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Posts by -SpectraL

  1. -SpectraL coward [the spuriously bluish-lilac bushman]
  2. -SpectraL coward [the spuriously bluish-lilac bushman]
  3. -SpectraL coward [the spuriously bluish-lilac bushman]
  4. -SpectraL coward [the spuriously bluish-lilac bushman]
    Originally posted by Hash Slinging Slasher What is this website's IP address

    "Welcome to nginx on Debian!"
  5. -SpectraL coward [the spuriously bluish-lilac bushman]
    They are also the ones who introduced cat meat to their various food products.
  6. -SpectraL coward [the spuriously bluish-lilac bushman]
    But what Lanny conveniently left out was the fact that, once the attacker has your IP address, he can sit just outside your "door" on the Internet and employ "man in the middle" attacks on you. Another thing he conveniently leaves out is the fact that, although most ISPs use dynamic IP addresses for their customers, those dynamic IPs will probably not change for a matter of days or weeks; it's not like the old days, when your dynamic IP address changed as soon as you rebooted or powercycled the modem/router. Furthermore, Lanny conveniently leaves out the fact that he is the sole person responsible for this server, and so it falls on him to provide a reasonable amount of security for his member base.
  7. -SpectraL coward [the spuriously bluish-lilac bushman]
    Originally posted by RichardBurnish Ofcourse he cares, but he's not a SJW, who needs to repress shit.

    I'm not an SJW at all. There was no activism involved; I was simply stating a fact.
  8. -SpectraL coward [the spuriously bluish-lilac bushman]
    Originally posted by Lanny It's not a script you dumbshit

    It's bringing up a login window to IntoSanctuary. That's a script kid.
  9. -SpectraL coward [the spuriously bluish-lilac bushman]
    Darn Hubris Rich, I'll tell ya.
  10. -SpectraL coward [the spuriously bluish-lilac bushman]
    Originally posted by Bill Krozby that sounds pretty cucky of you

    I think he's been eating way too much currie.
  11. -SpectraL coward [the spuriously bluish-lilac bushman]
    Originally posted by Captain Falcon Hit me with your best shot, faggot. You don't scare me, kid.

    Don't worry, kid. Your secrets are safe with me.
  12. -SpectraL coward [the spuriously bluish-lilac bushman]
    Originally posted by SCronaldo_J_Trump Richard burnish sent me a malicious link, is someone gonna ban him?.

    Apparently, Lanny doesn't care enough about you or the BBS to even bother lifting a finger in your defense. Basically, this is now like shooting fish in a barrel fun, as far as our old friend Lanny is concerned.
  13. -SpectraL coward [the spuriously bluish-lilac bushman]

    Post last edited by -SpectraL at 2017-02-16T02:31:23.765482+00:00
  14. -SpectraL coward [the spuriously bluish-lilac bushman]
    Originally posted by Ajax Learn to FAQ.

    Isn't there a personal info rule?

    No, there isn't. Reg an account under a different name or man the fuck up. Why in the fuck would I waste my free time cleaning up your fuckups in maintaining anonymity? Besides, niggers who see your PI posted on the open forums are the absolute least of your concerns if your info is out there.

    You don't scare me, son.

  15. -SpectraL coward [the spuriously bluish-lilac bushman]
    I have quite a bit of interesting info on you, Captain Falcon.
  16. -SpectraL coward [the spuriously bluish-lilac bushman]
    Some people here might know that there is no way I could have gotten those &Totse welcome screen screenshots from an ASCII viewer unless I had the actual and genuine &Totse database files to display them in the viewer.
  17. -SpectraL coward [the spuriously bluish-lilac bushman]
    Originally posted by greenplastic let's trade sources

    Sorry. I work alone, and I trust no one. You seem like a nice person, though, Greenie.
  18. -SpectraL coward [the spuriously bluish-lilac bushman]
    Originally posted by Captain Falcon Special keeps this folder, appropriated from the real SpectraL, who stopped posting in '98.

    This account has only existed since 2006, but I have had several faces before that time. You could say, I am an enigma. Welcome to the suburbs, Captain Falcon. There is no escape.
  19. -SpectraL coward [the spuriously bluish-lilac bushman]
    Originally posted by greenplastic damn this thread is crazy

    True, dat.

    Post last edited by -SpectraL at 2017-02-16T01:54:59.607750+00:00
  20. -SpectraL coward [the spuriously bluish-lilac bushman]
    Originally posted by greenplastic where did you get that info?

    I know things, and I don't get them from someone else anymore.
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