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Posts That Were Thanked by Cathay Coof

  1. kroz weak whyte, frothy cuck, and former twink
    Originally posted by MexicanMasterRace Lol what do you mean 'knowing trump'? He hasn't taken this seriously at all and we already know that none of the Whitehouse staff have been wearing masks. I doubt all of THEM are being tested everyday.

    There are reports from his staff that he went into a screaming rage when he found out about this valet getting sick. Something about how they weren't protecting him. Still no news as to if they're wearing masks now.

    Unless there's some special presidential system in those cars that keeps his entire air supply separate from the front of the car, he'd still be breathing it in. Trump said he had very little contact with the guy who got infected, but there's no way the valet is the only one infected if the Whitehouse is just operating as usual.

    He's probably not taking it seriously because he knows its not serious as what the fake new reports.

    Remember when he they were like OOOHH theres an eclipse don't look at the sun!

    and he looks at the sun and nothing happened..

    Just because you're a coward and believe everything anyone tells you like a boomer, thats on you. Not all people are like that.

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  2. CASPER Soldier of Fourchin
    Originally posted by vindicktive vinny no. i hated star trek when i was little.

    mainly due to the teleport thing. i knew it wasnt possible even then.

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  3. -SpectraL coward [the spuriously bluish-lilac bushman]
    Where does this link take you?
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  4. Omg ... shut the fuck up and go do it. If it becomes a business, or you make more than what your country classified as taxable ... worry about it at that point.
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  5. Yes, to the extreme! I probably would have been a contractor, had I been a man or had some supportive role models ... my father, grandfather, great grandfather, and great great grandfathers were all master carpenters ... this is a loft bunk bed I designed and made for my grands room in my house, for Christmas.

    Same question
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  6. CASPER Soldier of Fourchin
    Most explicitly, if you google Kori Ali Muhammad, it says things like “Fresno man charged in string of racially motivated killings”. “Or 3 killed in deadly shooting spree” or it mentions the race of the victims but not the fact that the murderer was black. Which is a soft way of saying “Avowed Black Racist Hunts and Kills 5 Unarmed White Men”.

    I mean if the roles had been reversed, this would be framed like another Dylan Roof. But it was such a blip on the radar that no one even knows who the fuck this guy is. lol

    “California man”? could be anyone. “Racist shooting spree”? Bet its those wypipo back at it again. lol.

    Point being the frame of reference always just shifts based on the perpetrators and victims...and its fucking weird and gross.
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  7. CASPER Soldier of Fourchin
    Originally posted by Stopffs I haven’t seen the video - did the guys in the truck stay in the truck? It’s my understanding 1 of the men was outside of the truck and brandished a shotgun. That in itself, is an aggressive, threatening move.

    The jogger did not have a vehicle (also a weapon) nor any obvious weapon - he was wearing shorts and a T-Shirt.

    Spectral posted video earlier here. From what i saw, the first man stood to the left of the truck and sec d man stayed in the truck bed the whole time, no weapon drawn. Jogger ran past truck to the right, then zig zagged to the left straight at the dude with the shotgun, BEFORE the forst shot is fired. I cant tell either way from the video, but “brandishing” usuallyhas a very specific criteria, and just having a weapon in hand doesnt always meet that.

    The part that gets me most is how this is being framed. Every single headline on my ipad headlines app is some permutation of “2 white men killed unarmed black jogger”. The races of the suspects are NEVER mentioned in mainstream news when a perpetrator is black and a victim is white, asian, jedi, etc.

    If you google “Tessa Majors murder”, nothing says “Three black teens brutally stab to death unarmed white girl”

    If you google “John Weed fredericksburg fair” nowhere does it say “Black teens beat unarmed 60 year old white man to death over $1”

    if you search for the child who was thrown over the railing at the mall of America, it doesnt say “Black Man attempts to kill white 5 year old boy”

    If you search “Mackenzie Lueck murder”, nowhere does it say “White college student brutally dismembered and burned by black man”

    It could be confirmation bias ofc, but it seems to me as thouh race only becomes a relevant factor when people need to be riled up, and when the perpetrators can be framed as white (or close enough to white as in Zimmermans case)
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  8. gadzooks Dark Matter [keratinize my mild-tasting blossoming]
    "Our thoughts and prayers are with all those involved…"

    People are seriously still saying this unironically?
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  9. Originally posted by Wariat

    Hirito Takahashi was late. The meeting had started exactly six minutes ago, and Hirito wasn't there for his presentation. Had he not been up late at night working on it, he might've made it on time.

    The receptionist smiled as Hirito shot through the door. It was a bright and toothy smile, which matched the bright and toothy yellow of her suit.

    "Good morning Mr. Takahashi! They just started a little bit ago, there's donuts and tea in the hall if you're-"

    "I know, I know!" Hirito spat as he walked past the desk. "I know I'm late. Just buzz me in!"


    Hirito flinched at the sound of the buzzer, tightening his grasp over his sweaty briefcase handle. For a moment, it felt as if it might drop it into a void.

    "Mr. Takahashi?" The receptionist called. "Are you okay? You're shaking."

    "Yeah yeah, I'm fine. Just buzz me in, the door locked again."


    "Thanks," Hirito said, stepping through office door.

    "Good luck," The receptionist said.






    "Takahashi! You're late," the Boss Man said.

    "I know, sorry. The train ran late."

    Boss Man laughed, and the rest of the room followed suit. "Late? The last time the train was late there was an earthquake. You're going to have to buy us another round for this one."

    Hirito clenched his jaw. He was always buying drinks. He didn't even drink. "Yes sir," Hirito said. "We can get that sake with the snake on it again."

    The Boss Man smiled, and Hirito knew he had said the right things. "Now," Boss Man said. "What have you got to present for us today Hirito? It can't possibly be as bad as last month."

    "Actually sir it's-"

    "I mean, water skis, Hirito? You're an accountant. You know how much it would cost."

    "Right sir," Hirito said. "But /I don't think it's-"

    "It's ridiculous," The Boss Man exclaimed. "We don't need water skis, Hirito."

    "Sir, if I may. I think I've found a way around the water ski idea.

    Boss Man Laughed. "Oh yeah? Let's hear it."

    "Sir," Hirito said. "I think I have overcome the water ski problem. I've been working for the last month to develop this software that should allow the trains to run off the friction of the water. It's still in beta testing but with more funding we can-"

    "Hirito, Hirito, Hirito," the Boss Man said. "Enough with the inventions. This isn't your department.

    Everything began to turn red and foggy. This is not how Hirito had expected it to go down. His idea was solid. Fullproof. "Sir," he said. "If I could only-"

    "Hirito!" Boss Man said. "One more time and I'll have you-"

    "NO!" Hirito shouted. "NO! NO! NO! NO! NO!"

    In a single motion, Hirito Takahashi bolted out the door and through past the parking lot. The entire room, including Boss Man, stood at the window to watch as Hirito ran further and further into the distance.

    "What the fuck," Boss Man said.






    Marunouch Central Station at lunch time is a chaotic place to be. The crowd tends to be a mix of students and businessmen, each on their very own journey to find the perfect stomach filling. To the occasional observer, they all look the same. The same hair, the same clothes, the same face; a crowd is nothing if not the blended pulp of civilization. But a trained eye can also see the soul of a crowd. The mixed emotion and feeling more like a salad than a wash to gaze over.

    Unfortunately for train 34A, the conductor did not have a trained eye.

    "Keep going," the man said. "And don't stop."

    The conductor squirmed. Everything about this situation was unpleasant, but the knife in his back had to be the worst part.

    "We're coming up on a dead track," the conductor said. "I'm going to need to turn here."

    "No, don't turn."

    "I need to turn."

    "Don't fucking turn."

    "Fine," the conductor said.

    "And don't fucking talk either," he spat. "Just keep going like we're going, and everything is going to be okay. Watch and see. It's going to work just like its supposed to."

    "You're crazy man. This isn't going to work."

    "Shut up! Just shut up! It's going to work, and I'm going to be rich."

    The train shuffled as it passed over the turn.

    "I'm going to be rich, you'll see. When this works, the whole world will be begging for the chance to suck at the teat of this invention. Imagine, a train from China to Japan!. From London to Paris! From Florida to Cuba! This will change the world! I'll be the next Ford! The next Elon Musk! Think of the possibility!"

    Lights flickered across cabin of the train as it stumbled further into the abyss.

    "Eventually we'll get from Brazil to Botswana! From Australia to Argentina! There's no limit to the power of the Hydro Train!"

    A door opened from the back of the cabin.

    "Boss Man," Hirito said. "I knew I'd find you here."

    "No!" Boss Man said. "How can this be!!!!"

    "You think you can steal my plans, huh? Take my software, and take all the credit too? Well that's not going to happen, boss. Not today, not tomorrow, and not yesterday. You're fucked, bucko."

    "Bucko?" Boss Man asked.

    "YEAH!" Hirito said. "Bucko! Problem, officer?"

    "Nah no problem," Boss Man said.

    And then they lived happily after after as they both drifted over the ocean and into the sun.

    The End.
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  10. aldra JIDF Controlled Opposition
    needs more war crimes
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  11. CASPER Soldier of Fourchin
    i probably wouldnt have done what these dudes did, but i always find it weird how incidents involving black victims and white assailants are ALL OVER my media feeds, and are titled things like “White men kill unarmed black jogger”, and when the inverse occurs (if it makes it outside of local news) its usually something like “Man dies after fight at county fair”.

    I cant figure out what point there is in framing things that way. Either race is important or it isnt. I tend to think it is, to give an idea of certain trends, but that should also be applied across the board.

    In any case, i can almost guarantee these guys will be convicted of something. And if not- well then a bunch of people get a bunch of new TVs.
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  12. So they tell us it's mandatory to wear face masks in public and when this guy goes shopping at Walmart in said mask he is branded a racy and may face criminal charges...SMH.

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  13. Nonce Houston
    Use my picture again OP I will rape you.

    You haven't been in Gen pop and know real jail. I stabbed someone with a plastic fork for a pic of his children.

    True story.
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  14. BummyMofo African Astronaut
    this nigga hates me cause I know all about him. here is a timeline

    age 10: vinny rapes and kills his parents and is adopted by his tranny granny pimpmother. proceeds to knock up 5 streetwalking aids-carrying hookers, who birth 5 sons.

    age 14: becomes known as the east side hooker strangler, strangling over 100 hookers and leaving them in taco bell dumpsters

    age 16: becomes the cumdumpster twink of the gay 4chan internetman aryan kkk alliance.

    age 21: now a crackhead, vinny rapes and kills children on film and sells these snuff videos to support his crack habit

    age 28: his 5 sons, now 18 years old, gangbang him daily on onlyfans for an audience of 4chan otakumen weeaboos.

    Now you guys know all about him. When you see a guy posting "nigger" this nigger that in all the threads here, you know what kind of person he is.
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  15. Sudo Black Hole [my hereto riemannian peach]
    Originally posted by G Truth be told a large portion of this user base could do w/a "herd thinning" as most seem to be incapable of contributing to society in any productive way. Mentally ill,homo miscreants,addicts, etc.

    do you think "contributing to society" should be the bar for euthanasia? A fucking philosopher or writer sits around all day doing fuck all for like 5-10 years before they turn out something great. I think youre just being a gay and angsty smelly old man because youre confused and unreasonable.
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  16. aldra JIDF Controlled Opposition

    is this real life
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  17. aldra JIDF Controlled Opposition
    Originally posted by vindicktive vinny i have experiences with window 10 that would constantly waste an entire working days worth of productivity because it tried to update itself, failed and rolled back.

    made me feels like going to their office and do a mass shooting with assault and non assault rifles.

    Yep, that's another thing, instead of giving the user the tools to solve their own problems, they're going the Apple route and treating all users like idiots.

    The Windows Updates no longer even contain a changelog or manifest; there's no way to know what's in them, and you can't selectively install 'features' anymore.

    I literally just treat Windows as a gayming console and it boggles my mind that people use it for serious business
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  18. aldra JIDF Controlled Opposition
    Originally posted by aldra It was Silvercorp again, and this time there was an ex-DEA agent among them along with two guys from one of Trump's own security details, or so they claim

    lol, it's true

    Footage shows that Denman, along with his boss and former colleague Jordan Goodro ensured the safety of US President Donald Trump at a political event.

    After the photos began to appear in the media of SilverCorp PMC’s Director Jordan Goodro and his activities to ensure the safety of US President Donald Trump, the ambiguous photos disappeared from the company’s accounts on social networks.
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  19. Ernst Kaltenbrunner Tuskegee Airman (banned)
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  20. Ernst Kaltenbrunner Tuskegee Airman (banned)
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