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Posts That Were Thanked by Cathay Coof

  1. Octavian motherfucker
    It seems we're not the only ones that think his art is dog shit.


    The following users say it would be alright if the author of this post didn't die in a fire!
  2. The following users say it would be alright if the author of this post didn't die in a fire!
  3. kroz weak whyte, frothy cuck, and former twink
    Originally posted by Cathay Coof It sounds to me like they are confusing you for someone else. You should try to talk to the manager and get some vouchers or something for this.

    One time back in september or something I went to old navy to get some jeap work jeans. And on one of the pairs they didnt take the security tag off on one of the pairs so I called and they said I can't take merchandise back in and get the tag removed, I didn't have the reciept at that point or something not sure what their policy was or whatever, and they told me theres no ink in and to just pry it off with a screw driver. And I wasn't gonna do that because i'm pretty sure theres ink in it, long story short, I went back and they still wouldn't take it off. And I really pissed off and called their HQ and they gave me a sixty dollar gift certificate and they forced them take off the tag
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  4. Obbe Alan What? [annoy my right-angled speediness]
    Send Lucy in there screaming about how they are bigots because they won't serve someone with a LGBztQ partner.
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  5. aldra JIDF Controlled Opposition
    The following users say it would be alright if the author of this post didn't die in a fire!
  6. Technologist victim of incest
    Originally posted by Wariat plus I already have a bachelros degree moron and know all there is to know outside of practice I can in one field and in another only practice counts not doing shit odd jobs for some fsgd in an office for free. why would i be some lackey for someone with a bachelors degree meant for only students? what do you think the purpose of online college or classes is star trek?

    Yes, you know it all. That’s why you make so much money at what you’re doing now🤑
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  7. Technologist victim of incest
    I’ll have to ask him. He’s 23 and expecting a daughter any day now. My first grand baby.

    He wanted a boy to teach him athletics, but I’m sure he’ll love his little princess.

    Boys can come later.
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  8. kroz weak whyte, frothy cuck, and former twink
    Originally posted by Hikikomori-Fujoshi Sounds like fun.
    We should do this.

    But you won't because you two never do anything
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  9. Obbe Alan What? [annoy my right-angled speediness]
    Originally posted by ORACLE You sound pretty mad bro.

    You sound like a faggot.
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  10. Originally posted by ORACLE Congratulations on your evenly static fíltered shit particles not depolarising your olfactory epithelium properly… You just stumbled into 17th century miasma theory you fucking retard

    "I can't smell it any more… It's working!"

    Again, you are objectively wrong. Masks reduce penetration to about 44%.

    All you're doing is parroting propaganda spread to conserve mask supplies. Propaganda that has now been refuted and denounced by the world.

    And yes, falco. Less smell = less inhaled. None of what you said about depolarization actually matters or is relevant as olfactory transduction is not even that heavily effected by static, let alone the mild static caused by your mask. You're not smelling fucking ozone here so chill the fuck out retard. You just wanted to use big words to make it sound like you knew what you were talking about. The reduction in smell from wearing a thick mask IS because of the reduction in particulate inhaled. If you don't believe that you can fuck off and die.

    Or you can come over to my apartment and fuck me silly till the sun comes back up.

    Ball is in your court faggot
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  11. Obbe Alan What? [annoy my right-angled speediness]
    Originally posted by ORACLE I don't give a shit what you think, I'll say whatever I want.

    I already know you're a giant faggot you don't need to keep demonstrating it.
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  12. You said it was literally useless if you aren't sick tho

    cmon bro
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  13. Obbe Alan What? [annoy my right-angled speediness]
    Wearing masks slows transmission rates, it's good for public health.
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  14. CASPER Soldier of Fourchin
    i was just fuckin withu in thought it was a prettysick burn
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  15. CASPER Soldier of Fourchin
    domt worry champ we can still hold your bar mitzvah in a park
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  16. rabbitweed African Astronaut
    Originally posted by larrylegend8383 I find it more impressive that you know what really went on during the Holocaust. Astonishing, really.

    I mean we all saw that "Schindlers List" documentary
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  17. Originally posted by Netflxchillr not that many, here, would be interested, enough- to take time to watch… here's some good information/data on the COVID-19 origination & it's (assumed) purpose.

    if its from epoch times, take it with a handful of MSG.

    Ideology and Investigative Journalism

    A tight set of right-wing activists and agencies with deep-rooted antipathies to Chinese communism have provided a particular genre of criticism in the course of the current debacle. These agencies include Radio Free Asia, a former CIA-backed outlet now governed by a federally-funded Board of Governors answerable directly to the current Secretary of State and former CIA Director, Mike Pompeo. The criticisms of Radio Free Asia have been integrated into a matrix of criticism of the Chinese government highlighted especially in the Washington Times and The Epoch Times.

    The Epoch Times emerges from an international group of newspapers published in several languages. It has a strong focus on China and on Chinese people globally. The Epoch Times was founded in 2000 by John Tang with a group of Chinese Americans associated with Falun Gong.

    The Falun Gong organization is in the grips of an antagonistic relationship with the Chinese Communist Party. Falun Gong combines Taoism, Buddhism and meditation. It became so independently influential in China that in 1999 the Communist government declared it a heretical organization. The antagonism between Falun Gong and the Chinese government quite likely involves covert infiltration by the US CIA and related US agencies.

    Whatever is happening behind the scenes, The Epoch Times has been running an unrelenting critique of the Chinese government’s handling of the Novel Coronavirus crisis.
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  18. Originally posted by Wariat ok there is a reason thwt drugs are twken so seriously in countries all over the world and only in usa you think that way. ask vietnam how they look wt drug mulers.

    People all over the world are locked up for non violent drug crimes because its a requirement of the UN to have anti drug laws. Any country with legal weed like whats going on in Canada and some states in the US are getting a lot of criticism from the UN.

    It's bullshit. It would save so much money to deal with these people differently and not waste police resources and fund agencies like the DEA and ATF. I guess you can call me a libertarian but I just don't see a connection to drugs and violence.

    The only reason it's violent is because it's illegal. If anyone was allowed to grow Coca or make meth or heroin then organized crime groups would be phased out and the non violent business structure would take over. At the end of the day we all just want to make big bucks and snort a little juji every now and then.

    If you didn't have to deal with criminals to buy drugs and drug dealers could sell without being robbed or arrested I think the world would be a much happier place.
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  19. Originally posted by Technologist Multiculturalism is part of my everyday life, and I love it.

    this is a blatant lie and a complete bullshit.

    people like you are only into multikulturism so long as those people whom you claim to "like" abandon their real, masculine language and culture and adopt americas totally neutered, feminized, consumer centric, politically correct, juden-fabricated blank sheet kulture.

    you wouldnt like, much less tollerate multikulturism when the proud and masculine people of vietnam move into your neighborhood and start barbequing dogs on their lawn in addition to their freedom to bear arms and you'd shudder in fear of multurekulturism when the proud and masculine tribes people of borneo move in into your neighborhood and start practising their traditional kulture.

    of head hunting.

    of the non-corporate kind.
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  20. Technologist victim of incest
    Originally posted by aldra why

    Why? Why?

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