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Posts by Kev

  1. Kev Space Nigga
    Originally posted by Kuntzschutz You are a very confused homosexual.

    he has a shemale boyfriend, sucks on its manboobs and thinks hes straight.

    He confused indeed.
  2. Kev Space Nigga
    you dont have to use their phones, you know its a smart tracking device right?
  3. Kev Space Nigga
    Originally posted by Grylls Lol that Lego chopper was a free gift and wtf made you remember that

    i wanted her to join my militia and be my door gunners assistant since she likes helicopters.

    i think they would be the bestest friends, dont you?
  4. Kev Space Nigga
    Originally posted by the man who put it in my hood nah i think it was society

    whats the tapeworm leaping out of your spouses boipussy say to you, ratboy?
  5. Kev Space Nigga
    Originally posted by the man who put it in my hood I don't tell anyone what to do because i'm a good capitalist.

    who doesnt work and sucks off the taxpayers teet while being useless and playing gay pedo version of tetris all day.
  6. Kev Space Nigga
    lol whats ward js903, a kid ward? sneaky gangsta trading candies for lego?
    why not ask your niece to gift you something? i am sure she would be thrilled after that helicoper you built together, and it wouldve been more heartwarming than having to hustle the little cancer patients, dawg.
  7. Kev Space Nigga
    Originally posted by mmG Whoa calm down, I am just 16 years old

    you calm down, i am just 6
  8. Kev Space Nigga
    Originally posted by Jiggaboo_Johnson My account got banned forever and all posts moved to the mongolvoid at 3am this past saturday…the ban reason was "spam"..but I hadn't spammed (I've never spammed).

    Who knows what was going on in Lanny's head at 3am but clearly I was forefront of those thoughts….no doubt I was naked and covered in strawberry preserve too in those thoughts.

    at least he revoked the ban.
  9. Kev Space Nigga
    Originally posted by Grylls What song?

    I’m not allowed to talk about it but the god juice they gave me made me feel fucking awesome

    hey if you dumped the dogeater ho then who got you the lego?
  10. Kev Space Nigga
    its the largest current totse spinoff, i took a different path to 4chan and regretted it so i am reliving the nostalgia of the path i should of took. why do we stay here? because the rest of the internet is a tightly controlled fucking shithole, this is among the last places that comes anywhere close to freedom of speech. it isnt ideal, we know its not ideal, we know lanny banned people for trivial reasons, but where the fuck else on the clearnet do we go?

    where can you find me online? anywhere on the darknet im probably there, not too long ago the entire internet was considered the darknet when it wasnt normie enough. now the normies need to invent a new word for the part of the net they dont approve of because it is too difficult to access and they cant stop getting triggered by the existence of someone with a contrary opinion.

    cue the demonization of the darknet being full of drug dealers and pedos until the normies eventually figure out how to illegally immigrate there too and spread their cancer.

    in a nutshell, where you wont find normies, youll find me, so keep digging in those places you know you shouldnt but cant resist.
  11. Kev Space Nigga
    Originally posted by Quick Mix Ready See he went to meet a 12 year old stranger.

    not illegal.
  12. Kev Space Nigga
    Originally posted by mmG I've been trying to act like an adult to fit into the community but it's time I came clean to you guys, I am only 16 years old.

    no kid admits their age on the internet you fugly old retard nor does one as old as 16 refer to himself as "only 16" a year away from being a legal adult

  13. Kev Space Nigga
  14. Kev Space Nigga
    Originally posted by Sophie Don't fucking flatter yourselves. Do you honestly believe i am trying to portray myself to be a badass for your benefit or anyone else here for that matter? Most people here have known me for over 10 years, and what? You think everyone here is too polite to call me out on my bullshit if they see me spouting any? Give me a fucking break.

    Or are you genuinely so full of fucking hubris and Dunning-Kruger, that you genuinely believe everyone here would just fall for something like that, and that you are among the enlightened few who can see past this mystical wool you seem to think i am trying to pull over everyone's eyes.

    Your level of analysis when it comes to anything i do, say, or any behavior i exhibit is so shallow it can only be indicative of either three potential modes of thinking on your part when it comes to me or the greater community. Either 1) you decided a long time ago that you didn't like me and all interactions since then have just been you looking for confirmation bias, or 2) you actually believe you're smarter than not only me but a good portion of the userbase here or 3) All of the above.

    If i had to hazard a guess i'd say it's all of the above. This reveals a stunning lack of insight on your part and it reveals the manner by which you judge people around you, and since you do it all the time i'm betting your strategy for judging people is to compare the apparent behavior/sentence/post with your own psychology and going like: Hmm, if i made this thread, the only reason would be to make it and use those particular words to make myself seem more badass than i actually am. And that's that, you are so myopic that it would never even occur to you that there might actually be people around who genuinely enjoy energetic chemistry, are good at it and have the ability to safely create an amount that explodes with just enough force to make it take on recreational effects, like a cool piece of fireworks.

    Now it's fine if you couldn't care less about fireworks, to each their own, but to automatically assume i am making the whole thing up to seem badass, boy do you have a way of being as uncharitable as possible. If anything it shows the limits of your mental faculties in terms of understanding human behavior and assuming someone else's point of view.

    Ever consider someone other than you might actually enjoy the things as discussed in the OP. And before you say hurr durr you're dumb anyway you're posting on the internet confessing to committing a crime. Ever consider it might be possible for someone with sufficient knowledge of computer science might know a thing or two about tracking someones internet activity? And ways to frustrate it to the point it will cost an enormous amounts of manpower and resources in order to defeat those counter measures, even for say the FBI?

    No, of course you haven't because in your world only your myopic views exist and the fact that you are literally one of the least intelligent people on this forum, gives you Dunning-Kruger so intense that it could not be otherwise in you experience.

    Kill yourself.

    TLDR cringepost meltdown over everyone mocking your lame attempt to larp as nuclearrabit with some cheap ass flammable soy.

    the autism is strong in this one. just stick to diddling FFS.
  15. Kev Space Nigga
    grylls wtf you in the hospital for bro? this is not good.
  16. Kev Space Nigga
    what even happened? i was away for a while. i was looking in the mongolvoid for finny and found a thread with like 30000 posts in it and i was like WTF?
  17. Kev Space Nigga
    Originally posted by the man who put it in my hood anyone that says white mode is ugly grew up in a time with "modes" sorry but when I used the internet in 1999 there was no option to select what "mode" I wanted

    actually you could customize in window color settings to use a black background and white text, you were just a fucking idiot who never figured this out.

    i am using it as we speak and still loving it.
  18. Kev Space Nigga
    Originally posted by the man who put it in my hood ^rapist

    i googled rapist and this came up

  19. Kev Space Nigga
    Originally posted by cigreting This is spot on. I cant think of a time you and I have ever disagreed

    its good to be red pilled, dawg.

    you shouldve seen me just a few years ago during my simp days, i wouldve ignored my then-girlfriend for an hour at midnight to lecture you why youre such a piece of shit for not giving some bitch the time of day. she wouldve been so impressed at how woke i am, NOT
  20. Kev Space Nigga
    Originally posted by Xlite lol, i was in doubt for some time but now it is apparent. You are in fact jelly of my presumed rape.
    You wish you was the guy with the courage to walk over to some chick and make out with her and start fingering her and then later get busted and convicted of rape, but you're not. You're just the weird incel pedoguy next door who wishes he was awesome enough to actually leave the house.

    Gtfo faggot.

    the difference between me and you:

    I mock you for an actual rape you publicly confessed to committing and doing prison time for.

    you (made several pathetic attempts to) mock me for fictitious rapes you made up and couldnt prove i committed.

    now you claim that me mocking your actual status as a sex offender makes me jealous, so what do your projections of your rape fantasies make you? other than proving your time in the can failed to reform you and that you are still a danger to society i mean.
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