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Posts by Kev

  1. Kev Space Nigga
    I havent exaggerated enough with Crouton to deal with a full blown fallout so i didnt experience what you did. have you been doing anything else? i wonder if cross-tolerance had any factor in this but i have no idea if other opiates would effect tolerance/dependence to Crouton because it isnt an opiate but a partial agonist.

    the dope sickness after doing 7 grams of Crouton reminded me of the classic symptoms of an opiate, albeit toned down. H had me puking violently for hours, a lot of Crouton basically felt nice if i did anything but move. as soon as i do, the nausea hit like a tank but i never barfed.

    bottom line, Crouton isnt really a hard drug but its not harmless either if you dont respect it.
  2. Kev Space Nigga
    Originally posted by vindicktive vinny thats the most alluring aspect about her, having prepubertal breasts.


    thats only because shes an emaciated vegan, you can see the fucking tendons thru her face when she talks, its disgusting.
  3. Kev Space Nigga
    are you getting the syrup off the counter? try getting your hands on some pure powder.
  4. Kev Space Nigga
    Originally posted by Jesus is king Show me your tits!

    my xmas gift to you
  5. Kev Space Nigga
    So its 2021, the year of johnny mnemonic where we all thought we would be living in a kickass cyberpunk dystopia with abundant technology and mass poverty. i remember being so excited, the normies would suffer and i would control their fate with an ipad. that didnt happen sadly but how much of this most celebrated bullshitter futurist's predictions from 20 years came true?

    His 2009 predictions were horrible but there has been plenty of time for his visions of 2019 to happen. wot u fink fuys?

    The computational capacity of a $4,000 computing device (in 1999 dollars) is approximately equal to the computational capability of the human brain (20 quadrillion calculations per second).
    The summed computational powers of all computers is comparable to the total brainpower of the human race.
    Computers are embedded everywhere in the environment (inside of furniture, jedielry, walls, clothing, etc.).
    People experience 3-D virtual reality through glasses and contact lenses that beam images directly to their retinas (retinal display). Coupled with an auditory source (headphones), users can remotely communicate with other people and access the Internet.
    These special glasses and contact lenses can deliver "augmented reality" and "virtual reality" in three different ways. First, they can project "heads-up-displays" (HUDs) across the user's field of vision, superimposing images that stay in place in the environment regardless of the user's perspective or orientation. Second, virtual objects or people could be rendered in fixed locations by the glasses, so when the user's eyes look elsewhere, the objects appear to stay in their places. Third, the devices could block out the "real" world entirely and fully immerse the user in a virtual reality environment.
    People communicate with their computers via two-way speech and gestures instead of with keyboards. Furthermore, most of this interaction occurs through computerized assistants with different personalities that the user can select or customize. Dealing with computers thus becomes more and more like dealing with a human being.
    Most business transactions or information inquiries involve dealing with a simulated person.
    Most people own more than one PC, though the concept of what a "computer" is has changed considerably: Computers are no longer limited in design to laptops or CPUs contained in a large box connected to a monitor. Instead, devices with computer capabilities come in all sorts of unexpected shapes and sizes.
    Cables connecting computers and peripherals have almost completely disappeared.
    Rotating computer hard drives are no longer used.
    Three-dimensional nanotube lattices are the dominant computing substrate.
    Massively parallel neural nets and genetic algorithms are in wide use.
    Destructive scans of the brain and noninvasive brain scans have allowed scientists to understand the brain much better. The algorithms that allow the relatively small genetic code of the brain to construct a much more complex organ are being transferred into computer neural nets.
    Pinhead-sized cameras are everywhere.
    Nanotechnology is more capable and is in use for specialized applications, yet it has not yet made it into the mainstream. "Nanoengineered machines" begin to be used in manufacturing.
    Thin, lightweight, handheld displays with very high resolutions are the preferred means for viewing documents. The aforementioned computer eyeglasses and contact lenses are also used for this same purpose, and all download the information wirelessly.
    Computers have made paper books and documents almost completely obsolete.
    Most learning is accomplished through intelligent, adaptive courseware presented by computer-simulated teachers. In the learning process, human adults fill the counselor and mentor roles instead of being academic instructors. These assistants are often not physically present, and help students remotely.
    Students still learn together and socialize, though this is often done remotely via computers.
    All students have access to computers.
    Most human workers spend the majority of their time acquiring new skills and knowledge.
    Blind people wear special glasses that interpret the real world for them through speech. Sighted people also use these glasses to amplify their own abilities.
    Retinal and neural implants also exist, but are in limited use because they are less useful.
    Deaf people use special glasses that convert speech into text or signs, and music into images or tactile sensations. Cochlear and other implants are also widely used.
    People with spinal cord injuries can walk and climb steps using computer-controlled nerve stimulation and exoskeletal robotic walkers.
    Computers are also found inside of some humans in the form of cybernetic implants. These are most commonly used by disabled people to regain normal physical faculties (e.g. Retinal implants allow the blind to see and spinal implants coupled with mechanical legs allow the paralyzed to walk).
    Language translating machines are of much higher quality, and are routinely used in conversations.
    Effective language technologies (natural language processing, speech recognition, speech synthesis) exist.
    Anyone can wirelessly access the internet with wearable devices such as computerized glasses, contacts, and watches.
    Traditional computers and communication devices such as desktop PCs, laptops, and cell phones still exist, but most of their functions can be performed by wearable gadgets. Examples include reading books, listening to music, watching movies, playing games, and teleconferencing.
    Devices that deliver sensations to the skin surface of their users (e.g. tight body suits and gloves) are also sometimes used in virtual reality to complete the experience. "Virtual sex"—in which two people are able to have sex with each other through virtual reality, or in which a human can have sex with a "simulated" partner that only exists on a computer—becomes a reality.
    Just as visual and auditory virtual reality have come of age, haptic technology has fully matured and is completely convincing, yet requires the user to enter a V.R. booth. It is commonly used for computer sex and remote medical examinations. It is the preferred sexual medium since it is safe and enhances the experience.
    Worldwide economic growth has continued. There has not been a global economic collapse.
    The vast majority of business interactions occur between humans and simulated retailers, or between a human's virtual personal assistant and a simulated retailer.
    Household robots are ubiquitous and reliable.
    Computers do most of the vehicle driving—humans are in fact prohibited from driving on highways unassisted. Furthermore, when humans do take over the wheel, the onboard computer system constantly monitors their actions and takes control whenever the human drives recklessly. As a result, there are very few transportation accidents.
    Most roads now have automated driving systems—networks of monitoring and communication devices that allow computer-controlled automobiles to safely navigate.
    Prototype personal flying vehicles using microflaps exist. They are also primarily computer-controlled.
    Humans are beginning to have deep relationships with automated personalities, which hold some advantages over human partners. The depth of some computer personalities convinces some people that they should be accorded more rights.
    Most decisions made by humans involve consultation with machine intelligence. For example, a doctor may seek the advice of a digital assistant. A lawyer might utilize a virtual researcher. Or a shopper may receive recommendations from a software program that has learned his or her shopping habits.
    While a growing number of humans believe that their computers and the simulated personalities they interact with are intelligent to the point of human-level consciousness, experts dismiss the possibility that any could pass the Turing Test.
    Human-robot relationships begin as simulated personalities become more convincing.
    Interaction with virtual personalities becomes a primary interface.
    Public places and workplaces are ubiquitously monitored to prevent violence and all actions are recorded permanently. Personal privacy is a major political issue, and some people protect themselves with unbreakable computer codes.
    The basic needs of the underclass are met (not specified if this pertains only to the developed world or to all countries).
    Virtual artists—creative computers capable of making their own art and music—emerge in all fields of the arts.
    Most flying weapons are bird-sized robots. Some are as small as insects.
    Average life expectancy is over 100.
    Computerized watches, clothing, and jedielry can monitor the wearer's health continuously. They can detect many types of diseases and offer recommendations for treatment.
  6. Kev Space Nigga
    Originally posted by Misguided Russian The Russian population was also brainwashed into being afraid of both chechens and also skinheads, yet the conflict between the two was artificial, as the govt funded both sides. Then Putin conveniently had the "solution" to both sides. Governments use fear to advance their motives, nothing new about this.

    I highly doubt russians needed the government to tell them to be afraid of a bunch of murderous terrorist sh1tskins who openly called for the ethnic cleansing of all russians from chechnya, which they succeeded in doing btw, chechnya that used to be half russian is now 5% russian.

    Yeah, russians had nothing to fear alright.

    our government on the other hand flat out lied about iraq, about saddam and that he had WMDs.
  7. Kev Space Nigga
    Originally posted by infinltyshock lovingly allowed lard-ass lanny the luxury of lapping the loins-leviathan while the little lad larps as a laotian ladyboy lapdancer---.1011011--0-1--1--00.-100.01011-----0..-.1.0-0-.1010-11--01-001-----0.-.1--0----.-01---010110-1-(b­anned) you forgot to mention when she gave birth.

    your penis was literally in your mothers vagina.

    in other words, everyone that wasnt born by c-section has literally had their cocks in their mothers vagina.

    or in lannys case, the niggers asshole that squeezed him out after a nine month rectal pregnancy.


    WHAT HAVE I DONE??????????????????
  8. Kev Space Nigga
    Originally posted by mmQ It's really nice that the kid who kidnapped, raped, and murdered an 8-yr old girl with a claw hammer, has the potential for parole in 25 years. Good for him.

    good thing he didnt stare at a pic of her in the bath, he'd have 10 life sentences.
  9. Kev Space Nigga
    not gonna lie, mid 2000s were awesome,normies were so much more easy to avoid. now they play my games, listen to my music, and use my slang in person (fucking retards) like its the opposite of cringey or something.

    this world needs a new genocide.
  10. Kev Space Nigga
  11. Kev Space Nigga
    Stay tuned
    Be the first to know when Tubi is available in your country.

    I feel discriminated against.
  12. Kev Space Nigga
    Originally posted by Fonaplats Greta is 18.

    and still titless.

    Originally posted by Fonaplats Now that she is too old to have children do you think she is going to get all slutty and do climate change porn?

    shes too ugly for porn.
  13. Kev Space Nigga
    Originally posted by infinltyshock lovingly allowed lard-ass lanny the luxury of lapping the loins-leviathan while the little lad larps as a laotian ladyboy lapdancer---.1011011--0-1--1--00.-100.01011-----0..-.1.0-0-.1010-11--01-001-----0.-.1--0----.-01---010110-1-(b­anned) the only problem with that plan is i dont plan on ever growing up

    me neither, see how much we have in common? ^^
  14. Kev Space Nigga
    Joe biden erotica

    Baxter Dmitry reports for Newspunch, April 3, 2019, that according to Paul Tatchell, a roommate of Joe Biden at the Syracuse University College of Law, Biden admitted he was sexually attracted to children.

    Tatchell reportedly said that Biden “used to say it was his ‘civic responsibility’ and that if he didn’t ‘choke the chicken’ or ‘clean the hosepipe’ before spending time around children he wouldn’t be able to keep his hands off them.”
  15. Kev Space Nigga
    Originally posted by Sophie I was about to make fun, then i remembered honest work is a good thing. Especially when it comes to Mexicans ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)

    he terk err jerbs tho
  16. Kev Space Nigga
    Originally posted by mmQ SSRIs are the best drug. They are good for you. I love them so much.

    stick to cum lickin, you love that much more.
  17. Kev Space Nigga
    A trendy new claim of it being the silver bullet cure for depression has sparked mass interest in it and everyone wants special K now.

    dumbass muhfuggas...
  18. Kev Space Nigga
    Psyche meds, especially SSRI are complete trash, i learned to do my own shopping after having my mental health buttfucked numerous times by the gubmint drug dealers dressed in white.
  19. Kev Space Nigga
    Newmind is legit, but they have nothing that i want, you looking for anything in particular?
  20. Kev Space Nigga
    "youre like um a perfect mix of like my three best friends"

    7 years and still cant figure out what the fuck that meant.

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