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Posts by Kev

  1. Kev Space Nigga
    Originally posted by infinityshock lovingly allowed lard-ass lanny the luxury of lapping the loins-leviathan while the little lad larps as a laotian ladyboy lapdancer......................................................................................... (banned) no…the billionaires would get taxed 50% then the billionaires would increase the price of what theyre selling and at the same time reduce the wages/benefits to their employees…meaning by the time all is said and done theyve increased their income 75%

    as evidenced by worldwide reductions in pay and benefits to the working class while goods have increased in price while the 1% has the highest gross-income/definable net-worth that they ever have since records have been kept.

    in the past the 1% paid 90% taxes and employees had better wages adjusted for inflation, you have it ass backwards. when reagan started giving them tax cuts is when their wealth started exponentially increasing (no shit???).
  2. Kev Space Nigga
    Originally posted by Indiana-Is-Eternal I always assumed he was hapa.
    I was pretty excited to hear he was, he's one of my favorite actors.

    Hapa? what is that?
  3. Kev Space Nigga
    Originally posted by Indiana-Is-Eternal It's mobile, higher resolution, improved optics and you can use it for pc vr.

    more details on improved optics? is it fully immersive? can you explore worlds without bumping into your wall?
  4. Kev Space Nigga
    Originally posted by Indiana-Is-Eternal I'm a quarter chinese.
    I'm Asian.

    keanu reeves is quarter chinese too, i never really knew what to classify him as.
  5. Kev Space Nigga
    Because he says shit for how it is without hiding behind a politically correct facade like all other politicians do, it fuels the rage of the average estrogen-filled retard who wants to be offended by everything.

    also because he is masculine, everybody is so envious and obssessed with his schlong and sex life its creepy as fuck.

    its basically the attack of the lonely beta soy-boys and ugly suicidal trigglypuffs whose only cock they touched was their uncle's.
  6. Kev Space Nigga
    oculus quest is that a game or an upgrade to the oculus rift?
  7. Kev Space Nigga
    naw you wanna sniff her pussy and you know it
  8. Kev Space Nigga
    Originally posted by BummyMofo If a man sexually assaults a kid in public and gets 10 years, should he get raped in prison?

    If a man rapes an onlyfans camwhore, should he get raped in prison?

    sure! they need love too.
  9. Kev Space Nigga
    Originally posted by netstat Why didn't you just link to the article on the conspiracy site you pulled those images and descriptions verbatim from and tried to pass off as your own argument?

    Look back at the beginning of the thread, i posted the link to the globalresearch article numerous times and people repeatedly refused to read it, so i decided to spoon feed you the points.

    If scientific studies and its related data is "conspiracy stuff" then i dont know what to do for you. nothing i posted had anything to do with any conspiracy nor did any of my sources talk about any conspiracy. instead of using pejorative buzzwords with no real meaning, explain exactly what is wrong with the data.
    You complained the greenland ice core data is only one location, i gave you more. do you want vostok ice core data too?

    oh wait, being spoon fed offends you. read the article, vostok is also in it.

    Read the article I linked if you want to learn something, otherwise keep up the disingenuous argumentation and continue buying into misrepresented data.

    You pasted my source and then wrote this, im a little confused. i assume you are referring to a different link. if so, post it right now but i wanna hear your counterpoint and i expect any article you post to back it up.
  10. Kev Space Nigga
    Originally posted by BummyMofo I don't know about all that shit, it just seems like bad mojo
    I wanna be loved back you can fuck a robot and it will simulate that but it won't feel shit for you. remember that

    neither will the common bitch, she will never love you the same way you love her. for women, love is transactional. for men, it is unconditional, we love her just for the way she looks. she loves you for what you can do for her.

    a piece of plastic will always be more pleasant than a real woman.
  11. Kev Space Nigga
    Originally posted by netstat

    You're now reposting shitty propaganda based on ice core samples from ONE location and missing the most recent 70 years worth of temperature estimates.

    Okay, lets look at more locations.

    This first record is from Spain, based on the mercury content in a peat bog, as published in Science, 1999, vol. 284, for the most recent 4,000 years. Note that this graph is backwards, with present day on the left:

    This next record is from the Central Alps, based on stalagmite isotopes, as published in Earth and Planteary Science Letters, 2005, vol. 235, for the most recent 2,000 years:

    And here is the greenland data from before:

    As for missing the latest 115 years (not 70, where did you get that number from, the greenland ice core record ends at 1905). we can append the thermometer record starting from 1905 to fill the gap, here it is:

    Still looks very natural to me, following long term trends like before, its not at all dramatic or unnatural. temperature increase has stagnated since the turn of the millennium, it will start dropping very soon.

    For reference, this is the thermometer record we appended:
  12. Kev Space Nigga
    Originally posted by netstat Compressing the graph by three orders of magnitude on the left side like that obfuscates the fact that large temperature changes preceding anthro influence occurred over millions of years, while the current warming spike you see on the right end of the x axis represents only about a hundred years.

    You realize that spike is a projected value, a prediction, not the actual temperature?
  13. Kev Space Nigga
    Originally posted by Sudo Im addicted to hydromorphone/dilaudid. If I paid street prices it would cost me about $80-150 a day which is horrible. I have issues with pain and mostly take the drugs to function but it has spiraled. I will get there, thank you for your encouragement. Its miserable and I'm very very blessed with a lot of things in my life but 6+ months of opiate addiction is FUCKING DRAINING

    I bet, opiates are delicious and tough to kick. i have been seeking some lately, a little reluctant to bring it up here because of all the shitty advice i have seen. you open for a private exchange when i get some? your perspective could be useful.

    if theres encouragement i could insist upon to kick your habit, it would start with removing toxic influences in your life, especially dysfunctional relationships. while im not exactly a model citizen, i am doing a lot better now after throwing out all the trash. some were family so it was hard but after a decade of being a pill popping NEET i am now working full time and debtless for the first time.

    i hope that was inspirational enough to be encouraging, its not an impressive transformation but its honest.
  14. Kev Space Nigga
    Originally posted by ORACLE Nobody in the universe has ever denied that the earth's climate changes on it's own or that it may have been warmer at some point in the past, so I don't know if you are illiterate or what but you're just refusing to engage with the point.

    Which is that human industrial activity is causing accelerated climate change at a rate that is not in line with the natural, historic rate of change of the climate.

    That is also false, lets look at a more recent part of the graph, the past few thousand years instead of million:

    I see nothing unusual or unnatural about todays warming period. the temperature grew at a faster in the medieval warming period than today, without indistrualization. every peak preceding it was even more dramatic than the one before it.
  15. Kev Space Nigga
    Originally posted by WellHung Sobriety pacts are for fucking faggots. Learn to properly handle your narcotics, is the proper solution.

    you will have to be more specific, its not like there is a standard regimen of how much and how often someone can get trashed without fucking up. sometimes shit just happens, you know?
  16. Kev Space Nigga
    Originally posted by Sudo I hope to one day also beat pharmaceuticals. I wake up everyday in a state of withdrawal and my ability to retain information is affected. It's a trap and a cycle it is difficult to get out of but I pray one day soon I will be.

    This thread made me realize drugs arent the worst coping mechanisms in the world. Being a weeaboo seems worse and I dont really identify or understand. I feel I would be a lot more confused and depressed.

    i certainly wish you luck in your quest.remember that the grass is always greener in someone elses yard, weaboos may appear more functional simply for not being you and vice versa. problem is too many kidiots think being a junkie is glamorous or some shit. so many of them feel so cool for knowing some disheveled retard in an alley who sells them cheap bunk pills and they think they are getting top quality stuff. makes me realize why bullshit with no recreational value lik xanax is so popular.
  17. Kev Space Nigga
    Originally posted by ORACLE I linked you to a scientific article with scientific sources linked that themselves have scientific sources linked and it directly addresses this question. You are simply going to reject the qualified interpretation for your own unqualified one and keep dismissing it as OPINION.

    So just answer a simple question: imagine and tell us what the perfect hypothetical data that could change your mind, would look like.

    The exact same thing that changed my mind when i once believed the warming hysteria: scientific data showing the long term record, i noticed a COOLING, not warming trend.

    your own unqualified one

    What part of the above graph is unqualified to you?

    All your link contained was an expert telling me that just because todays temperatures are nowhere near unprecedented doesnt mean I shouldnt believe the opposite, without explaining why i should disregard the science that gives us the current historical record.
  18. Kev Space Nigga
    Originally posted by MexicanMasterRace Right now we have 200,000 deaths and 6,640,000 cases

    Symptomatic or asymptomatic cases?
  19. Kev Space Nigga
    Originally posted by Grylls Some girls stopped me in the street today to talk and pet him

    He’s a pussy magnet 😎

    if those girls are asian, they will eat him for lunch on your date and then dump you once they realize it was all the dog and seaweed you had.
  20. Kev Space Nigga
    Originally posted by BummyMofo You probably feel called out by my last comment there. Ha, pathetic otakufag!

    Unless you're hugging body pillows with teen anime girls on them like WellHung over there, you're not one of the otakumen

    only due to the fact that bitch bots arent out yet. i would hug and bang my anime waifu once they get those silicone jigglies walking and talking.

    jump on the bandwagon Bmofo.
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