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Posts by Kev

  1. Kev Space Nigga
    The largest armed gang in america strikes again!

    PS: salt lake city is a fucking shithole, worse than any part of arizona.
  2. Kev Space Nigga
    Originally posted by netstat Once again you don't understand the data you're looking at. These are not GLOBAL temperature estimates, they're REGIONAL.

    False, i gave you 3 different examples from 3 different corners of the earth, all using a different method (stalactites, mercury, ice cores) and all of them confirm the warming and cooling periods we discussed.

    Here is the sort of trend you consistently get out of GLOBAL reconstructions by scientists using more comprehensive data and good methodology:

    Actually, the adjustments and meddling required to achieve that famous hockey stick graph is pioneered by a con artist named Michael Mcmann who recently had his case against a climate skeptic tossed out of court because he refused to disclose the nature of his meddling of the data.

    "The Canadian court issued it’s final ruling in favor of the Dismissal motion that was filed in May 2019 by Dr Tim Ball's libel lawyers. Not only did the court grant Ball's application for dismissal of the nine-year, multi-million dollar lawsuit, it also took the additional step of awarding full legal costs to Ball. A detailed public statement from the world-renowned skeptical climatologist [Ball] is expected in due course. This extraordinary outcome is expected to trigger severe legal repercussions for Dr Mann in the U.S. and may prove fatal to climate science claims that modern temperatures are "unprecedented." ... Dr Mann lost his case because he refused to show in open court his R2 regression numbers (the 'working out') behind the world-famous 'hockey stick' graph."

    As far as im aware, it uses one data source analyzing tree rings. this is what the IPCC used as its default template since the late 90s to push the warming scare hoax.

    Up until about 200 years ago there had not been close to a TOTAL change of 1.2℃ over the previous 1800 years. In the past 200 we have seen a 1.2℃ increase.

    That is what i said, since 1828 the earth has warmed by 1.2℃. Big deal, from 794-1035 it warmed 1.7℃ and from -1534 to -1297 it warmed 1.8℃ within the same amount of time.

    A slow onset ice age is something we and planetary ecosystems can adapt to. Dumping trillions of tonnes of CO2 into the atmosphere and triggering a temperature change not unlike what we associate with previous mass extinctions is gambling with our fate to a much greater degree.

    It wont be slow onset, it will be very rapid 200 years of supercooling and then we will spend the next 100,000 years with majority of the planet covered in an ice sheet. if an advanced civilization existed in the last interglacial period, it was utterly eradicated with almost zero evidence of it left.

    CO2 is what makes our planet so green and prosperous now. you dont seem to grasp the fact that this prosperity that you were BORN into is a very rare moment that wont last long.

    green matter on our planet has been on a steady increase and continues to do so, but the majority of the time the planet looks like this:

    today it looks like this

    i cant stress enough how precious the period we are living in is, more CO2 and warmer temperatures is what makes canada and russia habitable. rising sea levels arent a fraction of the problem an ice age will be.
  3. Kev Space Nigga
    Originally posted by Indiana-Is-Eternal Why go for some disgusting three-dimensional fleshwhore when there is this?

    lol camwhores were pissing rivers of period blood when Mel outwhored them on Chaturbate and became the #1 streamer, it was funny.

    When loverbots are out, the fleshwhores fate will join the dinosaurs.
  4. Kev Space Nigga
    Im gonna see if i have a copy of the zoklet archive, i got the totse archive and have bookmarked a few zoklet threads but i cant seem to find the partition containing the archive, i complicate shit too much no wonder i constantly lose shit.
  5. Kev Space Nigga
    intriguing, but what does this mean? that someone might make a windows XP 2.0? i would love a modern XP box, i miss the hell out of my windows xp, i tried in vain to install it on a modern machine.
  6. Kev Space Nigga
    Originally posted by Indiana-Is-Eternal This should be labeled as prostitution and made illegal
    More specifically, it is the sexual exploitation of men.

    Women on the internet sexually manipulate men into believing that maybe they will get a chance to have sex with them. They do this while extracting money. It is in many ways the female version of a pimp. The only difference is that when a pimp uses a woman's sexuality to make money for himself, she understands what is going on, and she is also getting something out of it, in the way of drugs. A man who sends money to an internet woman gets nothing.

    A further element is that the subconscious of the human brain does not recognize the concept of a high definition video feed. When a man is sitting and watching his screen, the emotions that are created by his subconscious mind are created based on the premise that the woman is sitting in his room and talking to him.

    Obviously, these women will often pretend to not have a boyfriend, as that helps with the illusion that one of the people that watches her online might someday have sex with her.

    This phenomenon is new, and it is something that has not been discussed with any detail and openness. We have what must be hundreds of millions of dollars being transferred from lonely men to these predatory women, and we need to discuss it.

    It is possible that we will come to the conclusion that either:

    The men are getting some personal benefit from this relationship, and thus it is not as horrible as it seems at first, or
    The men are voluntarily entering into this arrangement, and thus it is consenting adults and so on

    However, we will not decide anything as long as the official policy of the society is, “women can do whatever they want to anyone – you just have to shut up and accept it, or we'll silence you.”
  7. Kev Space Nigga
    Originally posted by the man who put it in my hood Try using that argument in court, let me know how prison is. Fucking retards

    i have never been summoned to court for making a huff raid thread, i guess my opsec is too good for uncle sam.

    nor have i been such a bitch made little cunt to try and charge some stranger on the internet for "annoying me".
  8. Kev Space Nigga
    Originally posted by the man who put it in my hood Yeah its called annoyance of a minor

    "information alleged the 24-year-old defendant Maciej Wieslaw Lata had contacted and arranged meetings, by way of the so-called "MySpace" Web site on the Internet, with a 12-year-old minor with the intent to commit an act of molestation. Pursuant to a negotiated plea, the prosecutor amended the information to include a count of misdemeanor child annoyance."

    So i looked up annoyance of a minor and i see this.

    "“Annoy” and “molest” are synonymous and generally refer to conduct designed to disturb, irritate, offend, injure or tend to injure another person. Annoy means to disturb or irritate, especially by continued or repeated acts. Molest means to interfere with or meddle with so as to injure or disturb another."

    this is completely fucking arbitrary, have you ever made a huff raid thread back on totse? you sure a few kidiots werent offended by it? no? i guess youre a criminal. lolololol.

    oh, and how many times were you trolled and butthurt by it as a minor? lots, like most of us? were all rape victims i guess.
  9. Kev Space Nigga
    Originally posted by ORACLE AGAIN FUCKING ILLITERACY. HOLY SHIT YOU MONGOLOID IDIOT RETARD. How long ago does this graph end? It's written on there faggot, read it.

    we have already covered this, we can append the thermometer record to fill in that blank, i posted the updated graph in my reply to netstat.

    Originally posted by netstat The gist of the article is "let's take a few estimates of historical temperatures most of which end around 1900 and use them to build a dubious and obviously non-peer reviewed model of historical warming/cooling trends, then compare it to the current warming trend up to 2005 to see if it's anomalous"

    Even if we give full credit to the model and pretend that taking only three historical temperature extrapolations - all of which the author admits show different things

    It does not show different things, all of them confirm the little ice age, the medieval warming period, the roman warming period and so on, and all of them confirm the MWP was definitely warmer than today despite the lack of fossil fuels.

    But the point you bring up about the article being 10 years outdated is valid, it should be updated with the latest data. the author did say next decade which is this one so we will see what happens.

    however, i notice you are no longer arguing that todays warmth is unprecedented but rather the rate of the warming. i am looking at the GISP data and the previous warming period began at year 794 and peaked at 1035 at -30.4628, thats a 1.7248 degree increase in 241 years.

    The roman warming period began in 273 BC and peaked at 68 AD, so 341 years and 1.198 degree increase.
    minoan warming period, began in 1534 BC peaked at 1297 BC, thats 237 years and a whopping 1.8312 degree increase.

    so 2 out of the 3 past warming periods lasted for about 240 years. our current warming period began in 1828 and there has been a 1.2c increase, that is 190 years so far. nothing unprecedented as you can see. but just because the last one lasted that long doesnt mean this one also will, it may end sooner, but no later than 2070 if the previous trends are followed.

    i suspect it will end sooner because our current warming period was not supposed to happen at all, our interglacial period is longer than average. we are very lucky. even if we are responsible for this, i fail to see why its a bad thing? when an ice age hits, mass extinction, famine and misery will occur. our entire history and all our innovation will be lost forever. every year we can delay this is a blessing.
  10. Kev Space Nigga
    Originally posted by the man who put it in my hood 35 year old women who suddenly find themselves without husbands can marry whoever the fuck they chose

    No they cant, nobody wants some used up old skank, especially rich men who can afford young women in their most attractive, fertile years.


    Talking to kids is illegal? since when? shit, i better ask A/S/L of every single person i game with from now on, wouldnt wanna go to jail for messaging someone who hasnt existed for 18 years yet.

  11. Kev Space Nigga
    Originally posted by Speedy Parker There have been many lopsided election results in our history. You should read about it sometime.

    Most arent. hillary won only 2% more votes than trump, obama won only 4% more than romney, 6% more than mccain, george bush won 2% more than kerry and a whopping 0.5% more than al gore in the 2000 election, and thats where i stop reading.

    so for the past 20 years the most lopsided election was the one in 2008 where obama got 53 vs mccains 46. wow....... what a landslide.
  12. Kev Space Nigga
    Originally posted by the man who put it in my hood Just because you call a spade a hoe

    made me LOL
    a spade IS a ho tho

    and vice versa...

    every ho needs a spade, they belong together.
  13. Kev Space Nigga
    Originally posted by the man who put it in my hood reported to FBI

    snitches get stitches.
  14. Kev Space Nigga
    Originally posted by mmQ Fair point. At the end of the day this election really does feel like its gonna be really close one way or the other.

    all of them are like that
  15. Kev Space Nigga
    Originally posted by stl1 That does not appear to be MY problem now, does it?

    It kind of is, youre trying to get something across and all i see is a blank square.
  16. Kev Space Nigga
    The problem isnt with social media itself but the fact that there is no freedom of speech on it, you are essentially posting in one jedi cunts playground, giving away all your personal information to him and allowing him to control what you can and cannot access on his piece of shit service.

    one of several reasons i am here instead of facebook.

    now if only the average idiot had the same amount of self respect, they wouldnt end up so mentally ill and become the case study of documentaries like these.
  17. Kev Space Nigga
    Its annoying always running into posts with no content besides a single youtube link which i cannot view because my browser blocks that crappy site. make use of that 126 IQ and add a sentence or two, let the video back up your words.
  18. Kev Space Nigga
    Originally posted by aldra this is the real issue.

    when you get to a certain point you need drugs to function properly, and even if you want to get off them you need to be able to function to be able to pay rent and keep the bills paid, so short of taking paid leave (which a lot of people don't have much access to) it becomes very difficult to take the time you need without getting F'd in the A

    Very true! but human biology is so unpredictable and fucked up, sometimes for the better. a few years ago i was in a worse state than now. logically i thought "i can do this, i can just taper off slowly" but i needed the exact amount 3 times a day or the suicidal urges returned. i would either be functional or suicidal ,there was no grey area. if i lowered my doses even a bit or tried twice a day instead of three, the depression came back.

    then i decided to try once a day for no real reason and i was still functional so i continued this way with no consequence, but anytime i skipped a dose i got a painful reminder. even a whole year later when i felt confident i could quit it, i took just half one day to see what happens. no dice, the suicidal urges came again.

    year and a half later, same thing, i feared i would be stuck with it for life. then almost 2 years later, i forgot to dose over the weekends, 2 full days i didnt take it yet nothing happened so i gave monday a shot to see how it plays out. it went smoothly and i havent dosed ever since.

    how fucked up yet lucky was that? could not taper down or go cold turkey one day but another random day i could do it just like that without consequences.

    human biology is so confusing.
  19. Kev Space Nigga
    Originally posted by netstat lol nice one

    taking shit out of context, old school trolling yo
  20. Kev Space Nigga
    Originally posted by Bill Krozby Nah dawg, I don't know what you mean.

    ssris are trash. now you do.
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