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Posts by Doyle Sauce

  1. Doyle Sauce Tuskegee Airman
    Originally posted by Kafka I'm gonna order popcorn chicken, garlic mayo dip and curly fries. I'm a zombie rn.

    I will trade you half a lobster bisque and a quarter row of Halloween cookies for some popcorn chicken
  2. Doyle Sauce Tuskegee Airman
    Get on the waiting list now fuys this is basically make your own gpt but without having to learn neutral networking and how to train large language networks and tensorfloe etc

    I haven't had much luck fucking with any of that stuff. But this I can understand

    If you like crypto I think this is based on the OASIS ROSE chain ??? Not sure how exactly but If I'm right that should be the token to buy if you wanted to "invest" in this project.

    I have a feeling they will lock down hard and charge up the ass after the beta so download all your stuff if you mess with this. An entire database of NIS user personality chat bots would be funny as fuck

    We could argue in SPACE As robots for all eternity. Can you imagine wariats personal AI chatbot?? Lmao
  3. Doyle Sauce Tuskegee Airman
    Originally posted by Jiggaboo_Johnson That's what THEY want you to believe.

    Yes THEY
    "THEY THEM" the communists aka the Canadians
  4. Doyle Sauce Tuskegee Airman
    The fact that he is still relevant in an "every day" conversation about someone far removed from his memory in any way says otherwise

    The legacy is the Bill Krozbyler lives on and unlike the esoteric uncoverings of TRIANGLISM only understood by either the highest IQ or most intoxicated his teachings and wisdom touched many people's lives deeply

    That is the markings of a true modern. Da Vinci man and ever since I met him I always looked up to his character even though I think we were basically the same age 1 month apart . Or he was older a few years, I can't remember
  5. Doyle Sauce Tuskegee Airman
    in school I would shoplift from the cafeteria they had like a thing with a food court kinda setup (there was even a subway but I only stole from them once)

    and you would order whatever your food and they give you a paper to scan to pay for it all cash or use a student card

    but I didnt have cash and didn't even have the cafeteria hooked up to my student card so I would just wait until it's busy, load up on whatever I could get and pretend to pay and go chill with my friends

    or bring a sandwich in a bag THE CLASSIC
  6. Doyle Sauce Tuskegee Airman
    Originally posted by CutterLegendaryNinja Interesting 3,4-Methylenedioxyphenylpropan-2-one is Mdp2p has the same name as your PMK glycidate I looked up the wiki and ther both the same.

    LOL YEAH shhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh don't tell any government agents!!!! I think they missed one

    i'm not too "hip with it" either for all I know there was a DEA crackdown on that stuff years ago, i dont keep up with the "Scene' but that was the last cool one I heard of. It's just a "legaL" analog of mdma precursor


    for all I know now it's ZMK-RIceidate which is actually a fluromethyl flange analog of PMK glycidate suspended in a ion exchange resin. ??? Or AQUABEADS 2 , I am not even sure I know where to look anymore to find the current "cool kid" chinese mass order precursor but you might have luck on reddit THE HIVE

    or BREAKING BAD FORUM I heard people there even buy/sell but its probably all a honeypot

    Originally posted by CutterLegendaryNinja What is PMK glycidate made from any contaminants, like lead?

    Basically you take SAFROLE aka sally the raw thing for making MDMA and you make MDp2p and then instead of making MDMA you just go JEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEERT and make PMK Glycidate instead and then you go JEEEEEEEEEEEEEERT to make that into something else

    with the idea being what you make can be easily converted/reversed by someone else hoping to use it to make drugs

    I think that's why methylone and "fake molly" was so big years ago was people were really into the idea of jeeeeerting their precursor NOW ITS LEGAL WUT NOW GOVERNMENT but they mostly fixed the laws so you don't see it much anymore NOW ALL YOU SEE IS MASS AMOUNTS OF MDMA COMING OUT FROM EVERY FUCKING PORE/PORT IN THE WORLD KEK
    (i know methylone isn't even made from saferole before anyone corrects me thinking they walter white)

    Originally posted by CutterLegendaryNinja Yes, its online but it is too expensive. its like 200 a pound for frikken tree bark.

    YEAH THAT'S WHAT I'M SAYING if you have acceess to the bark sell just that shit. There will ALWAYS Be someone willing to pay anything you charge. 200 a pound is too good of a deal, I would charge triple that just for a minimum order
  7. Doyle Sauce Tuskegee Airman
    It's not time based so you're family is wrong, hate to say it but I was waiting for someone to mention


    nah time is not part of the discussion and I bet anyone who says otherwise is the kind that has to have a discussion "what COUNTS as brunch" like bruh it's brunch when the fuck I say it is, fuck the rotation of the sun. WHen we going ALL NIGHT FOR MANY NIGHTS I very well could be making "lunch" at 2am.

    SHIT HAPPENS IT'S CALLED LIFE YOU GOTTA ADAPT you can go crying because "I didn't make lunch until 2am" like what????? maybe i'm the broken one maybe my inability to even discuss meals and times of when eat is on me, and not them. Or maybe society is insane
  8. Doyle Sauce Tuskegee Airman
    Originally posted by Sudo Kr0z told interesting and funny stories sometimes and had a warmth to him. Kafka is autistic, boring and cold. Not trying to rip on her but really now. Kr0z had a unique energy to him and was pathologically rapey. God have mercy on his soul

    I think Kafka tells very interesting stories that have all kinds of hidden humor. Bill Krozby was already a "character" and people hung on his every word. Kafka goes on all kinds of autistic wild adventures and just look at the audience go wild!;
    Originally posted by Haxxor I do love reading other peoples fake text messages to themselves this time of the year 🥰

    like what??? xD it just reminds me of Bill Krozby posting where he would be like "yup today I just had a brew and fucked a slampig" and posts some random youtube video


    just like when kafka posts anything but yes her stories and escapades are not as general appeal as Bill Krozby as he was a true everyman that would have 100% become president if given a chance
  9. Doyle Sauce Tuskegee Airman
    Originally posted by Instigator Im not planting a tree.

    I will

    Originally posted by Kafka I sent my ex gf something for her cat recently. It looked sick. You can shoplift for catfood though.

    yeah I used to shop lift cat food instead of tuna because they get less angry if ITS FO MY POOR LITTLE KITTY CAT :3c HE SO HUNGY

    Originally posted by the man who put it in my hood Canned Sloppy Joe mix, like Manwich, tastes exactly the same with cat food instead of ground beef, and you can get everything you need from the same place.

    The only thing you need to do different is use a lot of marjoram
  10. Doyle Sauce Tuskegee Airman
    Originally posted by Incessant Or you fast? Haha

    I apologize for my intolerance. Namaste brother of the light

    Originally posted by Ghost I only eat one meal per day, sometimes once every two days. Eating food takes a lot of time out of the day that could be spent better meditating on religion.

    It's a good way to keep thin, I have never weighed over 200lbs and it also teaches you to accept hunger and learn to suppress it which is an important survival skill.

    Let's take a look at the typical meals of a Buddhist monk

    Breakfast - Sweet potato, coconut with Lunumiris and desert watermelon
    Lunch - Rice, bread fruit, gotu kola, beans, red fish curry and a banana
    Dinner - yogurt and coffee

    The Trianglist diet is very similar and involves the use of nootropic superfoods like turmeric and fish oil.

  11. Doyle Sauce Tuskegee Airman
    Originally posted by Kafka My great uncle would eat one meal a day of vegetables he grew, he lived to his 90s. I don't get why people would want to do that though unless they're trying to lose weight, why don't you like food and how do you focus during the day or have enough energy?

    I bet he would say that's just as hungry as he got. I feel like that when i'm on THE DRUGS I will just eat a sandwich and chug coffee all day

    BUT ALSO A LOTOF DRUGS idk how anyone can raw dog life just no food no stimulants. I someetimes see people like that workplaces they just chill in the lunch room maybe eat a bag of chips NO WATER BOTTLE like bruh. I got a full DIDDY packed when Im at work

    Originally posted by the man who put it in my hood what do you like to have for work lunch?

    for tomorrow I got;

    Ritz cracker, goldfish crackers, chocolate cookies, a wagon wheel, nuts and M&M peanut recces, a rice krispy bar, pudding (vanilla), a granola bar, carrots, tomato with ranch and strawberry and a BIG slice of lasagna

  12. Doyle Sauce Tuskegee Airman
    Originally posted by vindicktive vinny why are you so weak that you couldnt handle regular food in the morning you had to take light foods..


    H ey don't look at me pal I made this thread TO REMIND MYSELF to eat breakfast so i'm not gonna comment on which one method/style is better than the other

    Originally posted by Haxxor Coffee I never eat breakfast.

    is my usual grind but i'm trying to be UNUSUAL

    Originally posted by vindicktive vinny and now your practically a shut-in with no jobs collecting government handouts theres no reason you cant make a proper meal as your first meal of the day.

    i actually got banned from welfare recentluy check da fred vin voothy

    The food I carried home today on my broken tired drug withdrawl bronees was probably twice your body weight , MORALLY SUPERIOR BEING. I could toss you like a ragdoll you tiny vin voothy asian lil man don't talk back to the white man
    the only reason we let you live is because we need cheap containers for storing our AGENT ORANGE
  13. Doyle Sauce Tuskegee Airman
    YEAH i got hooked up fat

    I finally put away the frozen, holy fuck I got a lot of stuffs
    Originally posted by Doyle Sauce Fuck they gave me soulvaki and all kinda of stuff there was some mystery meat the guy said one is chicken the other was..veal?? I grabbed 2 chicken 1 veal. I was gonna do sausage gnocchi for dinner
    Now I have no idea . I also got a lot of bread

    I grabbed a raisin bread bu accident maybe there's something I can do with that

    I ate an entire row of halloween cookies, eating oreos now. Holy fuck food bank saved my fat ass this month from running out of amphetamines like I did I have been sleeping/eating non stop for days

    THE SUGAR RUSH this is most awake and productive ive been in a week I NEED STIMULANTS THE COFFEE AINT CUTTING IT

  14. Doyle Sauce Tuskegee Airman
    yeah honestly fuck making drugs just sell the bark on a clearnet site ONLY ACCEPT CRYPTOCURRENCY once the amateur molly cooks start ordering 1000kg from you and clear your local habitat of every tree (charge them up the ass btw they will fucking pay anything) then you have $$$$$$$$$$ for very little work and can use the profit to simply buy MDMA or buy PROPER non ghetto stuff to make ityourself

    that's what I woud do if I lived in such a place (but im retrded) it's not illegal to sell BARK BARK BARK RUFF
  15. Doyle Sauce Tuskegee Airman
    Originally posted by CutterLegendaryNinja He said the drux was the most benign ever.

    I found the book on amazon for 1500$

    in case anyone wants to read along
  16. Doyle Sauce Tuskegee Airman
    Originally posted by CutterLegendaryNinja We have knoeledge of alchemy. What if i fix the oil first and just burb up the bark?

    if you can get BARK in any amount I would say about a PLANTATION worth like 100kg would yield maybe a few kilos of MDMA

    or like several giant sacks of GOOD oil rich bark per ounce

    but most people get like a pail full before they yeeted the dozen trees they have access to. You could likely get AN AMOUNT based on X trees . I Assumed the trick with that is YOU PLANT MORE TREES and do it like year after year and build a supply. The tree guys don't really have to buy/sell anything besides raw chemicals which they can likely easily pay for with progits

    if you have trees then FUCK YOU sel the barke on the clearnet lawl
  17. Doyle Sauce Tuskegee Airman
    Originally posted by cigreting shuv it up ur as fed

    2016 account, might be a copper that broke into this dudes shit but meh, this stuff is all public like I said multiple times for years now

    OUT DATED OLD INFORMATION i just happen to be one of the few people with a working knowledge of it all because im A HUGE NERD
    this stuff is so long forgotten about , police agencies aren't likely gonna wig out ******IF**** you get caught with 1KG OF GLICIDATE ANALOG

    but if you are ordering like 100kg of it per month to the same address where you also have a lab like LITERALLY EVERY LAB THAT HAS BEEN BUSTED IN NORTH AMERICA IN THE PAST 10 YEARS than rip GG thanks for letting the super labs who can diversify their schemes of obtaining chemicals take over the market CHA CHING CHA CHING they just print it like water and could give a fuck either way
  18. Doyle Sauce Tuskegee Airman
    You want to do a total synthesis of *LIL JOHN'S LEGAL CUM* i'm gonna assume you KNOW BASIC LEB BENCH CHEMISTRY

    Basically all you gotta do is find a place to get precursor, I heard on the streets it's not terrible hard in 2023 to find "cool" companies willing to send you 25kg of PMK-Glycidate mislabeled as "soap making ingredients"

    I couldn't tell you the names of any specific suppliers but I have stumbled on them enough to know it's not totally impossible. They are sus as fuck if you ask me but I mean it's not like your ordering 100kg OF PHENYL-2-PROPANE and 100kg of RED PHOSPHORUS , at the very most they would just suspect you're some huge fucking nerd

    or a terrorist if british, but that's actually less life ruining than you'd think or so I hear i.e you get caught with pills and a soda bottle in TEXAS you go to federal prison

    You get caught with a mid stage precursor of MDMA or some grey market shit - HE'S A BLOODY TERRORIST!!! *get results back* OH WELL IT SAYS HE'S A DRUGGIE ACTUALLY!!!

    unless of course you "do the deg" / live in australia then you can steam distill your own safrole from roots in the ground (I believe this is covered in TOTAL SYNTHESIS II)

    yeah that's about it, ordering precursor, making it SOMEHOW or ??? idk

    I've been studying MDMA precursors for over a decade and there has been next to nothing "new" discovered since the old GOOD SCENTS COOKEMUP zoklet flasks and beakers days. Mostly just better /greener less toxic ways to do current reactions with known established precursors

    Originally posted by the man who put it in my hood that's an old route and not a very good one

    Vanillin demethylation > Catechol > Methylenation > 1,3-benzodioxole > MDP2P

    the end is the real trick from 1,3-benzodioxole, but I think vanillin/eugenol can be skipped

    Originally posted by the man who put it in my hood Smuggling MDMA is fucking retarded because literally any country could set up their own domestic production. There are so many routes to it and it's so simple to make.

    There are plenty of unwatched sources of precursor to make mdp2p. The most popular being a perfume chemical called helional and PMK glycidate which is a legal analog of mdp2p

    This company is an obvious scam but it's not hard to find a supplier, and it's 100% legal to import. This is what the asians do they set up a fake perfume company and order 1000kg of helional and turn it into MDMA.

    The only advantage netherlands has is an established supply chain and production, there is nothing else that makes them special or better for producing MDMA than anywhere else in the world.

  19. Doyle Sauce Tuskegee Airman
    they added harvest moon to minecraft


  20. Doyle Sauce Tuskegee Airman
    Originally posted by Jiggaboo_Johnson You know you've given up in life when your shopping bag has "Tesco" on it.

    they banned bags here I had to carry home all that fod bank shit like a juggler
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