause of aging is.
2016-07-28 at 2:11 AM UTC
Lanny... A Champion Among Men
[the spuriously bluish-lilac bushman]
Something... something... robinhoody... something.
[the spuriously bluish-lilac bushman]
Neither of you come even close to scaring me.
2016-07-27 at 10:29 PM UTC
Lanny... A Champion Among Men
[the spuriously bluish-lilac bushman]
I would bet you a bag of double-chocolate donuts to a bag of live grenades with the pins already pulled that Lanny has broken some hearts somewhere out there in cyberland.
2016-07-27 at 5:10 PM UTC
Lanny... A Champion Among Men
[the spuriously bluish-lilac bushman]
1. Imagine what it would take to pretend you're a female on teh Innerbutz for ten friggin years! Wow!
2. Able to leap hundreds of unjust bans in a single bound!
3. Did I mention absentee dictator?
4. No, we do not want pot luck again.
5. inb4 @udon'tscaremekid
[the spuriously bluish-lilac bushman]
As long as you don't eat their dick, asshole, nose, lips or armpits, you're fine. Throw that shit away.