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Posts by Kev

  1. Kev Space Nigga
    increase your prescription vinny, you are a little incoherent today
  2. Kev Space Nigga
    Originally posted by Donald Trump

    Look at what these sick fucks are doing to the kids.

    you should see what the sick fucks do to their own kids, refuse to hug them or show any affection in the name of social distancing.

    dont love your own children because the TV told you so. what a world...
  3. Kev Space Nigga
    Originally posted by Speedy Parker There is nothing but room in space nigga

    not for you, fatass
  4. Kev Space Nigga
    Originally posted by vindicktive vinny the smartest and realest journalist on american affairs.

    nazi cucks whine about him all the time which ironically is what led me to him.

    Brilliant man.
  5. Kev Space Nigga
    Originally posted by ⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀ When you're dead, I'll still be here.

    the trademark delusion of a typical narcissistic boomer that thinks he is eternal, did any of you manage to grow the fuck up this century?
  6. Kev Space Nigga
    Originally posted by Speedy Parker You can't even manage your own life kid. Shut up, sit down, and the adults will let you know when it is your turn.

    what do you know of my life? jack shit.
  7. Kev Space Nigga
    Originally posted by vindicktive vinny do you like trannies ?

    the fuck?
  8. Kev Space Nigga
    Originally posted by Yoodin Vices Millennia'ls had the last good music of grunge to grow up with.

    They were taught coding as part of the new public school standardization in which kids were offered 250k in company stocks or even cash for commited 2 years of employment just straight out of highschool during the early years of internet startups.

    When silicon valley came to a grinding halt by the end of the 1990s thanks to Bill Clinton Nafta bill, San Francisco saw massive rise in startups as physical hardware companies closer to silicon valley in the San Jose area closed shop and moving companies to China for outsourcing 3.00USD an hour workers which China turned around and subcontracted outsourced to India for 50 cents an hour to stamp out computer peripherals.

    But the dot com industry was amazing. When people were making great pay at 40kUSD in late 90s (about 75kUSD in 2021 money) suddenly highschool grads were making about 75kUSD (now averaging 120k) with a quarter million in stocks fully vested in just 2 years if they remained making some of those guys for companies like Mozilla multi millionaires today.

    Meanwhile hardware workers making half on the assembly line in their late 30s or 40s etc, were suddenly unemployed with antiquated skill sets. Many who left car companies in Michigan in the 1980s to make more in California's new booming industry were losing their houses and wives and commiting suicide while guys who never stepped foot in college were cranking out codes as code monkies.
    Another big opportunity for 90s highschool grads was IT and network solution before in-house cloud servers killed those jobs.

    This is why I fucking cringe every fucking time I hear Millennia'ls piss and now. And blame boomers for their whoes when they could be worth well over a million in savings and 401k packages with at one time 1.2% interest rates and still hovering under 3% as of now. With first time home buyers only needing 2% down.

    tl;dr? Kill yourselves if not rich and owning a house outright by now.
    Learn to code, start your own video game company, pump and dump it, run away with half a billion dollars, get caught, serve 3 of a 5 year sentence (lol I just read how this shit was done. Was common early in so don't do it)

    Epstein I think did an early pump and dump ponzy scheme in the 1980s and went to prison in a kush cell he paid for, then got out.. still rich.

    Then went to jail again for trying to pay for underage girls for sex, rinse, repeated.
    Continued his shitty evil life while poor people get murked in GP


    you are talking about the late 90's with the dot com boom, guess how old most millenials were back then? most were in diapers you stupid fuck. i was in elementary school when the dot com bubble crashed and by the time i reached adulthood, the economy was in the fucking shitter.

    the very oldest millenials born in 1981 fit your profile and thats about it, the rest turned 18 in an economic apocalypse.

    you have no clue what you are talking about.
  9. Kev Space Nigga
    Originally posted by Jiggaboo_Johnson Again you said it wasn't a panic, it was.

    Not sure why you are continuing to struggle about that…just turn over and submit to what I'm giving you.

    a panic is an irrational fear, fearing AIDS is rational.
  10. Kev Space Nigga
    Originally posted by ⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀ To you? Doesn't bother me much.

    i mean how does it feel to be antiquated, to see everything you have known becoming disappeared, disregarded and irrelevant, your body quickly catching up to that ordeal?

    its our world now, boomer.
  11. Kev Space Nigga
    Originally posted by rabbitweed I'm interested in buying a house, but not where I am now (it's complicated, but I'm stuck in this jurisdiction until 2024).

    So when covid calms its tits a bit, I plan to go to Australia and buy a house there. How the fuck long does that take? Weeks? Months?

    Originally posted by infinityshock lovingly lanced lannys longling little labia along with his lovely lips like the lascivious lovely lass allowed his uncle larry when he was little.............. its as simple as going to the nearest appliance warehouse and asking for a refrigerator box.

    the same way your mother managed to provide you with a home to live in.

  12. Kev Space Nigga
    Originally posted by ⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀ Won't be long you'll be 70.

    how does it feel to be irrelevant?
  13. Kev Space Nigga
    Originally posted by Speedy Parker We get that you like being controlled and told what to do so you don't have to think for yourself.

    things arent black and white FFS

    your ONLY choice is apocalyptic chaos or a dystopian dictatorship? how about something in the middle, tinkertard?

    i wanna read my own newspapers but i sure as fuck dont wanna have to test my own food for botulism, theres a balance in life.
  14. Kev Space Nigga
    There isnt enough room here for your COO CUCKS CLAN

  15. Kev Space Nigga
    I was diagnosed with Asperger's before I was eight
    At ten I learned about carbon and I started to hate
    All those white muthafockas who committed the rape
    Of the atmosphere and its molecular state

    I'm the new Jesus but I weren't born in a manger
    I dropped out of school to stop the weather from changin
    Saw me at the UN said "she's so full of anger"
    I'm just gettin started, you ain't seen what my range is

    You pushed me way past the limit, so I ask you "how dare you?"
    When I roll up on your ass, best believe I gone scare you
    You think you know about science? Bitch you ain't got a clue
    Science says 12 years, and that is absolute truth

    Look in my eyes, you'll see the spirit of violence
    I'd kill millions of people, in defense of the science
    Next time you see me, you'll understand my true meanin
    I'll slice up your face, you'll be screamin and bleedin

    You didn't care bout the weather, you drove a big truck
    So I'm killin your family, and havin em stuffed
    Cuz a stuffed white man ain't releasin no carbon
    Send the organs to Africa, those people are starvin

    As soon as I get control, a billion people are dyin
    All of them white, I will neuter the lion

    Bitch you think I don't know that China exists?
    Nigga I know about China, I just don't give a shit


    It's getting hot out this bitch
    But white people are rich
    They drive to work in a car
    I'll send em up to the farm

    I've got a dream of a future where the whole world's cold
    But you can't fathom my vision because you're stupid and old
    Carbon molecules like slaves being trafficked and sold
    Bitch when I show my hand, the whole world will fold

    Carbon taxes will drive you straight into the ground
    Trade carbon credits in a scheme so profound
    You won't know what is what til you get a whiff of the sound
    Of your paycheck that's fallin all the way downtown

    Never went through puberty, got no peri-od
    So they said I was titless, they insulted my bod
    I'll cut off your limbs and make you live in a pod
    You won't ever do nothing save for blink, wink and nod

    I come from Sweden, I don't believe in no god
    If you deny science, I won't spare you my rod
    I come from Sweden, I'll make you live in a pod
    If you deny science, say hello to my squad

    You said "she's just a girl, she's cursed with the 'tism"
    But I might as well have two Ph.Ds in Physics
    Cuz all I need to know is the theory of gravity
    Throw you off a roof, to teach you compassion, eh?

    I'm saving the cows, I've got a vegan agenda
    I'll feed you paste made of bugs, are you offended?
    What kind of culture do you think you're defendin?
    No milk in your coffee, how do you like splenda?


    I'll flood you with blacks, that's just gravy
    You white people are stupid, fat, dumb and lazy
    I'll take all your bases and you'll be pushin up daisies
    old school new school, teach anal sex to your baby

    Tranny library creatures ain't a bug they are features
    When you see them touch babies, you'll be totally speechless
    Learn the secret of anal for the sake of the future
    Eat bugs like a rat and learn the secret of nature

    The only thing I care about is keeping it cool
    We're freezing the planet, they'll be ice in your pool
    Sometimes I get angry and I might start to drool
    An extra clip on my hip, and it's totally full

    I spray bullets at capitalists, while they're driving their cars
    With a slug through your dome, you ain't traveling far
    I'll drag out your bodies, covered in feathers and tar
    Then I'll laugh at your children when they ask where you are

    Don't believe the weathers changing? Let me show you a graph
    Screw it, nah, I'm just poppin and droppin, n' blastin your ass
    White people stole my future, cuz white people are trash
    India and China, well I'll give em a pass
    To burn piles of tires, release poisonous gas
    Fill the ocean with plastic, and chemical trash
    White are the faces that my hammer will smash
    White are the throats that my sickle will slash

  16. Kev Space Nigga
    Originally posted by the man who put it in my hood they can decide to do whatever they want but they shouldn't do anything except go to school and take mind altering drugs like ritalin and make the big bucks. Sex is a pointless activity and if you train your brain to not seek out pleasure or indulgence at a young age you will probably turn out to be some asexual mid 20s weirdo with a stable life and career that makes the big bucks like most zoomers.

    All having sex does is create children and a financial burden, this is why all kids are gay now not because of TRANNY BRAINWASHING but because society is fucked and nobody wants to start a family anymore because it's a financial death sentence if you're young.

    Love and sex are dead, kids don't grow up watching porn anymore like we did. They think porn is wrong and abusive towards women, if they want to jack off to a naked woman they pay for onlyfans.

    it's a different world and you are no longer part of it. Keep trying though I guess poland probably hasn't caught up as it's a third world country but very western leaning so I imagine the young people are gonna be like this very soon.

    they dont watch porn, they chaturbate, its a lot more personal and fun, not to mention leaves less tracks. how is someone under 18 supposed to pay for onlyfans? nobody uses that except aging milenial incels.

    Policemen have been alerted by Brittany's boyfriend, apparently jealous

    who would be jealous of a dogfucker? i would be upset over the clkusterfuck of diseases she probably transmitted to me.
  17. Kev Space Nigga
    Originally posted by Quick Mix Ready

    damn, jeff axed BI because of 911? i didnt know this, but then again it was still a few years before i found totse.

    were you on totse during 911? always wondered what it was like, were people freaking out like the rest of the retards on the fleshnet?
  18. Kev Space Nigga
    Originally posted by WellHung u should never become a legislator because your opinions are too extreme…you are an outlier and reside significantly outside of the Bell Curve.

    who exactly defines what is an outlier and what isnt? more importantly, who gives a shit?
    legalizing faggotry used to be an outlier and now it isnt.

    people should be held accountable for unleashing a shitstain upon society.
  19. Kev Space Nigga
    Originally posted by Grylls Where’s all the racist comments @

    hey you jedi niggerface that ate a banana for lunch

    now die a horrible death or you shall die to the power of prepface
  20. Kev Space Nigga
    Originally posted by Xlite None of that makes sense because your basic assumption is still false. I didn't rape anyone, and i didn't confess to raping anyone. If you disagree then where's the evidence? were you present? are you related to the so called victim? What is it exactly that you think you know about a random guy who posts on the internet?

    You're so fucking gullible.

    i dont need to when you admitted to spending time in prison for rape.

    What is it exactly that you think you know about a random guy who posts on the internet?

    only what he tells me, and you told me you spent time in prison for rape, its a matter of public record now so its too late to backpedal my friend. next time learn some impulse control before you get the itch to broadcast extremely personal information like an idiot whose consequence for his creepy behavior obviously taught him fuck all.
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