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Posts by Kev

  1. Kev Space Nigga
    Originally posted by Jiggaboo_Johnson Well every Empire has been criminal…it's pretty hard to build one without killing folk. I mean the native Americans are still pretty pissed at the white devils that took over their land and burned and raped their kids.

    Still you gotta laugh right?

    england has been the most brutal, their hypocritical facade of politeness and missions of "humanitarian" nature make it far worse than more overtly murderous ones like nazi germany who at least had the balls to admit they were genocidal thugs.

    many empires were comparatively peaceful like that danish union that coexisted with england, france and russia.
  2. Kev Space Nigga
    Originally posted by Jiggaboo_Johnson Throwing an "Is it that time of the month?" at them is good if you want to see them turn purple.

    lol i take it a bit further, when they ask me why i wont debate a woman, i tell them because i dont trust something that bleeds and doesnt die. i got multiple death threats within minutes, it was spaztastic.
  3. Kev Space Nigga
    if we existed alongside dinosaurs, we wouldve found homonim bones alongside theirs by now and we didnt so its a safe bet that theory is moot.
  4. Kev Space Nigga
    i thought spain rid the world of this trash.
  5. Kev Space Nigga
    na the pussy ragequit because so many were being mean to him.

    he seriously fucked up by asking multiple users to send him child porn, wtf did he expect to happen? such an idiot.
  6. Kev Space Nigga
    i ate ice cream in my air conditioned room and played some vidya games, was hot as hell here and i aint even in phoenix.
  7. Kev Space Nigga
    women in tech fucks up tech, just look at that latest twitter redesign that happened in 2019, how many millions quit using the site after that?

    women in tech is just another stupid social experiment but it will sell easy because most people working IT are retarded twatworshippers who can be relied on to white knight to infinity and beyond.

    makes me sick
  8. Kev Space Nigga
    Originally posted by Jiggaboo_Johnson Hey England had a good run and the Greatest most far reaching Empire the world has every seen…America is already fucked and they've only been a superpower for 70years or so.

    Now It's all gay pride month and statues of criminal niggers

    Britains empire was fucking criminal, nothing to be proud about at all. and britain embraced faggotry a decade before america did, they along with france practically invented that metrosexual pretty boy shit.

    they also came very close to legalizing pedophilia in the 1980's
  9. Kev Space Nigga
    Originally posted by Wariat literwlly every fuk i had or short ride or whatever fling got fuked up even before i fuked her due to my mansplaining.

    because females have no agency, they can never (and are never) held responsible for anything so naturally they believe their word is gospel and cannot be challenged, and so when they are disagreed with they chimp out and start whining they are being oppressed somehow.

    a man looking at them is rape, a man sitting down in their vicinity is manspreading, a man disagreeing with them is mansplaining, it goes on and fucking on.

    i honestly cant think of a bigger waste of time than to debate a woman.

    if she disagrees with you, just accuse her of womansplaining and fuck off.
    fight fire with fire
  10. Kev Space Nigga
    Originally posted by rabbitweed PSA: Kev is a dumb pedo who completely missed the point of what I was saying.

    that makes two of us, the soviets almost got obliterated in the war, they shrugged it off and went on to become a superpower that reached space.

    england got a skinned knee in the war and became a shitty stagnant island of inbred retards sucking the dick of pakis who get aroused by the cries of a little girl.

    enjoy your victory in the gayest sport ever, limey
  11. Kev Space Nigga
    Originally posted by Quick Mix Ready Dr Swole sounded like filthy frank.

    Swole also got the space herpes? gadayum!
  12. Kev Space Nigga
    Originally posted by vindicktive vinny mitochondrial eve is based on the supposition that it came from a geological place called africa.

    but millions of years ago when earth was in its early age, everywhere was africa.when earth was a pangea, the entire earth was africa.

    the right way to look at mitochondriac eve is that it is the same throughout the world initially, and evolved elsewhere around the world except in africa where they remain unevolved throughout the millennias.

    because africa is inconducive to evolution.

    The world wasnt africa 100-200k years ago which is when modern humans are said to have arrived or when hjumans supposedly migrated out of africa, it was a separate continent afaik.
  13. Kev Space Nigga
    you havent given any automated solution if i have to edit a fucking a bat file every single time i run an application. thats so tedious i would rather get raided by the feds.
  14. Kev Space Nigga
    yeah hollywood is soy as fuck, but sometimes you just gotta eat up all that propaganda, i havent written a movie review in forever.

    i did it so you dont have to
  15. Kev Space Nigga
    and if i wanna open something else?
  16. Kev Space Nigga
    Originally posted by AngryIVer All lies. Science has been able to trace all of modern day humanity back to a tribe in Africa. Nobody is indigenous to America.

    is that really true tho? since africa is closest to europe, why do europeans look the least like africans? shouldnt that have been the first continent the prehuman african apes migrated to?
  17. Kev Space Nigga
    but the config file wont correct itself automatically when i have to edit it every single damn time i start a program i intended to run

    which would be like 50 times a day
  18. Kev Space Nigga
    the PID changes every time the process is restarted so that is useless.

    and as i said, im not some normie who only uses fecesbook, i have uses for more than just a browser
  19. Kev Space Nigga
    i sowwie
  20. Kev Space Nigga
    lol you werent here back in january when ratboy had a massive chimpout over grylls posting his ugly fuck face all over the place and writing LOLZ underneath it.

    he spammed every thread he could find including ones from 2015 and got banned for a week, when he came back he said he was unfairly targeted so the pressure is on lanny to atone for his sin and prove his impartiality by throwing the book at anyone being too mean to ratboy.

    lets leave him alone for now and let him play his gay pedo version of tetris
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