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Posts by Doyle Sauce

  1. Doyle Sauce Tuskegee Airman
    Originally posted by Kafka All rapists are dirt and I would like if you didn't compare me to one in future.

    Bill Krozby literally never raped anyone. As one of his few defenders (and one of yours) I say this AGAINST THE IRE OF ALL THE EVILS OF THIS FORUM although these sad saps will speak Ill of the dead they are only cursing themselves

    Never was charged with rape by a court in his life go ahead post all the public records FOR DOMESTIC BATTERY yeah gee wonder why he killed himself had nothing to do with people like Bradley B and his little corrupt gang of homos like fonaplats and RIPtotse200k gang stalking ya boy

    But that's a story for another time
  2. Doyle Sauce Tuskegee Airman
    Originally posted by frala I mean Bill Krozby was definitely somebody people loved to hate. When he died, I was like ok whatever fuck that guy.


    Originally posted by Jiggaboo_Johnson So Hilter was an "everyman" too then?

    Yes 👍 he was actually . I don't remember the Nazis as seizing power. Were they not voted in? By the people who wanted real change because they were sick of no jobs and the jobs they did get lead to life of the Rich getting richer off their backs

    All the wealth going to the banker class instead of the HARD WORKING GERMAN MAN

    Yes I would say Hitler was quite the every man in his appeals of nationalist socialism
    They were also against drug consumption and something something religion gambling
  3. Doyle Sauce Tuskegee Airman
    One.. drive?

    Oh I get it because I have like 14 drives and the 200 internet hosted drives for all my data over the past year and beyond

    I tried to log into onedrive to see if it had anything saved.. using my GOOGLE EMAIL 😂 oh man Microsoft ngmi

    They can't even send recovery email properly. Not a good sign
  4. Doyle Sauce Tuskegee Airman
    I could make my own faster than that

    And I have before , they turned out pretty good and was the first time I tried pickled onion, home grown onion too
  5. Doyle Sauce Tuskegee Airman
    perhaps a trade is in order

  6. Doyle Sauce Tuskegee Airman
    Alexa and Siri are really completely different beasts than large language models and i'm surprised people make that comparison so much

    Amazon actually does have a large language model and it's interesting they havent been offering much in the way of products or integrating it into their already existing schizo arcitecture like alexa

    I never understood Alexa or any of those consumer ones, didnt seem like real AI to me. Maybe kafka has a more LEFT brain like me and thats why we find the chat models so useful, i think it's interesting how most people dont find a use for it but others are like HOLY FRICk

    edit: I don't know much about Amazons setup but a 20b trained on customer data

    yeah i'm sorry but that is a shit setup compared to their compeition I HOPE THE LABS ARE COOKING UP SOMRTHING GOOD dont wanna see the worst store day 1 mentality biggest company get left behind in the tek dust
  7. Doyle Sauce Tuskegee Airman
    Originally posted by Speedy Parker Miami would probably double that for you to leave.

    They do like to waste tax money on firvolous gay shit like getting called snowflake online

    yeah okay groomer, trump lost, get over it
  8. Doyle Sauce Tuskegee Airman
    Basically if you want to find a cool company on Alibaba you find one willing to sell you a sample and have it "labelled as"

    It could be a Chinese honey pot , no way to know really but I seriously doubt they care about anyone making less than 1lb
  9. Doyle Sauce Tuskegee Airman
    Yeah I figure Alibaba probably clamped down on that years ago

    Im not sure how much their industrial scientific chemical market changed now that they are a much bigger core company if that means more/less security

    I would probably start from there though. There might be a new thing everyone uses/orders and it's usually not wideley publicized and changes every few years so you gotta keep up with it if you want to order the 1-allyl-benzene analog of safrole or whatever everyone uses in 2023

    And by everyone I mean the several hundred not thousands of people that order it. The market is small enough that the happy Asian sell you drug chemical factories know how to reach their most likely buyers

    I have never been able to find a reliable chink in all my years of looking which is why I skitzo DIY everything

    But yeah maybe Reddit or breaking bad' forum knows the hop hip chemicals. Idk if HELIONAL can be found easily I assume it's either dead/watched

    HELIONAL /. Gylcidate are probably black listed burned nobody uses terms anymore. There was another -3letter-gylcidate before PMK-GLYCIDATE was used , I can't remember what exactly and it wasn't around very long for various reasons.

    When in doubt just c
  10. Doyle Sauce Tuskegee Airman
    Originally posted by Jiggaboo_Johnson I can't imagine wasting my time talking to AI.

    …Aleksa turn the lights off.



    …"Ok I've ordered XXL double headded dildo from and request shipping in a transparent box so all your fucking neighbors can see it"

    Alexa is fuckin retarded thats for sure and yeah I don't really see the point in "talking to it" like Kafka does

    I treat it like a slave to do my retard tasks lmao

  11. Doyle Sauce Tuskegee Airman
    Originally posted by Jiggaboo_Johnson I sense massive health problems in your future.

    im looking forward to it
  12. Doyle Sauce Tuskegee Airman
    my stomach hurts and i'm crashing from sugar.

  13. Doyle Sauce Tuskegee Airman
    Originally posted by Jiggaboo_Johnson do you have to "prove" somehow you are needy


    If you go there they assume you aren't there because you have enough food so yes its walk in and leave with food
    But it's a lot of paperwork, you better be going there with papers and words, I had lots of both and used them before so I was easy
    they even said they would set up my GF seperate so we get double food basically like they are going around their own system, I just said yup okay sounds good to me

    they do have a problem with crack head tweekers going there and trying to return the food at the grocery store for $$$$ without a receipt BUT MY BABY MAMA ALLERGIC TO DAT SHIT GIMME A MANAGER RIGHT NOW!!!!! and I believe very minor THEFT lmao if you stealing from the food bank or taking WAY MORE than you are supppoed to than god damn, thats low bottom. The community keeps an eye on that shit though the grocery stores are the biggest donators of foods so OF COURSE THEY TALK TO EACH OTHER fucking crack heads need to be more clever

    HOW ABOUT COOKING THAT SHIT UP AND SELLING IT ON FACEBOOK INSTEAD I seeen some peeps doing that and I suspected it was food bank extras they had
  14. Doyle Sauce Tuskegee Airman
    Originally posted by Jiggaboo_Johnson When I first came to the US and was dirt poor we went to a Mrs Baird's bread outlet here in Houston that used to sell stuff close to or passed it's sell by date.

    They'd have bags of cake items, like zingers, powdered donuts, twinkies etc tied up for $3 each…you'd get a shit load in there too…It was kind of a surprise what you got in the bag as it was always random but a bag full of cakes for $3 kept me alive for quite a while.

    Yeah foodbanks are insane when you are down and out. I don't buy this much food myself when I do have money so it's like GOD DAMN

    THere was a nigga in the intake with me he has been in Canada 1 year and speaks PORTUGUESE not ESPANIOL, he just has his lady at home, no kids, his first time using a food bank. WELCOEM TO CANADA I don't know where the fug he's from but I hope he brought a big ass backpack, I fucked up and brought a small one.
  15. Doyle Sauce Tuskegee Airman
    Originally posted by Jiggaboo_Johnson How does the food bank work there? do you have to "prove" somehow you are needy or do you just walk in a say "gimme the scoff cunt"

    I honestly thought I was gonna walk away with some paperwork, I used this one years ago before covid so I don't remember the sign up process.

    There's no public assistance here for anything food related really, ,like food stamps or any of that WHAT DO YOU MEAN THEY PUT STAMPS ON THE GROCERIES AND SCAN THE STAMPS???? it's all church outreach here

    Gotta love those fucking christians . I always think about the food bank when I'm doing well i'm like "do those niggas need any of my shit" but I'm eating freezer burnt meat w/gravy packs so maybe its good I never donate to them BUT ONE DAY
    actually it's not even people/church per say but usually just corporate leftover shit that would be thrown out anyways. FUCK YES i will eat dented cans, expiried half melted ice cream, COOKIEES FROM HALLOWEEN

    when you're hungry you aren't picky. And all the bread you can walk away with there is basically infinite bread. I mean industrialized society at this point we're an export country I would certainly hope we have literal unlimited bread to spare at any time, and we do.
  16. Doyle Sauce Tuskegee Airman
    I smash my phone every few months so I go with cheap ones
  17. Doyle Sauce Tuskegee Airman
    Originally posted by Jiggaboo_Johnson All these suckers falling for that AI sheeeeeiiit.

    suckers how? It's a very simple tool, a computer program. Nothing more nothing less.

    Just like bitcoin. No, it's not "money" or a "investment" or a "seucrity"

    It's just numbers on a screen man , and math.

  18. Doyle Sauce Tuskegee Airman
    Yeah don't tell the government oh wait they have known for like 10 years & just gave up on the underground drug cook scene by that point as it was essentially dead and has only died more since then

    I half heardetly believe you can order 100kg of that and nobody would have a clue why you wanted it

    Thank the Wizards at ZOKLET and the HIVE we still building off their backs lmao maybe some day another method will be found and made public and accessible but nobody cares anymore about that kind of research
  19. Doyle Sauce Tuskegee Airman
    I like the version of that gif where the girl is sucking on her own Peter instead
  20. Doyle Sauce Tuskegee Airman
    I think my sugar rush is leveling off now or maybe that's just the weed.

    I can't remember when I had this much energy and I barely started eating and haven't even put half this food away. I think I'm gonna yeet the freezer burnt stuff and smoke more weed
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