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Posts by Kev

  1. Kev Space Nigga
    because they are bitch made, taught to be eunuchs who "respect women" and they failed the ultimate test by taking it literally.

    americans arent approaching women anymore because women have been bitching for the past 50 years about unwanted attention, so they are walking away, they dont wanna be evil predatory perverts after all. wamens should be celebrating the fact that we want nothing to do with them, they finally made their point that they dont need no man, how strong and independent they are. or did i miss something?

    Right, i took them seriously, my bad.

    this time, american men wont take them seriously when they tell us to man up and start approaching them again.

    have fun on your cat farm, you ugly fat cunts
  2. Kev Space Nigga
    Originally posted by ⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀ Anything you use, you just look at what ports it's using and allow those through the firewall and block all other ports. You can also filter by executable process (PID) at the same time, so Windows doesn't try and use them.

    what about programs that use random ports like torrent clients?

    i can only enhancement executables that i know, who is to say a windows program in the background cant use whichever port is open?

    its a moot point anyhow, if the OS itself is spyware then its irrelevant how you use it, the firewall is subordinated to it is it not? windows can probably bypass it.
  3. Kev Space Nigga
    Originally posted by AngryIVer LMAO he reported me again for talking about Gay Pedophile Tetris in a Gay Pedophile Tetris thread.

    It's like he thinks I care if I get banned lmfao

    lol maybe he should spaz out and spam all over the place like the autistic fuck he was last time. that got him banned for a week so hes playing by the book now and being a good little rat.
    i care if you get banned because youre fun, lets leave ratboy to play his gay pedo triangle tetris
  4. Kev Space Nigga
    having an army of degenerates the government can easily manipulate and control is a dangerous liability, they need not exist at all. without an army, the government can be overthrown tomorrow but they have a huge army they keep docile with welfare and crack, am i supposed to feel sorry for them or something?
  5. Kev Space Nigga
    Originally posted by AngryIVer Oh, and it's not Tertris unless it specifically has the traditional shapes. This is just a pattern matching game.
    ratboy likes to play with triangles ^.^
  6. Kev Space Nigga
    they were manipulated by a psyop, as much as that is the case i have no sympathy for sheep. they couldve not spent their hard earned money on the fucking crack, no one put a gun to their head and forced them to smoke it.

    i say the same thing about all the single mothers bitching about their lives today, they CHOSE to be on fucking welfare and single, they chose their life of misery just like the hood rats did.
  7. Kev Space Nigga
    Originally posted by ⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀ You just only allow the browser ports. Block every other port.

    who says i only use a browser and nothing else?
  8. Kev Space Nigga
    Originally posted by ⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀ The fix is to get a rule-based firewall and block all its inbound and outbound ports on TCP and UDP.

    so how do you connect to the internet then?
  9. Kev Space Nigga
    This flick trolled me with its multiple oscars, i knew i would regret it.

    A 50 yr old cunt only has to larp as a drunk 20yo apparently to have men flocking to her at the bar to take her home, still works for minimum wage at a coffee shop and lives with her parents, spends her evenings doing the larping as previously mentioned and breaks character at the last second to humiliate the retard.

    Cant get no guy, shes got a laundry list of requirements even at her advanced age, guys nowadays just cant get enough of that granny cooch, she got too many options dawg.

    The only one for her is some pseudohomosexual mama's boy that fawns for her attention.

    Her hobbies, besides her predatory behavior mentioned in the beginning, include luring and kidnapping an underage girl to set her up to be raped by older men in order to get back at her mother who was the dean of the college because she wouldnt take her word over a boy's that felt up her drunk friend. oh wont feminists love this one!

    fortunately, she was just kidding and the girl in question was only kidnapped and lured in good faith to troll the dean, she was kind enough to even return her phone that she stole.

    "believe women!" was the moral of her antics, their word is divine law, they are so morally superior to men that they should be believed without question.

    She then goes to harass a defense attorney at his home who submissively begs for her forgiveness, literally on his knees. despite the boldness of this strong independent woman, she is visibly shaken and intimidated by this pleading, faggot of a man.

    Her vindictive journey ends with her larping as a bachelor party nurse to get into a frathouse where she finds the guy who felt up her friend 30 years ago, handcuffs him to a bed and kills him for his unforgivable crime.

    actually, that wouldnt be good PR for the feminist narrative, they have to make sure the cunt is always the victim. so where were we? right, the guy somehow breaks out of the cuffs, suffocates her before she can maim him, buries the body and society magically takes the mans word as gospel (#metoo and #killallmen never happened in that universe i guess) and her disappearance is not seriously investigated


    until her phone sends scheduled texts to the police and all the evil cis male scum including the soy-boy she was dating get apprehended.

    a womans unimpeachable divine word will always be the last one!

    take that, patriarchy!
  10. Kev Space Nigga
    i would of preferred the heat wave to be next month rather than during the summer solstice where theres no nightly relief, today is the first day it dropped below 100, cant believe sand niggers can live like this year round.
  11. Kev Space Nigga
    Originally posted by Quick Mix Ready That was me, you must be that attractive lady from Televeve

    you piss down the sink? your place must really reek...
  12. Kev Space Nigga
    Originally posted by BummyMofo Pepe the frog freaky ass motherfucker

    you know this nigga? stuff him down the drain

    shit, the previous tenant of my last apartment always pissed down the sink, pipe had to be replaced because it calcified and couldnt be removed with drain cleaner.
  13. Kev Space Nigga
    Originally posted by Misguided Russian ATTN:

    is not aquaman, is JeruZalem.

    here is aqua mang:

    best song ever
  14. Kev Space Nigga
    only a little bit
  15. Kev Space Nigga
    dunno, its not his mom i fucked
  16. Kev Space Nigga
    because i fucked your mother and im done with her
  17. Kev Space Nigga
    oh, the synopsis loosely sounded like aquaman
  18. Kev Space Nigga
  19. Kev Space Nigga
    i still run windows 7 lmao, for how long i have no idea.

    8 and up is pure spyware, not touching that shit
  20. Kev Space Nigga
    Originally posted by BummyMofo The stupidest faggots on the internet are these NiggerGuy otaku communist faggots. Just keep spamming the word nigger over and over again before they go jerk off to some anime child porn drawn by PepeFrog Trump faggots who rape their mothers in sex dungeons.

    NiggerGuys gotta go. Communist antifa-tards gotta go.

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