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Posts by Kev

  1. Kev Space Nigga
    Originally posted by -SpectraL I've never been sick. Never been to a Doctor. Never injured myself. Never had a prescription. Never had any health problems at all. I have the constitution and endurance of an ox.

    then you dont belong here
  2. Kev Space Nigga
    Originally posted by CASPER boy was properly penetrated and now with his cutting edge surgery he will grow up to be cybernetic rain man and tell us all about which oscillating fan is his favorite and why

    hopefully he gets lightsaber and plasma ray addons and leads a crusade against the largest armed gang.

    "thou shalt not penetrate autistic underage boy ever again"
  3. Kev Space Nigga
    Originally posted by aldra LOL

    i broke the skin on my dick myself. Mel is da bomb.
  4. Kev Space Nigga
    Originally posted by WellHung No one wants to fuck her. She fucks niggers.

    i dont think the 3 faggots in her friendzone know that
  5. Kev Space Nigga
    Originally posted by aldra willingly

    of course, they must make the first move and ignore her pleas or she wont get wet. they are fucked up like that.

    her announcement was encouraging 3 certain beta gimps on the site to man up.
  6. Kev Space Nigga
    Originally posted by MORALLY SUPERIOR BEING 2020 IV: Intravenous Soyposting Imagine unironically typing something like this.

    its her way of saying there are 3 people on here she will never fuck.
  7. Kev Space Nigga
    Originally posted by BummyMofo can you make this happen?

    it is inevitable, it will happen. they cant compete with an anime girl who can do a private show for a million different men at once nor can they compete with perfection.
  8. Kev Space Nigga
    Originally posted by Wariat

    Unlawful sex email?

    As the victim of a sex crime, she isn't unusual in saying that the experience of going to court and the attendant publicity was more painful than the incident itself.

    Her equanimity towards the director is calculated to defend her from a permanent position of victimhood. People want her to be damaged and she isn't, she says

    "It went on and on. And the trigger was an email I got – a mass email, from a women's activism group – detailing everything that happened, supposedly. I thought: 'God, here's this teenage girl and you're sending out mass emails to tens of thousands of people. Did it occur to you that you might be humiliating her?

    When, at the 11th hour, the judge backtracked and exposed Polanski to the possibility of a 50-year sentence, the director fled to first Britain and then France and, as she sees it, condemned both of them to live out this episode for the rest of their lives. "We've been tied together because of that," says Geimer. "Empathetic is a better word than sympathetic. We've shared a lot of similar experiences."

    and here we have the plague of social justice warriors described ever so succinctly.

    this seems to be a common theme of almost every article like this one i read. the victim, sometimes denying her victimhood outright, complains of white knights and wymynz activists destroying her life a lot more than her alleged attacker.

    to me, this mass obsession with rape victims and how everyone immediately begins stalking them and wedging themselves into their personal lives is seriously creepy shit. they clearly fantasize about being the next one to force themselves on her.

    who but a thirsty fucking pervert thinks their pretext of wanting to express moral outrage and "support the victim" is convincing?

    i see the same thing on this site when people obsess over a 12yo across the ocean in a foreign country they will never meet because someone called her beautiful on myspace.
  9. Kev Space Nigga
    isnt she like 90 years old? u 1 sic phuc
  10. Kev Space Nigga
    Originally posted by rabbitweed Oh I knew they wouldn't like my opinions. But I was caught off guard by they got so nasty about it so quickly. We'd discuss controversial shit all the time at my old (non-tech) job before, it was fine.

    This was more of a reminder of how loathsome programmers are. I did this semi-intentionally to put fuel on some bridges so I stopped doing the comfortable thing. But jeez they lit up way quicker than I thought.

    Programmers tend to be computer nerds which tend to be twat-worshiping incels trying to impress women because they think theyll get a chance to get laid, thats why they are spastic leftists.

    I'm fine not talking about politics, but if other people do it I'm not going to unilaterally disarm myself. If it closes professional avenues for me - fuck it, I have too many avenues open right now anyway and this will help narrow it down.

    You arent disarming yourself, you are disarming your aggressor from any way to create problems for you. let all your stupid fuck colleagues destroy each others careers with their wanton drama, in the middle of a devastating recession on top of it, but you will still be there still making money and advancing your life. then in your free time you can do political activism if you wish and silently vote for the controversial candidate and watch your retard soy-boy colleagues have another chimpout.
  11. Kev Space Nigga
    Originally posted by Bugz trees grow back in 25 years.

    old growth can be chopped down and the deep roots will spawn clones.
    one of the first wind power farms near tracy california is on rolling hills that are lack of trees

    However the instruments to build current solar panels require heavy oils.

    wind blades are not renewable material at all, takes a lot of resources to keep replacing those.

    there is not enough forest to cut down in 25 years for the huge amount of energy we use for that to be sustainable, not to mention that makes the co2 in the air worse.
  12. Kev Space Nigga
    you only now realized this, rabbitweed? i realized it way back on totse when i noticed every other fucking site (4chan the only exception) was nothing like totse. wrongthought was quickly cracked down upon everywhere else, including forums that hypocritically advertise themselves as free for alls where all views are welcome.

    learning pretty quickly that being civilized with a bunch of sheep does not work, i became a troll and made it my mission to trigger as many snowflakes as possible.

    you should never discuss politics at work, however. risking a ban from some stupid piece of shit internet forum is one thing but risking your livelihood is another. the system is set up in a way that favors the accuser, and since this is an age where everyone is a self entitled easily triggered whiny faggot that wants to be offended by everything, chances are someone is going to go silently behind your back and before you know it you are in shit and you will never figure out who the queer snitch is.

    the only defense is to mind your business, avoid the gossip.
  13. Kev Space Nigga
    Originally posted by MexicanMasterRace Facts. This is why America is no longer a first world country.

    first world country wtih third world wages.
  14. Kev Space Nigga
    Originally posted by rabbitweed That was a few bunny/rabbit/weed names on totse.

    People were constantly confusing me and Nuclear Rabbit.

    Holy shit another OG totsean, i remember that guy. i was one of those people who confused you with him constantly.

    his girlfriend despite being only 17 already had sagging breasts tho, wtf was wrong with that guy.
  15. Kev Space Nigga
    Originally posted by CASPER For the same reason they shoot a lot of people. Tiny dick and a desire to penetrate that boy.

  16. Kev Space Nigga
    Originally posted by Indiana-Is-Eternal That soulless blank stare
    That frightened dog he's raped

    LMAO, the dog does have an uneasy look on its face, like its about to be fisted.
  17. Kev Space Nigga
    Originally posted by A College Professor but wood is renewable and carbon-neutral

    it takes way too long to renew, fool.
  18. Kev Space Nigga
    Originally posted by Kuntzschutz warweed was one of the most retarded faggots on totse

    oh GTFO if you gon disrespect, fam.
  19. Kev Space Nigga
    Originally posted by netstat can you cite the law you're talking about? if such a thing exists it probably doesn't apply to me since i'm not americuck. but part of the reason i know you're full of shit is that i grew up with a mother and a father who had a relationship very different from how you reductively characterise male-female relationships. you sound like someone with very little experience interacting with women, who fears them and has convinced himself that they're categorically an alien menace as a way to uphold your ego in the face of being a failure of a man.

    i already cited it, look up the weinstein conviction precedent, it happened mere months ago. evidence is no longer required for a conviction, the bitch only has to cry rape, even decades after consensual sex.

    and no just a few years ago i was a blue-pilled twat-worshipping cuck like you. i too once revolved all my self esteem around female validation. its not too late to get some self respect and quit that white knighting faggot shit, brah.
  20. Kev Space Nigga
    Originally posted by the man who put it in my hood I wanted to try a bunch of the molly analogs but the real stuff is so cheap so I didn't see the point. One day I will

    how do you even know you are getting the real stuff? most mdma sold today is pure trash with little actual mdma in it.
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