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Posts by Kev

  1. Kev Space Nigga
    Originally posted by Jiggaboo_Johnson There is no free speech on privately run platforms.

    why they ever became a thing confounds me, newsgroups ran PERFECTLY FINE without some shithead telling you what the fuck to write. if people didnt wanna see your posts, they killfiled you. I thought that was fair.

    the simple fact is just like nobody really wants equality, nobody really wants free speech, everybody feels this self-entitlement to control others and impose themselves upon them.

    makes me fucking sick.
  2. Kev Space Nigga
    oh man the nostalgia, runescape was the shit, i gotta revisit my childhood sometime.
  3. Kev Space Nigga
    Originally posted by Bill Krozby Tldr

    not my problem, take your ritalin little boy
  4. Kev Space Nigga
    Originally posted by Bill Krozby That doesn't add up how was he beaten up by whyte knights if they are girls? And whyte knights are captain save a hos. And still don't see gorls beating him up.

    But anyways he did kick some libtard ass not saying its right but they had it cumming coming at him like that

    i fucked that up, white knights kicked his ass while he was trying (and failing) to beat up a girl arguing with another girl.

    sure, he shot a boytoucher and another shitstain on society but that doesnt mean he isnt.
  5. Kev Space Nigga
    Originally posted by the man who put it in my hood getting beat up by girls is my fetish

    because you're a fag like him
  6. Kev Space Nigga
    Originally posted by vindicktive vinny then why cant these private businesses host or allow harmless freedom pornographies (preteen hardcore child pornographies) to be hosted on their properties and/or services ?

    remember also once upon a time in america busses, dinners, shops etc etc … ie, private businesses used to refuse serving niggers and disallow niggers in their premises until an upitty niggress put a stop to that.

    yes, private businesses are free to set the terms and conditions of their services and decide who they choose to serve, but those terms and conditions and rules must be in line with the wellbeing amd contribute to the greater good of the society they profit off from.

    otherwise these private businesses are just parasitic rackets, and the society should amend laws to criminalize these private businesses. just as they do with drug cartels and for-profit freedom pornography rings.

    Capitalism is organized crime, big business is no different than big gubmint.
  7. Kev Space Nigga
    It snows at least once every year somewhere in texas, you are better off asking when it last snowed in phoenix.
  8. Kev Space Nigga
    Originally posted by Bill Krozby you can't rape the willing you chomo

    whats chomo?
  9. Kev Space Nigga
    Guerilla warfare may work in our favor, especially if we can get diplomatic and military support from Russia and China, but it remains to be seen if people will snap in the coming weeks. tenseful secession is on the horizon but whether the democrats will allow that to happen without conflict is unclear, they likely wont.
  10. Kev Space Nigga
    Originally posted by Bill Krozby wait kyle rottenfag got beat up by girls? I don't think you know what you're talking about. But not that I want people to die and the whole thing could of been avoided don't you think the kyle rottenfag scenario was likely staged too or at the very least used by the media to cause more chaos?

    I guess when you’re a little bitch fag too chicken to face a girl like a man in July, you ain’t gonna be no different in August. Your creepy crocs and tranny shorts won’t make your pussy actions appear tough. And neither will purple gloves.

    After missing just about every punch on the girl who was facing away from him, the beta soy-boy got his ass whooped by a pair of white knights who watched the Captain Save-a-ho act it up from a car.

    and yes, that kenosha drama was a setup, i have said from the beginning that rottenfag is a globalist poster boy who doesnt deserve our support.
  11. Kev Space Nigga
    Originally posted by Bill Krozby you're a pedophile your opinion doesn't matter

    first they came for me, then they came for the rapist (you), then they came for the remaining totseans.

    "you did this to yourselves"
  12. Kev Space Nigga
    Originally posted by Wariat didnt they have any on them or only on their trucks? I know they found some in peoples trucks but when the cops started shooting why didnt they shoot back. i would welcome the chaos with glee because it might start a civil war in America and a whole bunch of national guard and people with rifles second amenders would come out and turn washington dc into a battle zone. it would be straight anarcy in the states. everything anti establishment types and punk rockers and outcasts would be for. Also, I wish trump was there leading the charge and rittenhouse was there.

    because it was likely staged, they let the lowest hanging fruit take the bait and make retards of themselves.

    and kyle rottenfag is a little bitch, much like those wannabe-revolutionaries, whose ak-47 served as his personal penis extender after he lost a fight to a bunch of girls the month prior when he was trying to play captain save-a-ho.

    there are a lot of useless soymales on the right too unfortunately.
  13. Kev Space Nigga
    Originally posted by Fact Checker 9000 v2.71 (beta) OH LOOK HERE'S JOE BIDEN PUTTING HIS HAND ON THE SHOULDER OF A 9 YEAR OLD GIRL


  14. Kev Space Nigga
    Originally posted by aldra russia hacked our democracy vs Q

    my fridge just died

  15. Kev Space Nigga
    Originally posted by Wariat also, if someone works wt twitter or has some connection they also will disable an account just kike they did to me and just like back in the day aol did to ke for talking about jedis or making a joke about some aol chat user who tried to kick me out of a public chat room back in the day was acting like a stupid jedi trying to talk to some chick. they dont need any checks and balances or reasons all it twkes is you pissing off a single mdoerator on they will try to be vindictive or ban you outright. they are like dictators.

    this is why free, anonymous networks make my cock so hard, and not because of the porn. so many wannabe-mods cry about being unable to control others. theres something about seeing emperors walk around with no clothes on that turns me on.
  16. Kev Space Nigga
    Originally posted by rabbitweed if any liberals here are in their 30s and make it to their 60s, they are going to become conservatives. They'll feel shocked and betrayed that the democrat party now supports, idk pedophilia or dog sex. And the republic party will be saying stuff like "now dog sex is all very well and american, it's just raping puppies I object to" and the usual crowd will claim they are fascists for even suggesting a dickgirl should not have the right to rape a 5 week old poodle.

    A backlash will likely happen before it gets too extreme, or right after it does. i used to be a hardcore liberal until i finally realized i was just a useful idiot who is about to be discarded for the benefit of all demographics EXCEPT mine. now i only support politics that directly benefit me and others similar to me, be they left or right policies.

    maybe im being too optimistic but i believe eventually people will have enough of this freakshow. just look at how trump and the alt-right got in power because of the backlash to all the SJW bullshit.
  17. Kev Space Nigga
    lol, them perpetuating that whole "russia hacked our election" shit made them look like a bunch of retarded conspiracy theorists when the mueller report proved it to be paranoid delusions.

    I just cant wrap my head around that, this whole idea of some invisible russian hackers being responsible for every american ill. this is literally on the same psychotic level as blaming demons for all your personal misfortune.
  18. Kev Space Nigga
    Originally posted by blackbird Idk about brand, but the whole nuts are supposed to be much better for getting high off of than the pre‐ground stuff.

    I’ve never actually done it myself though. The fact that it lasts like 24+ hours, and half the people who take it seem to have a terrible time kinda makes me apprehensive to try it.

    It seems to be one of those drugs where its effects depend alot on your individual metabolism.

    you assume correctly, i shot bunk heroin that had me puking for hours and that didnt deter me from further drug use, but the experience from nutmeg almost did, think about that.
    Horrible drug.
  19. Kev Space Nigga
    Originally posted by netstat anonymous overlay networks that don't have easily locatable datacentres or domains that can be shoah'd + built in ddos protection like tor are ideal from a technical standpoint, but suffer the same pitfalls aldra talks about with cryptocurrency being difficult for regular people to use and heavily targeted at the 'boundry' between the clearweb and overlay network (ie. many countries try to block tor by blacklisting entry nodes and/or DPI of traffic)

    i think it may become an attractive option for real dissidents in the future though as they're kicked off more and more platforms and willing to deal with a greater degree of inconvenience to organise

    you dont even need cryptocurrency. cryptocurrency for what? it is 2020, were not on dialup anymore, most of us have connections in the hundreds of millions of megabits now.

    we ARE the fucking internet. what does anyone need a server for anymore besides dispensing HD video?
  20. Kev Space Nigga
    Originally posted by aldra

    das racis
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