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Posts by Kev

  1. Kev Space Nigga
    Originally posted by Xlite Only gullible simpletons believes everything they read on the internet.
    A pedo like you is all talk and no game. Provide evidence or concede instead of deflecting.

    only a gullible simpleton believes anything you say? youre right, thats why i dont believe you when you deny your earlier confession.
  2. Kev Space Nigga
    i piss neon green depending on what i am on, if you are pissing orange you are either not drinking enough or sucked trumps dick.
  3. Kev Space Nigga
    Originally posted by ⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀ The reason there's so much pushback to this particular one, as st|1 well knows, but is too dishonest to admit, is that this mRNA gene therapy technology has never been tried on masses of human beings before, on a world population, being forced onto people without their consent even, literal human Guinea pigs. Not to mention it's clear they do nothing to prevent transmission, merely a claim to lessen symptoms, when the vast majority of people don't even know they had it. St|1 would much rather create a two-tiered population and an Us vs Them divide, causing violence, discord and a complete breakdown of society as we knew it. That's what he wants. That's what he craves for. Him and his ilk.

    him and his soy-boy ilk dont know what they are wishing for. they would never survive a societal collapse, the nervous breakdown alone will take their lives long before anything physical like starvation or disease. i wish for a collapse too but i am not delusional about it, i just have less and less to lose as time goes by. when the vaccine passports roll out, getting the fuck out of the country wont be an option anymore.

    sometimes i wonder how people will take the shock. bitching about fatphobia, stare-rape and how dangerous hugging your own child is because you might catch a cold one day to eating out of expired cans, wishing they were married so someone would look after them and wanting a hug even from a hobo the next?

    would they play ignorant about being involved in any of this bullshit? would they confess and repent, now praying to god to return life back to normal? would it be like the aftermath of the USSR breakup where the citizens keep some values and reject others, simply adapting to the new reality and becoming stronger for it?
  4. Kev Space Nigga
    Originally posted by ⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀ Wait.. Trump's the one who was pushing the vaccine and got it approved in record time… Operation Warp Speed. And with Trump pushing it, there is still a huge amount of pushback to it. Why this time? Why not a huge amount of pushback on all the other vaccines that came before it? You see how your story is illogical and makes no sense, don't you?

    he cant find a packaged argument to copy paste, wait a few hours.
  5. Kev Space Nigga
    you said glowsticks, not highlighters
  6. Kev Space Nigga
    Originally posted by the man who put it in my hood i already posted that pic lozer

    no shit idiot, i was quoting it
  7. Kev Space Nigga

    why am i still seeing this rooster haired fucktard on the news, didnt him and his pig ugly wife go off the air years ago? this little 5'6 dwarf and his gang of cops with fake badges got owned by a bunch of emaciated crackheads back in 2009.

    fuck you dog, go back to prison
  8. Kev Space Nigga
    you were caught diddling your neighbors cat

  9. Kev Space Nigga
    Originally posted by stl1 Kareem Abdul-Jabbar calls for unvaccinated players and staff to be removed from teams

    were letting the taliban call the shots now?
  10. Kev Space Nigga
    Originally posted by Quick Mix Ready With glow sticks

    cool, glad he still has it in him.
  11. Kev Space Nigga
    Originally posted by Lanny How often has this really happened? I mean whatever your ideology, it seems kinda uncontroversial that the left is better able to mobilize and effectively boycott things than the right. By a mile. Look at “cancel culture”, who gets canceled, and tell me there isn’t enormously more economic pressure to visibly adopt “woke” views. If anything wokeness is just good business

    lets see, the new woke ghostbusters back in 2016 completely bombed, several comic books that started pandering to woke harpies saw their viewership plummet, michael moore and the young turks lost half their fanbase once they started pushing misandrist feminazi bullshit, CNN and other networks are in big trouble and had a huge hissy fit over "fake news" and alternative media so had to resort to shutting down alternative sources to maintain their monopoly which wont last. gillette bombed after making that misandrist commercial, blizzards stock fell, i can think of many more examples.

    the misandry bubble is about to pop. when that happens, both sides including the faggiest leftists will hop on the traditionalist bandwagon and claim they were always against feminism, always against cancel culture and so on. then you will have new political correctness shit that will claim the word feminist is offensive to women and that you should be cancelled in the name of combating cancel culture, the irony will be completely lost on them.

    but im rambling.

    the economic pressure to adopt failure is superseded by the pressure of the failure to abandon failure. just look what happened when they tried to hire a woman at my workplace to do a physically demanding job, she fucking failed, like anyone with the slightest common sense wouldve predicted, the company sustained costs. imagine what wouldve happened if they mandated a 50/50 gender quota, the company wouldve tanked.

    thats what investing in a delusion looks like. at the end of the day, natural selection takes care of those who refuse to accept reality.
  12. Kev Space Nigga
    Originally posted by ⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀ There can only be one semi-legitimate Totse spinoff at a time.

    doesnt stop people from making more.
  13. Kev Space Nigga
    guess you will be waiting until next summer then. my weirdass uncle might be looking for a knob shiner next month, tho. no experience needed and rodent-friendly workplace.
  14. Kev Space Nigga
    its true, they have nothing to lose which makes them formidable opponents. thats the upside of being a worthless piece of shit, just look at islamic terrorists. but at least terrorists have killer instinct, commie soyfags can do nothing but whine at reality until it bends to their will, it stops working after a while.

    Any time the goy win against rich and powerful jedis I feel is a win.

    i feel you but dont fall for the psyop where they successfully turned neonazis into the greatest useful idiots for feminism with this bullshit. harvey kikestein was sacrificed at the altar for the expansion of the anal revolution and neonazi retards are now celebrating it, only because a jedi happened to be collateral damage. its pathetic.
  15. Kev Space Nigga
    i would start with assisting a loli with her backyard lemonade stand.

    before you can run, you must learn to crawl, grasshoppa.

    want me to show your resume to lil becky? she accepts disfigured rodents but she might make you wear a mask so you dont scare the customers.
  16. Kev Space Nigga
    Originally posted by Donald Trump She got to force her will upon the rest of us.

    i hope she enjoys her victory, now living as a reclusive freak of nature and butt of every joke. same thing with all the male spaces they are fucking up and replacing with safe spaces for soymales and whales, they will all become lowpopulated cringefests that no one will want anything to do with.

    "Prison industrial complex" means putting violent black criminals in jail. They don't want that, they want them free to terrify whites. This was before BLM.

    obviously, lets hope they dont grope too many fat karens.

    Metoo was no use and actually a bad thing, since a massively disproportionate level of those getting canned were jedis. Although there was/is a genuine problem there, observe how quickly that got dropped.

    it didnt get dropped and the precedent it set was not that disgusting fat jedi men cannot flirt with attractive white women but that women can withdraw consent and send a man to prison for decades without needing to back it up with evidence.

    but i agree it was a positive step in the long run since the majority of those implicated were faggy feminist men, not to mention that this will lead to gender segregation in the workplace and eventually an end to wymynz rights. never interrupt your enemy when he is making a mistake, as the wise say.
  17. Kev Space Nigga
    Originally posted by the man who put it in my hood I am getting ready for work at the taco stand, fuck off

    i doubt you can manage a taco stand, but whatever.
  18. Kev Space Nigga
    She says she wants to dismantle the prison industrial complex? but i bet shes happy about #metoo skyrocketing the conviction rate and enriching that same prison industrial complex.
  19. Kev Space Nigga
    Originally posted by Donald Trump

    You can hate on trigglypuff all you want, but she won.

    i cant see video, what did she win? other than a cringe of the year award for 2016?
  20. Kev Space Nigga
    Originally posted by rabbitweed This song reminds me of my wife who died etc etc.

    Also I miss gadzooks. I hope he's still alive. He never responded to my emails.

    probably because you asked him to give you anal, like you asked me

    i lost my respect for you ever since that day, rabbit
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