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Posts by Kev

  1. Kev Space Nigga
    "Im uncomfortable im uncomfortable!" she says while she follows him alone into an elevator and stalks him all the way up to his door.

    retarded dumb cunt, the nigger shouldve raped her then tossed her out the window.
  2. Kev Space Nigga
    Originally posted by DonaldTrumpTheFailure This. Don't steal iphones. The owner probably has pictures of OP already. I doubt he was smart enough to cover his face while attempting to turn on the phone. Probably took it back to his house too. Rookie move.

    She wouldve said something by now, she sees me around regularly. i keep the phone in a shield, it cant communicate with the outside world.
  3. Kev Space Nigga
    Originally posted by Jiggaboo_Johnson Now the dems are in power across the board, heterosexual sex or sex between 2 white people will soon be outlawed. Smiling at a woman will soon be deemed sexual harassment and privy to capital punishment.

    Heterosexual relations has already been criminalized after the weinstein precedent. now a bitch can withdraw consent 10 years after the fact and you will go to prison for decades based on nothing but her word.
  4. Kev Space Nigga
    Originally posted by Robert Mugabe That says interreflectionsmovie

    Not Zeigeist 3?

    You havent seen the first and second zeitgeist movies? this is the continuation of the series. I actually shouldve said Zeitgeist 4, i forgot there was 3 before this one. waited a long fuckin time for this.
  5. Kev Space Nigga
    Originally posted by netstat basically the PIN locks an encryption key which is stored in the secure enclave, the SE itself has hardware based brute force protection that will lock you out for progressively greater lengths of time after a number of failed attempts

    even a 4 digit PIN will take an impractically long time to crack unless you can find an exploit

    It cant encrypt the entire memory of the phone tho can it? surely it must leave plaintext that i can access once i get a data cable for this thing?

    She's single, solstice, tyrone wouldnt be able to figure out how to work a phone anyway.
  6. Kev Space Nigga
  7. Kev Space Nigga
    Originally posted by Bugz Oh Come on. I admit it wasn't just a plane. I really believe there was Remote controlling or AI steering that fucker in a near corkscrew pattern and skid it right into the building. the object is skidding? yes. it is. why would a fucking missile skid? It was a beefed up 757 or 767 (without looking at the info on 77) it came down and skid and slammed right into the building. it was intelligently guided into it. and not by a human in the plane.

    I had a conversation with a skilled season commercial pilot who told me he believed it was as simple as Arab guys flew it into the buildings and pentagon. because if you're really determined to do so you can do anything you set your mind to.

    that could be true. but I believe that they were remote controlled or AI on-board took control.
    It is also possible the Arabs thought they were hijacking the plane but AI was still on-board to make sure it was done. which means treasonous connections occurred. very much likely Military Industrial Complex's upper management involved with some black-op group. It may not even of been CIA. It's just fun to say CIA. and the CIA would kill other CIA people. also think about this. A compartmental division of CIA could be rogue. not an actual CIA operative. just someone with a high level of decision making was bought and sold out. grabbed some old friends of his to work with him? is this possible? who makes the decisions. is there some protocol to prevent personal buddies working together?

    Someone born in the US or not Born in the US and has ties to other pledges from other countries. including former soviet union who was brought onboard into the CIA for former knowledge (as an example)

    Who the fucking hell really controls America? we know it's a globalist group and they view patriots of countries and concepts as part of their little chess board. they make money and play elaborate games. Red vs Blue. take a side and watch the money roll in. an elaborate version of Henry Ford selling parts to Nazis to run their trucks and tanks.

    "Deal of the Century"

    silly Chevy Chase film, funny movie, Elements of Facts.

    It's not just the "J'ews"

    jedis always seemed to be the tyrant's best sidekick throughout history, like when the landowners were importing niggers for slave labor, jedis owned all the slave ships and made a killing. they werent the slavemasters themselves but they were the richest facilitators of it. its the same today.
  8. Kev Space Nigga
    Originally posted by Jesus is king you

    NO U

    post ur lolicore playlist, foo
  9. Kev Space Nigga
    Originally posted by aldra I like that movie

    "when you grow up, your heart dies"

    I tried to email Ally Sheedy years ago when I was hammered and asked if she still thought that, but I never got a response so I dunno if the message made any sense or if I just sent drunken rambling to someone with a similar name

    she doesnt. shes a strong, empowered harpie who thinks shes eternal and gods gift to the universe now, like your average boomer whore.
  10. Kev Space Nigga
    Thats too many monitors for a qwerty keyboard, fool.
  11. Kev Space Nigga
    Originally posted by Fact Checker 9000 v2.71 (beta) Conspiracy theorist with no evidence^^^

    It's no coincidence that people willing to believe in one conspiracy are willing to believe in many others.

    indeed, its how the government was able to get 70% of the adult population to believe in such lunacy.
  12. Kev Space Nigga
    Originally posted by Bugz right now? big time but im not showing it. it hurts on and off. 2 family members related and some money issues big time.

    but I would probably be throwing shit and punching the wall. instead I get tired and take a nap. best thing. if you get depressed on it, they calm you. you don't realize it for a long time until you realize depression makes you say "fuck it" and take a nap or go for a walk. which can lift your spirits. it's a chemical imbalance Im told. maybe a Viking nature. if that truly exist. Im part norwegian but I think anyone can have a viking nature. I don't do roids and never tried them. dont like needles and dont want to take pills. I have seen people on the in the 1980s at the gym. hot heads. some by nature and some using drugs. the most hilarious thing about roids besides shrinking the dick is skinny legs. no matter how much they do squats their legs never develope. its HIL AIR REE US -Paul Rudd voice

    Roids ironically trigger your body to skyrocket estrogen production. thats why skinny legs, big tits, limp dick, all the soi shit happens.

    from what you described of special K, it sounds like a shitty antidepressant, only a notch better than SSRIs. big pharma propaganda is so annoying, they are pushing this like its a silver bullet. makes my fucking depression a lot worse knowing no pick-me-up will fix my mood but to wait for my chemistry to sort itself out. i still dont regret getting fucked up on new years eve tho, it was hella worth it.
  13. Kev Space Nigga
    Originally posted by netstat if it's a newer iphone with full security patches you're unlikely to get it open without spending 6 figures or more for a 0day from an exploit vendor, newer iphones with secure enclave have extremely strong PIN brute force protection

    if it has fingerprint unlock enabled, pay a junkie to cut off her finger/hand and bring it to you

    if it has face unlock or whatever it's called, run up behind her and briefly hold the phone in front of her face, then run away

    it is only 4 digits but fuck if im gonna try 10000 passwords even if it doesnt bug out after a few failed attempts. does the password actually enrypt anything or is it only a screen that can be bypassed?

    Originally posted by Fact Checker 9000 v2.71 (beta) I like Justice, scum.

    which orifice do you like the justice rammed in, faggot? i can hook you up with some gay niggers from outer space to make you into a spic goatse man.
  14. Kev Space Nigga
    Originally posted by Bugz Kev. do you have prostate issues? Prostatitus? the prostate wraps or is attached to the bladder. if it swells up it crimps the bladder. you need to put ice on it. then the best way to pee, I found out on my own, was to stick my dick in a dixie cup of nice warm water. it will relax your Urethra and help you pee. dont pee in the cup though. unless you're into that. but hold it over the toilet.

    when you're done, We have a nice sugar free dum dum lolly pop for you on the way out. Pay your bill as well.

    no prostate issues that i know of, no. i did get urinary retention before from other stuff but i didnt expect it to be this bad from eve, i couldnt go for like 3 hours and i was fuckin desperate the whole time too, it sucked.

    I will keep your advice about the warm water cup in mind tho.

    lolly pops? for me? you are too kind, sir.
  15. Kev Space Nigga
    Originally posted by death OK, FUCK YOU!

    I'll share some shit then.

    finally an interesting thread, thanks for all the links i bookmarked all of them. lokinet particularly piques me because they say they use the blockchain to continually maintain the network.

    my biggest problem with so called decentralized networks is that none of them are decentralized like they claim and all had a single point of failure, which unfortunately seemed inevitable because you have to rely on someone somewhere to be online 24/7 so you can find the network. lokinet may have solved this problem with the blockchain solution. if eveyrbody is verifying the transactions of some crypto then this is a neat way to motivate a horde of random users to continually maintain lokinet without even giving a fuck about lokinet.

    yggdasil, matrix and lokinet all seem to have the same basic idea, would you care to do a comparison rundown?

    also check out i have been using it for 15 years watching the state department bust all the clueless morons on TOR from a safe distance, its an outstanding network the government is yet to successfully fuck with.
  16. Kev Space Nigga
    Lawsuits are pending, rallies are massive and secession is on the horizon. Nobody is gonna accept a demented pedo for president.

    A potential for civil war or massive unrest is upon us if the clinton crime syndicate puts that cripple on the throne.
  17. Kev Space Nigga
    did you get it from canada? i wondered about their weed and prices.
  18. Kev Space Nigga
    Originally posted by Bill Krozby he wasn't on totse he was on zoklet, you must have a bad memory

    oh, i never registered on zoklet. i considered totse2 but it failed to live up to totse's expectations and all the other clones were much worse, especially intosanctuary.

    i do like niggas tho because it reminds me of notse, the first unofficial totse bomb shelter.

    as far as im concerned, if he isnt a native totsean then he isnt relevant. zoklet doesnt count.
  19. Kev Space Nigga
    Originally posted by Bill Krozby and dont forget the DNC pipe bomber ceasar soac

    nah the twin towers were far more rad. everyone believed a bunch of arabs named John Smith on their passport got past the security with gas masks, tanks and box cutters, that the cameras switched off every time one of these characters passed the checkout line and that we know all this because we recovered their passports from the rubble, made of some magic material that could withstand steel-vaporizing fires.

  20. Kev Space Nigga
    Originally posted by Bill Krozby you're not that astute if you can't tell when its §m£ÂgØL, he makes the same threads all the time and has a certain vernacular not that I know what that word means.

    and no he doesn't steal turds he lets them be stolen from him. he's a bottom fag

    pardon me for not caring enough to notice the vernacular of someone utterly non-memorable, theres a select number of totse users that i can recognize immediately just by the way they type, he isnt one of them. i dont even remember the username "§m£ÂgØL" at all.

    and no he doesn't steal turds he lets them be stolen from him. he's a bottom fag

    ya, the smell of feces gave him away.
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