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Posts by Kev

  1. Kev Space Nigga
    fuck off if you wont contribute, britfag.

    has anyone rolled with a cat before? whats it like petting an already amazingly soft creature like that while rolling? im reluctant to do it because first of all i dont wanna subject an innocent creature to my drug use, namely that i might give it excessive affection and i end up getting clawed from overstepping its personal space.
  2. Kev Space Nigga
    you wish you had an infinity cock which is why you hate him.
  3. Kev Space Nigga
    thats cute. except you fail as a programmer as evidenced by how easily i bypass your lamer script…

    also, ive had this user name since the mid 80s and it had its origin when i was in elementary school when i used to spray graffiti with an infinity grid pattern…which was before you were even born.

    and nobody likes you.

    and your heterosexuality is a myth.

    and youre a dumb nigger who is going to die a virgin.

    getting dick in your ass doesnt count. faggot.

    damn, i miscalculated your age by a few decades. i wasnt around in the 80s, i heard it was less gay but then im getting a lot of mixed messages about that era. the dress and hairstyles were ubergay, the music was repetitive and lame and the women looked like men, but at least werent men. at least there were no trigglypuffs but then i dont miss dialup.

    didnt know you were a tagger either. ever spraypainted an infinity cock on the principal's car? i only stuck a potato in the exhaust pipe of mine, the fucker survived.
  4. Kev Space Nigga
    rabbitweed quit being an easily triggered bitch, you are a native totsean and should have thicker skin than that.

    infinityshock really brings the inner trigglypuff out of a lot of you.
  5. Kev Space Nigga
    global warming? thats old news bro, now its just called "climate change"

    if its too warm out, humans are changing the weather!
    if its too cold out, humans are changing the weather!

    the globalists have figured out that they cant reliably predict the weather so the only way to keep the farce going is to abandon the direction of the doom and just call it "change" so their junk science can never be held accountable when it fails to prophesize the doom.
  6. Kev Space Nigga
    Originally posted by Bugz Yeah they're call neutron bombs but Reagan had suggested them but I think they got outlawed by the UN or something.

    Kills everything but everything still stands (buildings and shit.. no radiation)

    how big is a neutron bomb? is it something you can carry or no? how does it wipe out all life but doesnt damage buildings?
  7. Kev Space Nigga
    Originally posted by frala

    that skyglow...
  8. Kev Space Nigga
    Originally posted by stl1 California's 2017 GDP compared to other states and countries. The economy of California is the largest in the United States, boasting a $3.0 trillion gross state product as of 2018. As a sovereign nation (2018), California would rank as the world's fifth largest economy, ahead of India and behind Germany. Nov 4 2019

    Those numbers cant be right, the entire united states is only a notch above germany, let alone a single desert shithole state thats drowning in debt.
  9. Kev Space Nigga
    texas is steers and queers, california is queers and queers, they are both nigger-infested shitholes that offer nothing to the country as a whole. ironic how these are the most enthusiastic about leaving the union, kind of like poland and ukraine with regard to the USSR. they were the most useless parasite states who now bitch about not getting any free shit from the country they happily seceded from. the same will happen with our parasites.
  10. Kev Space Nigga
    Originally posted by netstat the maximum space you could lose is roughly equal to (slightly less than) cluster size multiplied by number of files on disk, actual space loss will on average be half that, so i would do the math and if it's too much overhead for your liking then just use the default, it's unlikely to harm anything

    im not worried about that part at all.

    what about the MFT size? a quick search said it would be 192MB default size with 4k but over 3GB with 64k. is that true?
  11. Kev Space Nigga
    Originally posted by netstat with a larger cluster size you'll have more 'wasted' space on the drive, since the filesystem will round up to the next multiple of the cluster size when storing a file with a size that's not an even multiple of cluster size, ie. the default cluster size on ntfs i believe is 4KB so if you have a 7KB file it will use 8KB on disk. with a 64KB cluster size it would use 64KB on disk to store the 7KB file. if you have a 200KB file it will be broken down into 50 4KB fragments on disk in the former case, and 4 64KB fragments with 256KB disk space used in the latter

    if you have a large disk and plan to store only large files then a 64KB cluster does make sense since it will reduce fragmentation and improve read/write performance with the cost being increased disk overhead

    wait so i will have more overhead? i dont plan on storing tiny files on it at all so the space loss is negligible but if i will lose several gigabytes in overhead then its making me reconsider changing the default.
  12. Kev Space Nigga
    yes, NTFS.
  13. Kev Space Nigga
    Originally posted by Solstice Texas seceeding would work as well as CHAZ did

    fuck them, let them secede, they are as useless as california.
  14. Kev Space Nigga
    Originally posted by Antifa Member I'm on the phone all day including right now.

    Everyone I work with is over 60 I think

    so you hear it all the time then? they must be all federalists who hate freedom!
  15. Kev Space Nigga
    I got a new storage drive for all my big shit, blu ray rips, episodes and so on. should i use 64k cluster size instead of 4? i am hoping to lessen fragmentation and have less overhead but others have told me this will only make the MFT 16 times bigger or something, so do i have more overhead or less?

    using NTFS.
  16. Kev Space Nigga
    Originally posted by Antifa Member Never heard anybody below 50 say that

    because youre a basement dweller
    and im 109 so meh
  17. Kev Space Nigga
    Originally posted by Grylls HAYYY

    that’s my quote from zoklet fuck u

    its actually mike tysons so fuck YOU
  18. Kev Space Nigga
    The only one i know filmed over decades was by a female journalist so its obviously a different documentary.

    cuba has more freedom than america by any measure anyway. punk ass american journalists bitch at castro because none of his people protest against him, "you hose and beat your people up when they protest your government, yet im the autocrat?" he jabbed back at her.

    in cuba you are only forbidden from criticizing the government. in america you are forbidden from criticizing....
    the coronahoax
    biden's fiddling sprees

    and a huge laundry list of other things.

    you shouldnt be concerned about your own freedom at all tho, the freedom for cubans to talk shit about their government and destabilize their country should be your top priority as well as your tax dollars.
  19. Kev Space Nigga
    when the queers learn to quit fucking steers they could do something with all the snow they dont know what to do with, like make a fucking snowman.

    i talked to one resident of that state, obviously a queer since he didnt look like a steer, he was SO SRS
  20. Kev Space Nigga
    Texas? just steers and queers there.
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