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Posts by Kev

  1. Kev Space Nigga
    Originally posted by Xlite Wow, good job. You actually managed to withhold your sexual urges in a situation that coulda easily landed you in jail.

    thanks, i actually managed to interact with people without raping them. such an otherworldy accomplishment, i know. you on the other hand failed. yet you, a convicted rapist, has the audacity to tell me, a non-rapist, that i would do exactly what you did if only i had the opportunity. this is projection 101.

    Where exactly are my perversions? what are they? Oh wait, you don't know.

    lets see, a convicted rapist tells me i would do the same thing he did if i had the opportunity. so if you had 2 small children all to yourself... if you had to look after small children... if you spent the whole weekend with your cousin and his 3yo son a few weeks ago...

    you tell me, what should i have done according to you? you sure know me well for someone i never met, especially for a documented rapist not projecting his rape fantasies.

    You're just talking shit because that's all you got.

    Hai kev! certified rapist here, im just here to let you know that you diddled all those kiddies. what do you mean im projecting? no, im not talking shit, totally not talking shit. so what if i cant produce any evidence or name a court case in which you were a defendant in, im just gonna tell you ur talking shit so you wont get to say im talking shit later cuz then ill just say ur a copycat and to stop copying me HAHA i win


    you are transparent as are your rape fantasies, rapist

    Do you even realize what's goin on here?

    i sure do, i think everyone here does, sicko :)
  2. Kev Space Nigga
    Originally posted by aldra she's like 100, she doesn't have a reproductive system to speak of

    good point but she still needs a dog dick in that mouth or maybe a bullet
  3. Kev Space Nigga
    Originally posted by Meikai Seriously, it's been bothering me. I never use semicolons. I've gone through 30 years of life relying on hyphens, awkwardly placed periods, and overusing commas to compensate for this crippling deficiency of mine. About twice a year I say to myself "No. Fuck this, we're using a semicolon this time." and then I spend the next two days second-guessing myself. What the fuck are semicolons? Whose idea was that? And how the FUCK am I supposed to be using them? I've probably looked this up like 10 times and I still don't really know. Maybe I'll just never know. Maybe this is just arcane knowledge that is fated to always be beyond my ken. I don't know. I don't know how to use semicolons. Fuck.


    thar i used one
  4. Kev Space Nigga
    SWAT the motherfucker, use a vpn or disposable phone
  5. Kev Space Nigga
    nope, one fucks or gets fucked, which are you?
  6. Kev Space Nigga
    Originally posted by Jiggaboo_Johnson

    Stupid bitch, someone punch her.

    she needs dog dick in that nasty mouth or maybe to get brutally raped to the point of having her reproductive system destroyed, forced to testify in front of an audience and then get to aggressively be called a liar in front of that same audience like she did to that 12yo girl in the 1970's
  7. Kev Space Nigga
    i read your post and it tells me nothing new or consistent for that matter. no one claims 6 million jedis were killed in germany or only in auschwitz, the claim is 6 million total were killed throughout europe under nazi auspices, germany proper went from something like half a million jedis to 30000 after the war according to census data.

    in the end it doesnt matter if it was 6 million or 1 million or 6000, the atrocity happened. saying it didnt happen at all is outright dishonest and makes us holocaust skeptics look bad.

    on top of that, why should i even give a fuck about 6 million dead jedis when germany killed over 26 million russians? that was the real fucking holocaust, the size of a motherfucking country, unprecedented bloodshed, where is the outrage?
  8. Kev Space Nigga
    Originally posted by Ghost Sounds like a failure of management to not be able to accommodate or train workers properly. Especially when their only incentive for hiring women was to appear more "woke" instead of building a workplace where all people can be productive and work towards a goal. You can't just force that to work out because you virtue signal and HIRE A WOMAN WE ARE DIVERSE when you don't actually do anything in the workplace for those people and just expect them to "get tough and figure it out"

    There are countless productive workplaces with women working hard like everyone else so you should be asking yourselves why you have these problems. Holding someone's hand is not a very good way to train anyone, and if you think that's the only way you have a long way to go.

    Your problems are entirely self created, I have never experienced anything like that before in my life and worked alongside many hard working women.

    well the job i do is labor intensive, which women certainly cannot do, theres a very good reason it is male dominated. there is a reason most jobs that dont involve housework or taking care of kids is male dominated, a woman doesnt belong in the workplace, the productivity suffers for obvious reasons and just creates drama in the workplace.

    its a failed social experiment.
  9. Kev Space Nigga
    Originally posted by Xlite You are sexually attracted to kids and would molest if the option arose.

    false, i babysat dozens of times and dated a single mother with 2 small children without incident.

    i recall you admitting to doing time in prison for rape. take care not to project your perversions in the future, it speaks more about you than it does about me.
  10. Kev Space Nigga
    Originally posted by Sophie Listen Kev if you want me to fuck off just stop responding to my posts dude, it's not that hard. I also recant nothing and i stand by what i said. Ya dingus.

    we tried that you couldnt stop following me around replying to every post and in this very thread you declared your right to do so

    so you dont recant these which contradict each other?
    But i'd like to show my appreciation to the dedication and you have shown so far. I've been enjoying our interactions and i feel confident in your potential and capabilities. The Force is strong with you Kev, A Powerful Sith you shall become (n_n")

    Unfortunately i over-estimated your intellectual capabilities, evidenced by the fact you couldn't follow the most simple of instructions without me spoon feeding you anything and everything that required more than just half a second worth of thought.

    you see intelligence and potential in an anonymous drug addict that didnt finish high school and then act surprised afterwards? the fuck is wrong with you, retard?
  11. Kev Space Nigga
    Originally posted by ⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀ How about being buried alive? Like waking up at 3am in the pitch black and finding out you're in a coffin six feet underground?

    they dont do that anymore, they remove your organs and temporarily embalm your body before the funeral and burial. so even if you were in some coma, the funeral preparation process would effectively kill you.
  12. Kev Space Nigga
    Originally posted by Quick Mix Ready It just shows that case loads are many. and that tired judges push to make quick decissions? also Prison for Profit (In America, Not sure about all the European Countries) is clearly a reason too.

    I mean, if there are many planets in the universe where life like us live, there has to be things where normal would be "Paradise" to us. and incarceration is done differently. not just seperating from a crime you did from the world. being alone to think about what shit you did. but getting into life threatening issues daily, weekly, monthly with gangs in prison, raping, getting shanked. and you may have been put in falsely or for some stupid shit like a third strike for possessing a few joints (which is still happening in some states)

    but Fuckers like Epstein and the Clintons going under the radar because they have power and wealth. or a guy bonds out because he is a millionair but the poor guy can't. not based on percentage of income. horse shit like this. there are many. this planet sucks. Even 'The greatest Nation and Legal system in the world" pffttt.

    sure you can be born in AIDS baby Africa or some of these Eastern Euro nations with AIDS born babies. but this planet sucks.

    The one that has me wondering what the fuck is the Banks got their Mortgage money but the Landlords didn't get their Rent during Covid. How about Explaining this one?

    Trump might be loved by you guys but he invaded Taxes. knowingly. Joe and his Son got dirt, but no one is flooding him with legal investigations causing disruption.

    wishing you could be dropped off on another planet that would be paradise and plentiful. this planet SUCKSSSS

    what i meant was why the field of psychology has such low standards and why so much quackery flies right under its nose? they had that thomas quick guy under their care for decades and couldnt figure out he was faking it for attention? my fucking god...

    about trump, yes he halved the taxes on the rich which was fucking stupid. i never supported him personally, just supported him over that criminal child rapist cunt clinton. you think she wouldnt have done the same?

    sure this planet fucking sucks but guess who made it this way? your generation did. you wanted to reject tradition and try all these stupid fucking social experiments. here are the results and its the generations after that will pay for it. i just hope you boomers live a very long time like all those 100yo nazis we hunt and jail to this day.
  13. Kev Space Nigga
    i did all of that back in my simp days, onlyfans wasnt around back then tho
  14. Kev Space Nigga
    they do half the work at best and often cant do jack shit without a mans assistance. my workplace just recently hired a bitch to prove how woke they are. wanna take a wild guess how much she gets done without a white knight holding her hand?
  15. Kev Space Nigga
    "being in STEM" doesnt mean jack shit, much like a woman "being in the workplace" not doing shit, its all virtue signalling
  16. Kev Space Nigga
    Originally posted by BummyMofo This applies to everyone here. You avoid that shit, kids. Stay out of the pen and off the streets. These liberals and their anti-rape education strategies aren't working!

    You've officially been warned (by me) so now if you get raped that's your fault.

    i thought it was 1 in 2 last decade so it must be 2/3 by now

    feminists say a woman is raped if she "feels raped" so i guess im already a victim. getting unwanted attention from all these whales makes me feel raped. im already a statistic. i wonder when i can claim rape benefits, endless sympathy and an army of white knights buying gifts for me to soothe my trauma. that would be the fucking day.
  17. Kev Space Nigga
    first they have to exist, some airheaded cunt that identifies as a scientist doesnt count, any more than your boy that identifies as a girl.
  18. Kev Space Nigga
    her dog probably did tho
  19. Kev Space Nigga
    good idea. russia and china both banned george soros from entering their country, which is about half the planet. they should both be banned from the entire planet, it would give the idea of deportation an entirely new name. theres not a grander kind of rejection than that and those two are the perfect candidates.
  20. Kev Space Nigga
    Originally posted by Quick Mix Ready Had to look him up

    it reminds me of the psychiatrists who get people to recall childhood memories that are false and planted. usually aggressive "psychic therapy" is used. at one time was used in courts, no longer allowed because of one proven case after another or retro freed after finding other people commiting the crimes from DNA samples showing the accused was not the criminal.

    thats called recovered memory therapy, my question is why the fuck this charlatan crap was authorized into official practice BEFORE any evidence of its efficacy was produced?

    "no longer allowed" why was it ever allowed? in a courtroom of all places where peoples lives are in question. and all this in the 21st century with all this advanced technology...
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